On Sept. 17, 2011 around 8:03pm a theft occurred at 745 South Division St. Salisbury, MD 21804. The thief in the pictures provided stole a Gadsden "Dont Tread On Me" flag. The flag was well secured before the theft. The thief is between age 20-25, 130-150lbs, Caucasian, Brown Hair. The value of the item is not the issue, but the brazenness to steal the item. If you have any information on the theft or know the identity of the Thief, please call Salisbury Police Department, (410) 548-3165.
drunk stupid college punk.
Possible punchlines:
1. I guess he was treading?
2. He stands for freedom by stealing!
3. He was obviously in need of a new shirt!
Typical to blame it on the college because we know how upstanding our local youth are. SU student typically don't dress like a wannabe gangbanger.
I am sure he can be identified by his underwear, although I am thankful his ass crack isn't showing.
Put his picture up at the college, he will be quickly identified. What say you Janet. One of your kids gone wrong again.
Put the pic on Facebook
I allege a college student because that area is full of them.
He, the boy, was drinking because he threw the empty can on the property while he was eying up the snake flag. Why is it when kids leave home to become adult students they turn into spoiled, uneducated, thieves and distruction of other peoples properties.
We need to send them back home until they can act like human adults. I have three sons and neither ever acted like these unruley students.
where's the PROOF he was a "college kid"?
It must be a college kid because some "redneck" or "townie" says it is. Without the proof it's just stereo typing. I can't stand all the economic benefit that college brings to the area anyways.
I live on Camden, and the street was full of college kids this past Friday night. The police were nearby and broke up a party at a notorious "college house." A street sign was also pulled up (later recovered by a resident). So, yes, this looks like a college prank, though there is no "proof" until and unless the young man is identified. That shouldn't be difficut given this picture.
Pictures being turned over to campus police...they know who the trouble makers are and will have him arrested.
Stealing is stealing one cent or a million dollars. Still a thief!
Someone got treaded on
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