Davis Ruark was taken into police custody today by The Salisbury City Police Department on charges related to violating a protective peace order.
He was arrested at his home today around 3:50pm for allegedly violating a District Court peace order filed by a former girlfriend.
He had allegedly made contact via text and emails on Oct.2 and 3.
So very sad.
Wicomico county is becoming a freaking JOKE! Hes HOT!
was he carrying his side arm still?
was he drunk?
oh, that has been done before...
A whiskey glass & a women's A## will soon make a fool out of you! Wise advice from my Grandfather!
BTW, where's the arrest of the homocide MSP officer who illegally harassed this woman for Ruark? He should be in cuffs too. Don't cops have to follow the laws too???
i thought he was married. not that that seems to make a difference anymore....
HEY! I too thought Mr. He Man was married. I guess that dont mean anything anymore...So shameful.. Drunk driving hoeing ...Whats this town coming too??????Shame , shame no one but himself to blame!
Good!! No, GREAT!!! He's done a lot of harm to people and now it comes back full circle. Hope he can't make bail too. Put him in the middle of the pod and let him sleep in a "boat" on the floor. Bet he starts crying like the guy on Shawshank. Hope the Jim Henderson is his guard for the night and treats him with the same hospitality Ruark got Henderson off the hook for. This is major Karma!
with the amount of professionals, police, doctors, etc getting in trouble --it's a huge problem.
Most of these issues are alcohol and drug related
The guy obviously has problems
I don't see where he did anything wrong. The peace order states no contact which means phone calls, going within sight of the protected person, her residence or place of employment.
Texts and faxes and emails I don't think can be considered contact.
his wife filed for divorce last year.
what person hasn't been in this position before. I doubt any of us are in a position to throw stones. And 6:09, "I guess that dont" ??? Another eastern Shore english major I see. What's next, "I ain't got no neither none" ??
Glad he had to walk the "PerP walk". Loved seeing him in cuffs. He did this to so many and took great pride in embarassing others. He should have been in jail. He's lucky this is the first time. Give him jail time. hahahaha! This is just too funny. What goes around, comes around!
6:23 ---- no contact means no contact in any way shape or form and that DOES include any form of electronic communication.
6:30 Go teach English at the local HS in your free time. Ruark deserves everything that comes his way on this post.
I think it sucks that the media-including this blog-protects the woman by not giving her name out but blasts Davis Ruark in every way possible. There's a big possibility that she played a role in whatever events occurred as well but she is being painted as 100% pure(did she not know he was married when their relationship started?)I bet if the MAN was filing a protective order the media would not be so quick to hide his name from the public.
Anonymous said...
BTW, where's the arrest of the homocide MSP officer who illegally harassed this woman for Ruark? He should be in cuffs too. Don't cops have to follow the laws too???
October 6, 2011 5:56 PM
What makes you think the trooper harassed that Bimbo? I will have you know that Bimbo is a Holster Sniffer from way back. I am confident she harassed the trooper.
My guess it that everyone on here bashing Ruark had to go against him in court. You are bashing him because he did his job prosecuting you after you committed a crime.
7:39 you are wrong. Davis is a friend of mine but will not listen to a damn soul. His ego is so big that he has started to hit bottom. My concern is how long will it take and when will he get the professional help he needs. Davis is abusing substances whether alcohol or something more. His irrational behavior is disgusting and pitiful. Please Davis get the help you need.
And who is the holster sniffing bimbo you are talking about on here? Why can't we know who she is?
Her name is on the judicial page. check it out.
I am not holding her name back in comments, so every one knows.
I just went on the judicial page and saw who the "holster sniffing bimbo" is. She certainly does have a reputation, and not good one.
Anonymous said...
And who is the holster sniffing bimbo you are talking about on here? Why can't we know who she is?
October 6, 2011 8:45 PM
She works at Anchorage Nursing Home by the old Daily Times building. She used to work for the Fruitland PD and Dr. Bartkovich's Office.
Case Number:0203SP007332011Case Status:ACTIVE
Case Type:PEACE ORDEROrder Valid Thru:10/13/2011
Filing Date:09/16/2011
Defendant Name:RUARK, DAVIS R
Hearing Date: 09/16/2011Hearing Time:2:2 PMRoom:X2
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Served Date: 09/16/2011
Hearing Type: TEMPORARY
Hearing Date: 09/19/2011Hearing Time:3:45 PMRoom:X2
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Served Date: 09/20/2011
Hearing Date: 09/21/2011Hearing Time:9:0 AM
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Hearing Date: 10/13/2011Hearing Time:9:0 AM
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Hearing Type: FINAL
I can't seem to find the case number. I tried looking by date and party type since going just by his name would take a year. If anyone could post the cast number I would appreciate it. Thanks!
Complaintant is not listed on the Judicial website.
Wonder if it was Betty.
It's on the judicial website. Look up Davis Ruark, narrow it down to Wicomico county and defendant.
oh, so you can't text & e-mail now?
Anchorage? That is the bowels of the local nursing home community. She must be a real winner.
Let's get this straight. First off, if a protective order is needed, obviously there is a danger factor involved. And then the person violates the order, which in fact includes any type of communication, electronic or verbal. And THEN the person that violated the order is now considered the victim? You are all sick people if that is how you think. And as far as her reputation, who are you to judge when I'm sure each of you have done far worse in your lives. And really, bringing her job into it, if all you have to do during your day is read gossip, obviously your jobs are going REAL well. This town is rediculous. Its called a life. Get one of your own and stay out of everyone else's. There's a reason why ruark was arrested, just remember that. Usually, the victims are on the other side of the bars.
As mentioned in another comment, anyone can pickup someone else's cell phone and send a text from that and anyone can use someone else's computer /black berry to send an email from that phone to someone...does not always have to be the owner of the phone/computer. Just saying.
nice try. It is what is it. He broke the law. No self control. It is typical to blame the victim when it comes to an ivy league family. The vail is off though and its just the beginning. These men can't get it in their minds, we don't care what your status and your wallet is/was, we are not your puppets. I don't care if she scrubs floors for a living, she deserves the god given self respect that any human being deserves. Just because you are born with a silver spoon does not remove you from the law.
to all of you people that are bashing davis ruark,everyone needs to stay out of his business,if you don't know the story or the truth,keep your nose out of it, i have known him for a very long time, he is a very caring person, i don't think there was but one perfect person in this world and that was god, we all make mistakes, i don't think there such be any such things, people abuse them, they are given to freely,girls abuse them, when there is no need of them, i am a firm believer of karma and it is gonna back fire on her,what kind of person is she to run a married man, a hoe in my oppinion, we r not the ones to judge. davis keep your head up, you are a amazing man.
@ October 10th, 3:55 PM.
Sounds pretty hypocritical since you are married and posting all those things on his facebook, right SHERRY SINGLETON? Takes a hoe to know one :)
All of this has been expunged. Let it go. It's over
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