Hi Delmar citizens, my name is Nicole McGuire and I want to be the mayor of Delmar, MD. I am sure you all know that I filed for commissioner in the last election and withdrew my name. I was at the time lead to believe it would be beneficial for the election, by the powers that be or were at that time.
I think I would be a fresh breathe of air to the political machine in Delmar, MD.
The position I currently hold does not allow discussion. When I was hired documents had to signed as to the privacy of the company itself. However, I have lived in the area five years and have worked for this company over three of the five years. So there is no question on my "stay the course" attitude.
I am a Mom of two, one in Delmar Elementary and a Freshman in Wicomico High School.
The thing that I want to see more than anything else, is the forward momentum of the town of Delmar. It is my sincere hope that as mayor, I could aid the town in future improvements without hindering the delicious small town appeal that so many of us recognize as Delmar.

On the other hand, here's her husband/boyfriend Tom McGuire. Now Tom is the guy that called WalMart Corporate and told them he had just seen me ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Sam's Club. He claimed that when an interracial couple walked out the door, Joe called them a N-Word Loving Whore.
Tom went on to brag about his doing this and then pounded his chest after WalMart asked that I be removed from ringing the bell there. Of course, this plummeted the income for the Salvation Army and now Tom wants to be your next Town Commissioner.
Here's a reminder to ALL of you about the McGuire clan.
"Joe , hi this is Nicole toms wife . I'm sorry if you took offense to my comment on Brooke mumford ,I don't apologize for it just that you were offended by it . The sad fact is she is going to die period . When is not for me to say that is gods hand or destiny ."
The big question is, does Delmar really want such unstable people running their local government?
The decision, (of course) lies in the hands of the voters. However, IF the McGuire's think this is the only post we'll be doing throughout their ridiculous campaign they'd be sadly mistaken. This is just the beginning.
Don't you ever say you have not been warned. In a conversation I had yesterday about the McGuire's I kind of chuckled and said, well, if they were to win, think of all the fun I'd have over the next 4 years.
nikki is cute, lets not judge her based on Toms actions. But feel free to judge her on her brooke mumford comments, those are just ignorant.
Dont think Brendel aint comin for ya.
Nikki is cute? Geez, what do the women look like in your neighborhood? Besides that, they only want to cheat the town and it will become worse if they get any power. I heard he hid debris under his yard debris from Irene so Public Works would pick up all of it and not charge him. He wants what he can get for free. He doesn't care about the town.
These two are just to stupid to be crazy. Degenerate bottom feeders.
1:21 PM
Boy do I agree with you! When I looked at that picture of her, I thought it was Linda Blair from the exorcist.
Scary. What's even more scary is if any of those people get any power in that little town.
When you cross the border it would be like entering the twilight zone.
Keep them out of Salisbury too. We have enough problems without them adding to them.
Were going to need some NO McGuire signs.
Brooke is doing great! :P at you Nicole!
Yes, someone has to spread the work about these stupid people. Have mercy, he can't even control his own children. Let me tell you, they DON'T go to Wi-Hi by choice. Apparently, they have a discipline problem on their hands.
That is true 1:21. I am a neighbor of his and after the storm he shoved his crap out in the middle of Chestnut St. so people had to go around it. I guess he did it so they would come get it for free. If he was all about Delmar. he would have been our trying to help his neighbors instead of making it hard on everyone else.
O.M.G. People the tell-tale sign is the "FACT" she says she as a so-called job that she can't speak about????? WAKE UP...unless she is a spy or c.i.a. and if she was why run for office anywhere....smells fishy to me..
People of Delmar:
I am not a resident of Delmar, although my daughter and family are.
I do not know Ms. McGuire, though the picture that Joe has posted does not look too "mayoral."
I would urge you to support Carl Anderton. Presently one of your town commissioners, he is running for mayor. I do not think that you'll find anything negative to post about him. Please give him your vote.
Wow....I live in Delmar and I never knew there was a company that was so secret, we aren't even allowed to know their name. Does that mean if their name is revealed, you get killed or just "disappear"? Is is it just a delusional sense of grandeur? Who would say such things about a child? And what effect did she think it would have on the parents? Thats something thats very hard to forget....
You know what they say down in West Virginia. The further apart the eyes are and the bigger the forehead, the more....
She works for Harvard, or Safron I think it is now, in Salisbury by the Civic Center.
2:41pm I thought they were "bounty hunters."
If the citizens of Delmar, Maryland vote either one of these two into office, they deserve what they get.
I do think this could cause a mass exodus of Delmar if this should happen.
We all know that people in Delmar don't vote! Voter turnout is downright embarrasing!
Spread the word, go vote and get your neighbors to vote too!
Keep these two OFF the political board of Delmar, MD, period!
I do not live in Delmar but I used to. Therefore, I still have a great amount of interest in the town.
If she is not allowed to discuss the company she works for why is it on her Facebook page? Labinal, part of the Safran Group.
No, that is not their full time job. He claims to be a "stay at home Dad". Of course, there is no one to stay home with right now because both kids are in school. She works at Harvard. Not sure if she still works the night shift, but that's what he claimed when he tried to justify his weird nighttime behavior. Of course, I don't know how she fins the time to do that when she is an admitted swinger.
Joe, you run for Mayor and beat her a$$. I bet you would win easy.
Who is running against Tom and his wife?
an admitted swinger? geez, she looks like sin dipped in misery! swingers lmao! Always had my suspicions on delmar, this just re-enforces what I thought all along!
3:19. Delmar doesn't want them either. The are trouble and everyone knows it. So please, don't drag us all into that category. So far, Pam Schell, Tom McGuire and Tom Luffman have all announced their candidacy. Nicole is the only one who, I believe has issued any formal type of announcment for running for Mayor. I did hear that Carl Anderton was running, but I haven't seen anything formal yet.
By all means, PLEASE, tell everyone you know to register and vote.
Cute, Hell! She'd make a freight train take a dirt road.
Well, from what I hear Nikki has never been to a council meeting, so how the hell will she know how to run one? And Pam Schell, while nice enough, has been to maybe a handful. Also, from what I hear, Pam and McGuire are pretty tight. That really doesn't say much for her. Of those who have apparently already announced, I think Mr. Luffman is by far the best candidate. He has a true interest in the community. What has Tom, or Nikki for that matter, ever done to serve the community?
Problem is, 4:07, that as of right now, there are three candidates vying for two spots. If votes don't come out in droves for this election, there is a very strong possibility that McGuire can get on. Be afraid, Delmar. Do what you have to do to make sure that crazy weirdo who wants to milk society for all it's worth DOES NOT GET ELECTED!!!
After reading this post, I feel compelled to enter the elections for Town Commissioner.
Who of you think this crazy chick is cute??? Oh my get some glasses... She is freak..
I'm getting up in age and I hate to puke. Please don't show that picture again.
If she said that about my sick child, I would tear her eyes out.
I think that a great idea about the "NO MCGUIRE'S" signs! Can we work on something like that, Joe!
Tom McGuire- he's the jerk who complained at the city council meeting that the fire trucks made too much noise while escorting the Delmar footbal team back into town. After the next playoff game, DFD Chief Joe Morris, Jr. "emptied the house"- 11 fire pieces on the road, with lights and sirens blazing, and they all drove right by his house, along with about 200 parents and supporters in their personal cars, horns blowing! Was the best parade I've ever seen in Delmar!
When I first saw this pic, I thought it was some teenager waiting to see the principal because she had done something bad. What is up with that outfit?
"The position I currently hold does not allow discussion. When I was hired documents had to signed as to the privacy of the company itself."
I read this then looked at the top picture and between "The Pose", the boots and the leather jacket, the only thing I can think of is I bet she "works" at one of the fleabag motels along Rt 13. So sorry if I offended anyone but that picture of her trying to come across as sexy is a riot!
I agree 4:35, then I look at the first picture and consider the source. She is tacky, crass and vulgar.
Where did "That Picture" come from? I can't imagine anyone in their right mind not deleting it immediately after seeing it, much less posting it somewhere publically.
who is exploiting that Downs Syndrome girl
dressing he like that and posting her picture on the internet
Looks really don't have a bearing on whether a person can lead. This was a picture taken on her own time and posted on a personal blog. I would hope she doesn't campaign looking like that thoug as first impressions are lasting ones. I am disturbed over her stance regarding an ill child. I am also disturbed over her choice of favorite pasttimes. If she cannot commit to the institution of a monogamous marriage, can she commit to an entire community? In addition, the woman obviously cannot write an intelligent paragraph. Leaders should be able to at least express themselves somewhat intelligently. This is obviously not the right choice for Delmar.
He used to link his hideous blog to Delmar Little League's Facebbook page. They kept removing and he kept linking. It would lead to a posts about child molesters and stuff kids shouldn't read. I was going to complain, but somehow they got rid of him for good.
"Delicious"! Sounds like she is describing her late nite trysts, not a community.
5;02. TRUTH- she worked the Thrift Travel Inn.
Good looking thats is your opinion Anon 1:17 she looks like a tasteless tramp dressed in Gothic Black I would never vote for anyone looking like this. He looks like he is a french fry short of of happy meal and so does she. Dang maybe I should run I might have a chance. I think Joe should run I would vote for him at least he has common sense something these two know nothing about
These people are swingers? really? I'm surprised they don't live on the west side of Salisbury with the rest of them...lol
I'm getting up in age, too. Please keep posting that pic. It's cheaper that a trip to the Bunny Ranch and safer than a trip to the thrift inn!
Now, now. You people are just being way too mean. She doesn't look that bad in that pic. It's just the camera angle that makes her look like a demon.
Why, I bet she would be the belle of any ball. She has an inner beauty that shines through. Just look at her with an open mind and you will see what I mean.
I'm sure she has feelings too. If she is reading this she is probably devastated. She may even be too embarrassed to go out in public.
Give her a chance. She may be just what Delmar needs. I'm sure she has everyone's best interests at heart.
If she had everyone's best interests at heart, she would have taken that interest long before now. She does NOTHING to help the citizens now. Zip, zero, nada. She has her own agenda, trust me.
in a pig's eye!
Give her a chance.
Heck no.
Hillbillies is NOT what Delmar need.
Oink! Oink!
Yeah you're right 7:10. We need to be nice, after all swingers have feelings too.
That pic reminds me of Elvira on Tales From The Darkside.
Hey Tom, is that a tie around your neck or your wifes tampon?
The picture reminds me of some of guests on the Jerry Springer show, Someone.
Oops I keep on forgetting, swingers have feeling too! Sorry!
OMG 8:05, You just cracked me up! Still laughing out loud-literally!
Anon 4:54-
I was one of the probably 200 vehicles who followed our Wildcat football team around town that night. I made sure I laid on the horn when we passed his street. He had nerve enough to stand out at the end of his street waving as we went by. All of this after he had complained about us after previous games. I cant wait to do it again!
To everyone who wonders what they have done for our town, I will tell you one thing. They showed up on my street painting the curbs school bus yellow to match their house.
I think everyone in Delmar should vote.....AGAINST both of these morons!
Delmar vote now thats hilarious
I think maybe that voting isnt to get the best person in, but to keep the trash out. What a novel concept. You hurt the place that I live and my kids and grand babies will live and grow in and I be mad, good thing that I have developed some self control over the decades.
That's who i'm voting for :)
Only two words comes to mind, "white trash."
This woman is sick in the head.
I just realized something. I have held my job for 9 years now. So I will be putting in my run for President in 2012.
Is she still advertising herself on those porn sites for threesomes?
Look like a Satanic witch & an overgrown Elmer Fudd
No offense to anyone living there but, why would anyone want to be mayor, or town council for that matter?
You would have to listen to everyone whining, complaining, bitching, sucking up etc et al.
It can't be the money so it must be the power and prestige.
And that can't be a lot from a small town like Delmar.
Public spirit? Bragging rights? Get to mess with other citizens in the town?
All of the above? None of the above? What is it?
Why does it matter why 3:39? The point is that someone has to. Why would you want to be on the council anywhere? Some people have their own agendas or see it as power. Others see it as a way of giving more to the community. "Doing", instead of sitting back complaining about the others that "do".
My daughter is on the Delmar Town Council. She stepped up to the plate to fill a vacancy. She certainly did not do it for the prestige. (As 3:39 points out, how much "prestige" can there be?). She wanted to make a difference in the town that she calls home. 8:24, I like your comment. It pretty well sums up why she and the other Council members are serving.
I really hope that anyone who reads this and is inspired to run has attended some meetings and at least know issues that Delmar is dealing with. Otherwise, it makes me think you are running for the wrong reasons. McGuire does have 2 opponents in Pam Schell and Bunky Luffman. Check them out and see if they offer the town anything better. I also heard incumbent James Henderson may yet file. The goal should be to get the best people to serve, not muddy up the waters so bad it because an anti-McGuire popularity contest.
Her grammar and spelling should be enough to not vote for her. It isn't necessary to pick at these things. However, this woman wrote a "formal" letter to announce her desire for a leadership position. I know Delmar is a tiny town, but they should still expect intelligence in their leadership.
Anon 3:06
You obviously have NO clue of the requirements of running for this office.
The candidate MUST live within the Delmar town limits!
Joe does not, unfortunately!
Why does it matter why 3:39? September 7, 2011 8:24 AM
You don't care why someone would want to have power over you?
I think it would matter very much. Your post smells bad. Attitudes like yours is why you get the politicians you get.
No wonder you have less than desirable candidates. They are inline with the populace.
I apologize that you missed me point 3:39. The question was "why would anyone want to be mayor, or town council for that matter?". My answer was that for most, it is to try to make the community we live in better. The money is next to nothing (as compared to other townships). Prestige? Only the people who attend the meetings probably know who any of the council members are. They don't get "freebies". Power? Power to do what exactly? Mess with citizens? As in? Either way, to serve is to open youself up to criticism and whiney crybabies who think they world should revolve around them. So, will hopefully get people who WANT to help their communities. OR, you get the whiney crybabies who think that by getting on the council they will get the special treatment they feel they deserve (i.e. The McGuires). That is why I suggest that you take a look at what they are currently involved in. What do they do NOW, without being a council member, to better their community? In my eyes, that is how you know if it is "just a paycheck" they are looking for.
The McGuires do indeed feel entitled. They got a new rood, courtesy of some sort of program they had to apply for. They even took the leftover materials from their roof job to the recycling center and made money for themselves, yet they tried to get out of paying a small fee that they owed for the job. They complain about neighbors, yet they were pissed off that someone had the gall to report them for a junky back yard. They blog about vehicles being parked against the flow of traffic, yet go by their house and any given time and you may see one of their vehicles parked against the flow. They feel that the public works employees are their personal servants and apparently even go to the extreme of hiding their own rubbish under yard debris to have it hauled away for free. THESE are the people that want to get a position of power to ensure themselves that they will get what they feel they should. THESE are the leaches of the community, constantly asking what is in it for them instead of asking what they can do for anyone else. Yeah, they painted some curbs before the last election but as far as I know they haven't done anything since. THESE are the people who didn't care if little Brooke lived or died and then back peddled and said they would do what they could to help the young cancer patients in Delmar. Delmar HAS seen its share of tragedy and I would be almost willing to bet that he has NEVER offered a dime or even a token of kindness for any of the families. So think about THAT Delmar.
Does she have a Facebook?
Joe please keep posting this....we need to keep those 2 out of office in our town....and thank you for reminding ppl of this...i for one am a registered voter and i will show up, by hook or crook even if i have to crawl....please dont let ppl forget...thank you for doing this.
It has been rumored that a great candidate has entered the race as of yesterday. If it is true, he, Bunky and Mr. Anderton will do great things for the town. I hope it is true.
She worked at Wendy's
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