This weekend, the board of directors of Ben & Jerry’s published a statement of solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, saying “The issues raised [by the protesters] are of fundamental importance to all of us,” and that they “support this call to action and are honored to join you in this call to take back our nation and democracy.”
With this statement, Ben & Jerry’s became the first large company to publicly step out in favor of the 99%. It’s not entirely surprising—the ice cream maker, which brings to mind tie-die t-shirts, The Band and older bearded men smoking weed, has been socially active since its inception in 1978, and has retained that as part of its image even after being bought by Unilever in 2000.
In their statement they said:
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Well thats easy I will no longer support Ben an Jerry
Boycott liberal ice cream!
I feel like this should make my boycott them but just seeing there name has me now craving some Ben & Jerry's. Damn you delicious liberals.
I dont get it. Youre all opposed to fair taxation? Youre all opposed to seeing this economy recover?
Some people you are.
@4:54...Fair taxation is when EVERY body is taxed at the same rate! No one is different from the next guy! And EVERY one should pay SOMETHING in taxes. The number of people who pay nothing at all is staggering! That's what is not fair! And NO.........I don't make a lot of money.
My dear daughter-in-law laughs every time she reads about US tax codes. She's from the Ukraine where EVERYBODY pays a flat tax. Nothing at all to file at the end of the year. Kinda makes you wonder how Hermain Caine figured his tax plan out.
Anyone who is surprised by this has been living on Mars. Ben & Jerry's is socialistic to the core, and always has been. Go to their web page and read their "Mission Statement." It includes anti-capitalism catchphrases, it talks about "the gap between the rich and the poor" and "those who have been denied" their riches and "economic justice." They also make it clear that they don't think the U.S. should be involved in defending itself with a military.
If you've waited until now to stop buying their ice cream then you've been supporting the anti-American ranting of Ben & Jerry's for too long already. But now, welcome to reality.
I just went and bought 4 containers of Ben and Jerry's in my support. My family even went to the extent to stop buying certain items from local companies because of the rich a**es that own them and have the beliefs they shouldn't have to pay the same taxes as anyone just because they are rich. They don't need my business anymore. As I find these companies, I will stop buying products from them also.
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