DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
God Bless America?
All too often we see and read about how the United States fronts billions of dollars over time to other countries for foreign aid. We hear about the homeless right here in America. Every so often we hear about those "Tent Cities" popping up around the country but it stops and is forgotten by the MSM because it isn't what our politicians want Americans to see.
The images you are seeing above were taken TODAY right here in Salisbury. I'll not disclose the location as I do not want them being confronted by the Mayor or the Police. The vast amount of people living in this Tent City do have permission from the property owner to be there.
The American Dream has been long forgotten once you follow the path and take the time to sit down with these kind people. Down on their luck is putting it mildly. When I asked what kind of work each individual did, some came back saying they were painters and in the construction field in general. One of the people I spoke with stated he had to pop up a tent after he lost his job at Allen Food.
One of the residents has been living back there for more than a year now. Others have been there for a month or so. The victims aren't just men, they are women as well. I was told a Preacher visits this Tent City once a week on Saturday's. It truly seemed to be one of the highlights of our conversation.
When asked, if there was a message you wanted others to hear about, what would it be. The reply, "Hang In There." I won't sit here and try to impress upon our readers that these are fine and upstanding citizens, yet I also won't try to imply that they aren't. I'm sure some of this involves alcohol and drugs. However, many are simply down on their luck and cannot survive in this economy.
These images truly represent what millions of Americans could be facing being that one paycheck away from survival. Today we're hearing about the stock market taking yet another major beating. For weeks we have been reading about President Obama preparing a speech about his plan for new jobs in America.
However, for ME, he started that speech when he was running for President. He talked about stimulating those out of work by rebuilding our infrastructure and roads, it failed! America has intense issues on our hands but again the MSM doesn't make issues like this one important because they want YOU to believe we're just fine. Keep shopping, eating out, buying cars, you name it. However, reality in most cases is just one paycheck away in what I feel is the worst economy this country has ever seen.
So what do we do from here. How do we reunite the lost America we were raised to know and love. Let me go one step further, because I think this is more important. What do we do RIGHT NOW to help those of which our Mayor doesn't want you to know or see. You see Folks, there are Tent Cities all across Salisbury and Wicomico County. Most of the time these people are on private property and are forced to pack their belonging, (if they're lucky enough to actually be there when the law shows up to send them packing) and many have lost what little they had left behind.
I have been told by law enforcement that their belongings are stored at the police department but how do these people get there to collect their things. How can they prove what is theirs. Salisbury and Wicomico County doesn't have the proper shelters so they treat, (with all due respect) the homeless like prostitutes by pushing them away in the hopes they'll follow the train tracks and eventually go away. It should be noted, (with all due respect) that there are several fine shelters locally that do a very fine job.
Perhaps the Faith driven community is unaware of just how large of a problem Wicomico County is facing. Here's what I can tell you. I doubt very seriously that the majority of you reading this article wouldn't have the stones enough just to take that journey deep into the woods with the unknown that lies ahead to see for yourselves just what's going on out there. Clearly the MSM hasn't done so. That's cool. However, I have done so and what I can tell you is that I was very pleased to meet these people and my hope is that we can, (in whatever shape or form) help the less unfortunate.
You sit back and think about it for a few minutes. Just how far away are you from losing your home if you lost your job tomorrow. Folks, we're that close to either depending on our families for help and support and or pulling out a tent that probably has cob webs on it because we used it back in the day to go camping with the kids, never thinking this could be your next residence.
Wake Up America, this is very real.
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they got room for anymore?
Roger!! Damn it man...
a few years ago, someone was actually blogging about their experience living in a tent area like this in Salisbury.
So sad.
Well that's just sad and tragic. These could be the same people that the city of Salisbury and it's residents were so down on for sleeping under bridges.
And some of you holier than thou citizens could be next.
People are dumped on for being homeless, dumped on if they seek help through welfare, and are invisible to most people.
They don't want to see them and think if they ignore them they won't exist.
Most of us are just a single paycheck away from being in their shoes.
And I bet these people would be friendlier that what they have received from the upstanding public.
Scary thought isn't it?
No way, I go walk in the bank(s) first.
This is a reality in America today. Most people think this can only happen to other people. Many of these people thought that once too. If tomorrow you were unable to pay your rent or mortgage you would be on your way to homelessness. Jobs are being lost daily. By the statistics there are 400,000 lost every month. Not enough jobs are created to keep those currently working on the payroll, let alone those coming of age to work. Thousands a day nationwide. Regulation and taxation are ripping this nation apart while politicians line their own pockets. Look around at the protests turned riots in other nations. Soon it will be going on here. But on Thursday Obama will save us all.
check any sales job. most are hiring. car sales, insurance sales, etc... theyve been hiring for a while now. if they dont want to do the work thats out there, that is certainly their choice.
To anon 2:09 pm...
May I point out to you that once your homeless you are pretty much stuck there...
Here's how...
Most places that offer jobs need you to have a residents, permanent at that... they won't look at you or talk to you if you do not have a permanent address... If someone who needs a job can't get a job because he has no place to live, then how can he pay to live somewhere, when he can't get a job...
I know this first hand, because when I used to manage a restaurant, I would tell the less fortunate to still apply, I will see what I can do... I then would take the application to one of the higher up managers...
They state "we can't hire someone without a permanent address"...
I ask, how will they get a job to pay for a permanent address, if no one will give them a chance...
Their response " nothing I can do" "Its the rules"...
So basically it is a cycle, that is hard to come out of...
First of all its not the presidents job to create jobs...thats what the private sector is for. One of the biggest problems this country has is we have forgotten to do for ourselves and expect the government to do it for us. Yes its sad that we have tent cities in this area.The main reason for the big loss of jobs here is there isnt anything here for people to do. If you dont work for the state,a hospital,prison, or in the poultry business your lost.The eastern shore hasnt done much over the years to create much new industry and now its losing what little it had.If i had to work in the private sector here on the shore id leave plain and simple.Sure its faith driven here and many people help each other out but it can only go on for so long and eventually slow down or stop.Next time your off the shore be it west or north look at what the jobs there pay in relation to here. You will find many pay far better then here for the same work. This another eastern shore issue and its been one for a while employers here dont feel that workers here on the shore are worth much...a job at mcdonalds here will start you off at minimum wage but go to baltimore or philly and you will make 8$ or more an hour.we are all cheap labor to many of theses places and they dont care.Most jobs here dont pay close to what people make in other areas but the work is the same.
2:09 PM
Even if that is true, not everyone is cut out to be a salesman.
Sure, if you're desperate enough, you would do anything, including sales.
Unless they have shower facilities in the woods or nearby they can use, they wouldn't make a good candidate for a salesperson, as image is very important in trying to sell someone something.
Things are NOT going to get better....they COULD get better, but the companies that are sitting on billions in cash reserves won't hire more workers. How long will it take for the USA to reach a "critical mass" of unemployed, foreclosed, hungry, and angry people? Think the riots in Europe were bad? In America (thank GOD) we have guns. We won't go hungry for long. Or stay homeless. I'll bet Bill Gates's house could house hundreds of people....
Amen 1:47 pm!!! My husband and I say that all the time. We appreciate everyday that we still have jobs and a place to live because it can be taken from you in the blink of an eyes these days. If you have a job, you are lucky and try to hold on to it. Some people just don't get this sad but true fact. When I read these comments, I can see that many people have compassion for what many are going through. God Bless!!!
Stupid Obama and the lefty libs. This is why we need the tea party.
The Eastern Shore is great if you want to come here to retire and die.The politicians,enviromentalists and money people have seen to it that this place does not grow with jobs.You will continue to see more homeless here because they will tax you into poverty.
The guy holding the umbrella seems to have had a hair cut recently. So he is either new there or he keeps himself neat, even in this circumstance.
When I read these comments, I can see that many people have compassion for what many are going through. God Bless!!!
September 6, 2011 2:59 PM
Well I hope these kind comments carry over in real life. They can say anything here but that don't make it true.
I try to give a couple bucks to every one I see who is holding a sign and down on their luck.
What they do with it is between them and God. God tells me to help people and I try to obey.
If I get taken advantage of, well that's between them and God also. I did what I was told.
i have no mortgage, no debt.. money in the bank... don't need to work... but, i realize that i am only a whisker away from being in their shoes... it can, and does, happen to anyone... it may eventually happen to everyone... good luck
And Obama is still banging the "Roads & bridges" drum... Hey not everyone is a road or bridge builder, Dummy! We need a government stepping out of the way lifting unfunded mandates and letting employers PROFIT from their businesses before anyone invests their "billions in cash reserves" whoever that is, If it was me, damned if I'd spend it on employing people unless I was sure I could make a good profit and then get to keep it.
2:09, most of the homeless cannot, unfortunately fill the jobs you mention. They simply are not marketable. One cannot just walk into a car agency and get a job; he or she has to have some experience and be presentable-looking. (2:39, you did well in addressing that issue.) Joe and others are right: so many people are just one paycheck away from being homeless themselves. My minister has said this any number of times. I do not know what the answer is, but I don't believe that the Obama administsration does either. We are soon going to be feeling as if we're in the Great Depression; those without jobs already feel that way, I'm sure.
I'd give a nice facial to that girl in the tent. That should make her feel better about things.
I know exactly where this is located - however - you will ever get me to divulge the location.
Some of those living in the tent city I actually encourgaged after I heard what some of the landlords were charging for rent. They'll never be able to get ahead at $1,100 - $1,800 dollars a month in rent. Some of them will only bring home about $1000/month if that.
We can get back our country , it will take an army of people. Civil War is the only way out. We have gone way too far , Obama has made sure of that. Sorry to scare you guys , but , you will understand some day. Then and only then will you say , gee this guy was telling the truth.
If you guys want to support the illegals and keep paying all the fraud welfare and it goes on and on and on. Put your head in the sand and keep on hiding from the truth.
Obama needs to go , he is the worse thing this country has ever seen. That includes 9/11 attack.
The sad thing about this is most of us are just a few paychecks away from living like this. Myself included. I read a report that millions are now living in low rent motels with families of four or more living in one room. As a volunteer for the homeless, a lot of them are not bums. They work full time, but don't make enough to afford the high cost of housing. Not all of them are unemployed. Some of them come from decent middle class families and because of the corporate downsizing or loss of income they are forced into this. The very young and Elderly are the worst hit. Single mothers with children.
More proof that we are now living in a depression. My own mother who is retired and on a fixed income, not must rely on my brother and me to help her with the electric and utility bills because the cost of food and housing has gone up to more that what she can afford. Thank god my wife and I still have a job, but for how long?
Thirty years ago I moved from Salisbury to DC. I was able to secure a very well paying job, and able to assist in my son's education at UM @College Park. One day while driving to work we saw a mirade of furniture along side the road. I asked my son "who would have a yard sale on a Tuesday?" His response was "Mom, they have been evicted." That was a shock to me; then I starting thinking how much it would cost to move to another place. Now I am back on the shore; but 30 years have not changed the homeless situation. Think about it: deposit, +1st & last month's rent+ any incidentals (like pets)+moving your furniture. If you can't pay your rent, you certainly can't pay to get in another place. What a shame; all the money we've given to various foreign groups and OUR PEOPLE are still living on the streets. I do understand that some of them are druggies and alcoholics; but many are just regular people down on their luck. Please do not confuse this post to think I am for handouts because I am not; but some middle ground has to be found.
4:31, you are disgusting and a vile person.
These people appear to live in McMansions compared to some of the regulars I see in Ocean City. We have a guy we call "Mayor Brown" who lives pretty much on the bench of their Southern Transit center. He's under roof but has to shift to which bench is downwind in order to stay warm. During the near 100 degree heat, the Mayor continued to wear his (brown) hooded jacket zippered all the way up. He must be up all night because he sleeps all day. I have witnessed instances where other people have left soap and washcloth for this particular person in the public restroom. He still stinks.
Hats off to the citizens in the photos for making a real effort to get by in these bad times. I'm sure they will feel more upbeat after Thursday's speech.
"whatever you do unto the least of you, you do unto me....' better find some mercy in your heart. Or maybe "but for the grace of God, there go I"
Great Reporting Joe. I have to commend you on your reporting the real facts of life here and around the eastern shore.
You would never find The Daily Times reporting this type of news because the system they have supported has helped to contribute to these economic conditions. Look at yesterday's DT edition. Tracy Sahler was, once again, taking a jab at our County Council for budget restraints. It has been rumored that her husband Eric Sahler is up for a post in Pollitt's administration. Susan Parker, another DT employee - was once employed by the Board of Education as I have her name listed on the salary sheet. Poor ole Norm - well he to was lapping at the public trought all while promulgating legislation to benefit his constituency - the lawless school teachers union.
With so much corruption - no wonder businesses have fleed our area and tried to find sanctuary.
Thank you for sharing this story. I'm relieved to see many people having compassion - which, for me, has always been the most challenging and most essentially crucial teaching of Christ.
3:59.....the National Enquirer and the World Daily News, even the Daily Times, don't have smart enough reporters to cover or understand some of the economic factors and influences in the USA. However, in a dull moment, pick up the Wall Street Journal. I think they have a fair picture of the state of business in this country, but I warn you, there are few pictures. EVERY WEEK, there is an article or editorial bemoaning (I hope that's what they are doing) the fact that companies are hoarding cash (in the billions) because they are "unsure" of the "possible", "future" regulations and tax issues. Which I think is BS. I say DO something for the country. Spend the money you so ardently ask regular Americans to do (you know, the "consumer economy"). Hire people. WITHOUT QUESTION they can afford to....nothing wrong with "profit". Unmitigated greed is another issue.
I have learned in life to "never say never". This could happen to me as a small business owner as I have already started to feel the effects ...Thank you Obama!!!
I come from a family where my father went through the tail end of the depression so I was a brought up to be very frugal and save! Maybe that was not all bad, because being a single parent, I have had to make it on my own. It has not been easy but I did learn growing up to always be prepared with an emergency fund.
he or she has to have some experience and be presentable-looking. (2:39, you did well in addressing that issue.)
Thank you.
I'd give a nice facial to that girl in the tent. That should make her feel better about things.
September 6, 2011 4:31 PM
I hope you work in a beauty shop or something like that. If not, you are disgusting. Keep your immaturity to yourself.
Some of those living in the tent city I actually encourgaged after I heard what some of the landlords were charging for rent. They'll never be able to get ahead at $1,100 - $1,800 dollars a month in rent. Some of them will only bring home about $1000/month if that.
September 6, 2011 4:37 PM
I am hoping you are talking about the rent they had to pay before coming to the 'tent city' and not what they are paying the landowner to live in the woods?
Please do not confuse this post to think I am for handouts because I am not; but some middle ground has to be found.
September 6, 2011 5:22 PM
I think I understand what you are saying but sometimes a handout is all you can do for somebody. There is a guy in Pricess Anne who has a bicycle and a sign that reads 'will work for food'. I can't offer him a job but I can offer him 5 bucks or whatever to eat. I've done it at least twice and each time he acted like he didn't want it. So he still has some pride, and he didn't want a handout either.
lmclain said...
"whatever you do unto the least of you, you do unto me....' better find some mercy in your heart. Or maybe "but for the grace of God, there go I"
September 6, 2011 6:04 PM
Thanks. That's more or less what I was trying to get across.
Great Reporting Joe. I have to commend you on your reporting the real facts of life here and around the eastern shore.
September 6, 2011 6:46 PM
Absolutely. I think you hit a nerve with this subject Joe. And I'm glad to see there are still some compassionate people on the shore.
How so very sad. Just think about when it gets cold out.
Joe,can you post where we can take food and clothes to get handed out to these people?
Joe,can you post where we can take food and clothes to get handed out to these people?
September 6, 2011 8:32 PM
I don't know the address off hand but we do have a food bank in town. And Salvation Army takes clothes I think, but not sure if they give them away or sell them at reduced prices.
I am the one who made the facial comment and you all are sick! Thanks for taking a nice thing and turning it bad. Perverts.
Finally someone notices,
usually people just ignore,
jesus can save these people,
and can save us all.
September 7, 2011 10:06 AM
No, we are not sick. You did not explain yourself very well. And there are some commentors that would say something disgusting like that.
You need to be more specific in your posts and not leave it to be interpreted.
And it was a rather odd comment to begin with.
Sounds like 12:59 needs a facial
Someone really needs to tell that guy it is after Labor Day and he needs a new outfit.
This makes me so sad and makes me feel so guilty for how worry free I am. I live a nice life but haven't always done so. I buy food for the homeless or give money every time i see them. I wish I knew where Tent city was because I would go there, take food, water, books, blankets or whatever else they needed. I would be a reg fixture there to help out in any way I could. Unfortunately, I have a few family members that have helped homeless people before and been stolen from etc. It puts a bad taste in your mouth to help people sometimes but you must always try. Its the right thing to do. The worst thing is to see a homeless child or pregnant woman..that just touches the heart. Why can't someone in salisbury start a drop off for these people? Joe, can you? I will donate!!!
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