(LONDON) — A coroner says Amy Winehouse died as the unintended consequence of drinking too much alcohol.
Coroner Suzanne Greenaway gave a verdict of "death by misadventure," saying the singer had voluntarily consumed alcohol and risked the consequences.
Personally I am sick and tired of the Lohans, the Winehouses, etc. They are, for the most part, overpaid prima donnas and think the world owes them a living. Wish everyone would quit watching Entertainment Tonight type shows and quit reading the Enquirer type rags and idolizing these idiots. My thoughts anyway!!!
I'm just glad she wasn't hittin' a doob....that would have killed her a lot faster. And there would have been dozens of police swarming all over that place, beating people up and trashing the place in search of more evil weed. Oh. That's right. My bad. Pot never killed anyone in history. Alcohol kills hundreds of thousands every year. But one is legal and the other is not. Too bad for Amy, huh?
I agree with Jack.
Imclain, I dont entirely disagree with you with alcohol vs pot. However this country that we all love is based on laws which were meant to be abided by and in this case pot is illegal. I realize that Alcohol has caused more family strife than pot and certainly attributes to many more deaths but the fact remains it is illegal. If the law is not appropriate lets change it not disobey it. In the case of Winehouse I would suggest that she has abused more than pot and alcohol.
but the fact remains it is illegal.
so was alcohol at one time but did that stop anyone? you can't legislate human behavior or morals.
that is how some of the super rich 'respectable' families got their money. making and distributing illegal alcohol.
heck, now i have forgot what the original topic was.
And they eventually legalized alchohol. Do the same with pot.
And they eventually legalized alchohol. Do the same with pot.
October 27, 2011 8:51 AM
Yes because of the crime that was associated with the illegal booze market.
Most didn't follow that law and they just created a dangerous society surrounding it.
Hmmm. Kinda like the pot situation now it seems.
Situation is about the same....bad guys making all the money. Not sure society needs another legalized substance but the jails are waaaaaayyyyy to filled with simple users. I grit my teeth everytime I watch tv and the cops find a pipe w residue and make a federal case out of it. For God's sake I used to make them dump out an ounce or less lol
9:00 AM
For whatever reason, people will continue using it if it's illegal or not. That's been proven over the years.
Some states have legalized it only to have the federal gubnut come down on them and impose federal law against the states' wishes and the residents thereof.
I happen to believe there are medical benefits to smoking/ingesting pot. Relief from pain, nausea, glaucoma, anxiety, insomnia and perhaps others.
If people are using it for those reasons I say let them. They are going to anyway. No one, no government, no war, nothing is going to stop them as long as it grows on this planet.
They spend billions trying to stop it, taking them to trial, housing them in jails and whatever else.
Some may disagree but I feel those resources could be better spent on more worthwhile causes.
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