Syrup makers falsely passing off products as authentic maple syrup might soon find themselves in a very sticky situation.
Senators Patrick Leahy from Vermont and Susan Collins from Maine introduced legislation last week that would make the fraudulent sale of maple syrup a felony offense, the senators said in a statement.
“I have been alarmed by the growing number of individuals and businesses claiming to sell Vermont maple syrup when they are in fact selling an inferior product that is not maple syrup at all,” Leahy said.
I've been to several maple syrup operations in Vermont.That is a very labor intensive operation.I understand the concern expressed by those who process the real thing.I question however if they could keep up with the demand if the fake maple syrup companies ceased operations.Very few states can grow productive sugar maple trees.US population has actually doubled since the only product claiming to be real maple syrup came from the Vermont region only.
Our country is going to hell in a hand basket and the most important thing these morons have to do is legislate the sale of fake maple syrup. Give me a break.
This is a real concern... There's real maple syrup, and then there is "syrup" that you typically buy in stores that is made of high fructose corn syrup and other stuff that isn't maple syrup.
They don't care about the typical syrup, that doesn't say it is maple syrup right in the ingredients. They care about the fakes (aka counterfeit) that are saying it is real maple syrup when it isn't. Real maple syrup says "Ingredients: Maple syrup" Very simple.
Try it sometime. Real syrup (and not counterfeit real syrup) is a hundred times better than syrup.
who gives a rats ass about this? syrup is syrup. more time wasted in congress on stupity
LIke the song says, there's nothing like the real thing baby, nothing like the real thing. Pancakes without real maple syrup is like life without color.
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