IF the council violated Maryland’s Open Meeting Act by scheduling the meeting when they did (remember - IF) it is still Ireton’s responsibility under the charter to provide access to the City Attorney. He can’t claim that Wilber wasn’t available because Wilber had already agreed to the meeting. Ireton’s only legal response was to file a complaint with the state.
IF Mitchell’s explanation is true, it’s irrelevant. The Mayor cannot dictate the council’s schedule. Yet, Mitchell has the chutzpah to argue that the charter amendment attacks the city’s separation of powers.

Over the short and long terms this should save Salisbury taxpayers some money. While certainly not approaching the majority of legal costs, forcing the administration to confer with council BEFORE drafting legislation will save money. However, it is impossible to codify these savings – as Mitchell attempted with one of her superfluous amendments.
Was this handled perfectly? No. In theory, I would have preferred that more time was spent contemplating this measure. That said, the people screaming the loudest that this measure was “rushed” are some of the same people who complain the loudest that council spends too much time vetting legislation (namely Ireton, councilwoman Shanie Shields, and some of the area’s more poorly informed bloggers). This legislation has received plenty of press coverage. The legislation was thoughtfully drafted. While Shields fretted over some “gramical” sic errors, that’s hardly a reason to throw the baby out with bath water. Holding this legislation for one, two, or more meetings would probably not yield better legislation. The vote certainly would not have changed.
The bottom line seems to be that Ireton’s ego is bruised, Mitchell again proved that she’s not as clever as she wishes us to believe, and some folks are opposed simply because council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies support the measure.
Curiously, where was Mitchell’s outrage when Shields, Louise Smith, and Gary Comegys amended the charter at a SPECIAL daytime meeting for obvious political purposes? If Ireton and Mitchell are so offended by this measure, they have a mechanism to override it. I suggest that they both buy a few new pairs of shoes and start gathering signatures.
Mitchell is NOT an Ireton flunky.
She has stood against him on some issues. This is however an issue that boldly smacks in the face the citizens of Salisbury.
We don't like the rules so we will change them!
The power to make a charter change should be 4 out of 5. What is to stop them from dissolving the entire City or rearranging the City the way they see fit?
"With great power comes great responsibility" I am disappointed in Tim and Terry. I thought they were smarter than this.
Now we will get signatures and this will be forced to a public vote.
Oh BS 9:27 AM. You're full of sour grapes. I'm not at all disappointed in Tim, Terry & Debbie. They all did the right thing for the City and kudos to them for doing so. The other two flunkies on the council need to go.
How long was the current rule on the books before they decided it needed changing? Was this action done as a result of a feud with the mayor? What is the basis for the rule as originally written? Any answers or just "it's done and take my word for it, it's good."
The only consistant thing in life is change.
Ireton would not have been elected without the support of Cohen and Spies during the campaign, Campbell also supported him although she was not running for election during this round. I must say I have never witnessed such a swift and complete change in personality as I saw in Jim Ireton at the moment he took office; his betrayal of his support base makes his possible reelection a non-starter.
I expected so much more from Terry and I am incredibly disappointed in her. This is a naked power grab for no other reason than she wants to fire Paul Wilber and doesn't have the authority to do it. Her actions on this are deplorable.
The jury was still out on Mitchell in my mind as to whether or not she is an Ireton flunky until last night. Every point she made was oddly covered in Ireton's letter (read at the end of the meeting by Pick). Who was she getting text messages from and why? She should be more discrete if she's going to take her lead from others. It was really funny when she asked Wilber questions and then while he was answering she was looking down reading texts. While we can't see over the table, it isn't hard to figure out when someone is texting. Ireton flunky is now my conclusion.
10:24 Don't fire Mr Wilber until the wastewater issue is resolved as he is sorely needed now!
This is just the opening salvo in Terry's run for Mayor! We're waiting Terry! We are behind you all the way!
Didn't hear anything about firing.
Heard the council's been treated like a mushroom and it's way past time to stop that.
When I voted for Jim Ireton I thought we were going to see change. That's all I got left in my pocket, change. The man just put on a pair of pants and kept doing what Barrie Tilghman did, maybe worse. The dirty way he's done that council since the election, they're bigger people than me as I would have passed something to make him just a ribbon cutter since that all he's cut out to be.
That's why they're in and I'm not.
I voted for Ireton expressly to see Wilbur, Oland and Chambers held accountable for screwing over the taxpayer AND being grossly incompetent at their respective jobs. Ireton ended up KEEPING these people in their current taxpayer funded positions and actually SIDING with them. Typical liberal hypocrite, you will not get re-elected you lying scum. And as usual the only ones with a shred of intellect and integrity-Campbell, Cohen and Spies--shine through in there tireless efforts to do what is right for the city and taxpayers.
10:45, I don't think this was the "opening salve" for anything. A lot of us wish Terry Cohen would run for mayor but I just don't see that happening because she isn't a politician.
But I said OMG when I saw your comment because I'll bet you that that's exactly how Jim Ireton sees it!
Ireton has been just brutal to both Debbie and Terry and that could just be the reason! He must think one of them is going to run against him for mayor. That would explain a lot! No one else I know could figure out why he was so down on his friends of so many years. I thought it was just that he didn't always get his way because he is really immature. Fear of competition for the mayor's seat could be the real reason.
If Jim-Beau and his rapidly dwindling cohort (he still has Mitchell, however) do a referendum petition, it will provide a good guage of his chance for reelection.
My guess is that it is now slim to none.
Remember Gary used to get text messages a lot from Barrie. Mitchell just took Bubba's place, no loss there.
You really need a city before you can have a council.
This is just a large crossroads juncture. A lot of people in one place with no common direction.
Everyone wants to tell everyone else what to do, how to do and when to do it.
None of them are that important, except in their minds.
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