Here's a genius idea... serve pot brownies at a funeral and don't label them as such. Apparently, munching down on the tainted treats was a favorite past time of the dearly departed's. So the brownies were served up in his honor! But after three unsuspecting seniors dug in, they had to be taken to the hospital complaining of nausea, dizziness, and the inability to walk without assistance. Luckily, all three are going to be okay.
LOL! OF COURSE they are going to be okay....marijuana made them "nauseous"? I can see "dizzy" and "euphoric", but "unable to walk"? LOL! Must have taken too much valium, Prozac, Xanax, or one of the other dozen or so meds they take every day. Being that NO ONE IN HISTORY has EVER died from marijuana (unless they got shot trying to smuggle it) they wasted a trip to the emergency room. Should have taken them home and tucked them into bed. But, there is now 3 more "statistics" the government can use to show how terribly dangerous marijuana is....oh my! Lions and tiger and bears...and pot!!!
Pot does not do any of that.
They were sick to begin with.
Being drugged without your knowledge is reprehensible. Many people have adverse reactions to pot. It won't kill you, but can create anxiety and paranoia in some which can easily account for these symptoms. I've got nothing against using marijuana, but you don't ever drug someone without their knowledge and acceptance.
11:16...."Many" people ???? LOL! "Many"??? Define "many"....what? like maybe 6 people? In the whole world? And WHAT "adverse" reactions? LOL! You mean coughing and hilarity? Or the munchies? ALL which are VERY VERY dangerous. And you've been listening to (and believing, apparently) all the propoganda being spoon fed to you by the government. Quite obviously, too. Marijuana does not produce "paranoia", unless by paranoia you mean "paranoid that you'll get 10-20 years in prison, or possibly shot, for taking a toke". Cocaine produces paranoia, but I'll let the government tell you what to think about THAT, too.
Hey 1:34 - I guess you think I don't have any experience using Marijuana. It does cause anxiety and paranoia in some people. The government didn't TELL ME crap - it's from personal experience of which I speak. You must be a "young" stoner, not someone who has a lifetime of experience with it.
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