DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Would You Vote For Someone Like Me For President Of The United States?
Let's get real here for a minute.
The economy is in the crapper. Politicians use feel good words and there's always an excuse for their shortcomings.
I, Joe Albero, am a retired businessman and now a Blogger who has always been outspoken. I tell it like it is and you're about to hear me to yet another level.
If I were to become your President, here's the platform I'd run on.
#1, I'd immediately get us out of two wars.
#2, I'd do everything in my power to make sure gas prices went back to where they belongs, around $1.00 per gallon.
#3, I'd immediately stop ALL welfare to all people.
#4, I'd immediately cut off ALL food stamps.
#5, I'd give ALL Seniors on Social Security at least a 2% increase.
#6, I'd cut off ALL foreign aid.
#7, NO more LLC companies doing any business with any form of government.
#8, Raise taxes to large corporations manufacturing overseas.
#9, No Free Trade.
It's time someone put it on the line. While I could go on and on about what would be better for this country, let's get real with what is KILLING America today.
Of course the liberals reading this right now are SCREAMING, are you kidding me, how will our people survive. They'll go to their own Families first. When they can no longer support those collecting food stamps and welfare, let the non profit Churches step in and do what they were intended to do, pay it forward and not pay it to Rome, etc..
You see, America was a much better place when every one was forced to be responsible for how they raised their children into adulthood. There was a pride that is long gone. Oh, you could argue my statements but the reality of it all is, I'm right and democrats have become far too complacent. They don't want to go out and be productive. They just want republicans to pay their way and deliver jobs and economic and development while pie chart democrats go to college and come out to hold a career working for the government.
By the way, there would be NO FUNDING to rebuild other countries that attacked AMERICA. Too many Americans have forgotten all of the money that the Unites States loaned to other countries and jackasses like Bill Clinton forgave those loans. If we just collected the loans we gave out we would NOT be in the financial position we are in today.
I believe its time someone really told it like it should be. Once we started getting back on our feet, then and only then would we start to rebuild America. Within 2 years we'd be so ahead of the game you wouldn't believe what happened. However, IF we continue down the path we are currently in, we will not get out of debt for at least 50 years.
No more bailouts. If GM, Chrysler or ANY other company in America fails, well, enjoy the run you HAD because I would NEVER put you in a position to pay off the richest people on earth. Banks made bad and irresponsible loans, LET THEM FOLD! We need to hit rock bottom and start over again. All this pampering BS we've been doing by BOTH parties has killed the greatest country on earth.
In a few years when we get back on our feet we can reconsider those in need, WILLING TO TAKE DRUG TESTS to perhaps get back into a better managed system where the qualifications would far exceed what we currently have in place now. Once the system is up and running, ANY and ALL recipients getting financial aid would have to volunteer 40 hours a week cleaning up roads, mowing grass, shoveling snow. You want it, EARN IT! I'd create law that would FORCE all Fathers and Mothers to be financially responsible for their children or they go directly to jail.
OK, here's one I'd enjoy the most. ANY lawsuit that ends up in our court system, the LOSER pay ALL of the financial costs, lawyers, courts, you name it.
In closing, IF Congress makes ANY step towards reducing benefits for our Soldiers, they would immediately be subjected to the exact same plans for their benefits.
So why hasn't America seen a Presidential Candidate running on this kind of platform. Because companies big enough to kill such a candidate would do so in a New York second. The MSM would peg such a candidate as crazy.
Anyhow, that's part of what I'd run on if I were to run for President of the United States. If I got killed along the way, well, at least I was trying to make a better America and NOT be a part of the crap we're dealing with today.
So do tell me, what would YOU add to this list?
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i would immediately cut the size of the federal govt by 40%. it is way to big and is totally out of control.
state govts the same. local govts by 30%. the saving would pay off the fed debt in a short period of time. i would also require all govts to have a balanced budget every year with no funny accounting procedures.
i would replace the present income tax with a national sales tax. thanks sjd
Damn, Joe! Where do I sign up to support you??????? You Da Man!
Craig Theobald
Some very good ideas, but #2 is not well thought out by you or Michelle Backman. It is socialism. In a free market economy, a President can not tell a public or privately own company what they must charge for their product. And if you idea of lowing the price of gas is going to happen because you would open the drilling up, you still will have no control on who these companies sell their oil to. The price of oil in the future will be driven by the demand from China, India, etc. Are you going to tell these companies that they can not sell our US oil on the spot market? If so, what product will "Big Joe" nationalize next. Just a slippery slope toward socialism.
We must have term limits!
Your death alone would be an American improvement.
Joe, Why do you think the president has anything to do with the gas price? Does he set the price each morning. You would have nothing to do with gas prices and neither does our president.
The real reason you would not be elected is the same reason a republican will not be nominated this year or for a long time. Republicans are plane crazy! Out of control crazy!
Joe - by and large - the philosophies you espouse are exactly the way our Founding Fathers had envisioned for our Country to be run. Problem is - our Legislators and Courts have re-written our Constitution. What we now have is a system that does not even remotely resemble the framework that they had orginally laid out.
Starting from scratch . . . is probably a better way - at this point in time - than trying to fix such a broken down system. I truly believe that our Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they knew just how much our society has deviated from their original intentions.
If and when you cut all welfare and all food stamps..what do you do with the less than fortunate? Let them die in the streets?
9:18 - You are very ignorant!!!!!!!
How would you like someone to say that about you?!!
Joe, I would vote for you in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!
Someone needs to save AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!
If you do not decide to run - I'll still do a write-in ballot - Joe Albero for President.
With our current political system - even if you garnered the majority of votes - I doubt they would give it to you. The Chicago style corruption is just to thick to overcome with our nation in its present condition. What-a-shame for America.
anonymous 9:28, I thank you for your opinion. Here's the deal. Again, I am a businessman. Let's say you own one of the big oil companies. In a meeting I would simply tell you, if you want to sell your product in the United States and keep us from manufacturing our own, you'll sell it for $1.00 a gallon or we'll simply cut ties with you, period. No one has ever had the stones to make such a move. It's about time America started building their own state of the art refineries and stop depending on other countries.
Beezer, you are so right. Thinking outside the box and presenting immediate and solid changes would be my goal. I would hope to get the support of all of America, especially every one knowing what my true intentions were up front.
anonymous 9:18, I guess I'd never leave the White House because of Bloggers like you. Then again, realy, how far could you chase me in that scooter of yours.
anonymous 9:14, great point, I firmly agree.
SJD & Craig, thank you and great points as well. I actually wrote this Post in about 10 minutes, so it was off the top of my head and there were several things I left out. However, you're right on the mark and I firmly agree.
Deport ALL illegals! That would save millions
I'd institute a curfew.
But only for Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt!
You would never be nominated let alone elected on that platform.
We will never be out of debt. You even posted that not long ago. If government stopped all spending and paid nothing but the debt, it would take 387 years to pay the debt we have now.
The drug tests you refer to are unconstitutional, as illustrated by one of your current posts.
I hear what you're saying and some of them sound like good ideas. But most are flawed in one way or another.
Cutting off or trimming foreign aid is a good start.
What I would add is, I would charge payment for the use of our military in other countries, as Fla. congressman West has suggested.
Getting tough on immigration would also lessen the burden illegals put on our systemS. And reforming the anchor baby clause.
That's about enough for now.
anonymous 9:30, I'd sign an executive order to force you to go back to school to READ!
READ the article. I'm not going to waste my time on you.
anonymous 9:39, another great point and I firmly agree. In fact, it would be an immediate necessity to provide jobs for those trying to get welfare and food stamps.
As press secretary for someone actually running for President, have you run this past your candidate?
To 9:30
Answer - get a job. The current system has made it easier to not work rather than to work.
Case-in-point - Treasure Seafood whereby it was recently witnessed 7 of 11 transactions for purchasing crabs were done with Independence Cards.
Your death alone would be an American improvement.
August 29, 2011 9:18 PM
HA! Who would you make the center of your universe if Joe were to die?
I'm pretty sure Joe is straight so you might as well stop hitting on him.
Anonymous 10:31PM --Thanks for the laugh! You are so right!
You wouldn't get the vote of any educators or retired educators.
To the American people,
Mr. Albero's recent posting was not in violation of our working relationship. The long term position Joe will be undertaking within my campaign and for the American people will not be made public until next spring.
Thank you and God Bless,
Thomas J. Miller
Joe, as much as I agree with you about cutting entitlements, have you thought about the consequences? What would happen if the people who eat without earning had no food? Would they turn violent? I would defend my right not to pay for their food, but would anyone else?
anonymous 10:37, I think you're wrong. Not ALL teachers are wet pants liberals.
Thomas Miller, thank you for sharing that, my Friend. Together we are going to make one hell of a team. If you'd like to learn more about Presidential Candidate Thomas J. Miller go to the following Site. http://www.tommiller2012.com
anonymous 10:45, they's go to their families and if they can't help them they'd go to their Church.
Look, the crap about creating questions like you just asked is the same BS politicians in America keep delivering to us every day. YOU, nor anyone else is going to make me run scared of the WHAT IF'S!
IF they break the law, arrest them. Look, take a glance at the Press Releases coming from our local law enforcement anyway. Or should I say, the lack thereof!!!!!
IF we get something from them, they have, what, 2 or 3 arrests every 5 days. Don't imply they're too busy, they're not.
Let a few homeowners and business owners defend themselves a few times and people will quickly understand, we are NOT going to take this kind of crap in America. We will defend ourselves.
In a very short period of time people will learn to get a job. If they're that hungry, they can get three squares in jail, end of problem.
I would be impossible for a church to take on the needs of welfare, food stamps, wic, and so on.
How about increasing a tax on the wealthiest 1% in america by 3%. I guess instead of doing that it would be better to take from the poor/ (or not give and help out the less than fortunate)?
Joe - I'm lost on the LLC not doing business with the government part. What's so bad about LLCs? Why ar they worse than a corporation or sole proprietorship? Am I missing something? Not agreeing or disagreeing with - I'm just genuinely curious.
Joe you have my vote
It just depends on who you would be running against . Of course if it were Obama , the answer is yes.
Between you and Ron Paul , the answer would be No.
We are to far gone.Start a twenty year process of dividing the country in two. The Conservative,Constitutional States of America and the Progressive Liberal Welfare States of America.
People would have a choice of which system they wanted to live under.Peacefully transition over twenty years and live with the results.The politics of today have become so divided and extreme how can we ever hope to function with the status quo in the future?
1) Immediately initiate legislation requiring any new laws (state or federal) be screened for constitutionality prior to being presented for final approval by their respective legislative bodies - there is no reason our citizens should be damaged by laws which are unconstitutional in order to bring a million dollar suit against the government to have it overturned.
2) Immediately seek out and deport all illegal immigrants BUT we should also not allow any new legal immigrants while we have a massive unemployment problem.
Be careful about not allowing LLC's to do business with any form of government. I can see LLC's who refuse to divulge the names of the owners being prohibited to do business with the federal government as it can be done with an executive order. But to issue this demand on the individual states is a gross violation of the 10th amendment relating to the soverignty of the individual states.
I would vote for you and contribute to your campaign
Joe - please explain the LLC limitation. Most small businesses are LLC's - primarily to protect themselves from BS lawysuits - which I didn't recall seeing how you would fix....
The rest of your platform is dead-nuts-on target! The LLC part may be too - but I currently don't understand how!
LLC's are companies in which they do not have to disclose who the owner/owners are.
In other words, it could very easily be politicians having the inside scoop on upcoming business proposals who have friends put together the LLC and make purchases for ten cents on the dollar and re-sell back to the government for huge profits.
Have you ever wondered just how politicians go into office with very little and walk away milti millionaires?
Locally, let's look at the new SFD Station 16 purchase. Do YOU know who owned the land just before it was sold to the City of Salisbury?
On a state level, do you know who owned ALL of the DMV Inspection Station land just before they were sold to the state?
LLC's are BS cover ups. NO MORE, in my book.
I think he was intending to target the corruption that runs wild when companies aren't requred to divulge the names of their owners/principles. In Maryland the names of the owners of LLC's aren't public information so their owners could actually be mayors or councilmember who vote on issues directly benefitting LLC's creating a conflict of interest problem and subsequently corruption not subject to the light of day.
well since you immediatly throw out a few quarter-baked proposals meant to stoke emotion, without doing your homework on the issues, and without any context besides "what sounds good to the public", I guess you would fit right into the GOP primary.
No, because giving Seniors a raise in SS is a disaster... that is what is bankrupting our country. Seniors now and in the future need to be better savers and stewards of their own retirement!!
You can't say no welfare etc.. and then give the biggest welfare check to seniors... SS was not a savings plan it was a pay as you go plan... THERE IS NO TRUSTFUND!
I'd vote for ya.
Check out what Paul says in II Thessalonians, 3:10: "If anyone will not work, neither let him eat".
To 9:18...what a terrible thing to say about anyone!! This country has give,give, give until we are broke and those of us working are paying the debt and supporting som many that could be working. Joe, you have my vote.
9:28, a Republican will be nominated this year, like every election year, and will be ELECTED (Is that what you meant?). Also, we Republicans are not "plane" crazy. I like airplanes OK. Sheesh, another ignorant commenter!
8:29...Social Security was a seperate savings plan mandated by the government. The government took so much of your paycheck to give back to you when you retire and for medical insurance (Medicare). There was an orginial seperate trust fund not touched and earning interest until Lyndon Johnson raided it and made it part of the general fund. If that money had never been touched our seniors and people soon to be retiring would not be worried about their next meal. IF the parent who gets kicked off of welfare couldn't get a doctor to say the child was disabled because of behavorial problems (that proper discpline would have cured in the beginning), so they could get a disabiliy check instead of wlefare, that would not be draining on social security. My parents worked all of their life, paid into social security and passed away before they were eligible to collect anything. Where is that money?
I would vote for Joe.
Bring our troops home. Kick out the illegal aliens. Secure our borders. Stop foreign aid until our own house was in order. Income taxes fairly across the board for everybody.
a long list of great sentences Joe. But let's extrapolate for a moment... it would take a miracle of some sort for any one of those things you listed to actually come to fruition. remeber Congress? I mean the lobbyists.
Even IF one of your ideas happened, the fall-out would occupy you so much so that you would not have time to deal with the next miracle. Oh but then you could put together a committee.
You talk about jobs be created but who exactly would be filling those positions? the uneducated masses that have been on welfare for generations? Doubtful. There's just so much you want that is impossible to just utilize your "stones" to get done. Good Luck to you and your candidate.
anonymous 9:48 and others, THAT'S MY WHOLE POINT HERE.
Look. What I have stated is what pretty much ALL Americans can agree with. Doesn't this post simply prove to you that not only is our country heading in the wrong direction, IT CAN'T BE FIXED!
That is, unless Americans were to vote for someone like me and become so fed up with Congress that we get up in arms and force them out, if necessary.
America needs a political overhaul. Am I the ONLY American strong enough to tell it like it is and run on such a campaign?
Ron Paul is saying many of those same things. Look at how desperately the media avoids even mentioning his name. Ask--- WHY!? because his ideas are anathema to the ruling class. And its not (for those who make the claim) just the GOP or the Tea Party that is advocating some of these proposals. It's AMERICANS, across the political spectrum, who wnat our great country back on track...a LEADER of the free world, not a broke and apologistic second rate loser. ANYONE who looks at our current economic, social, and political state and thinks that we are headed in the right direction is "plane" crazy. And without any historical sense. As far as Joe's ideas, some ARE flawed and need tweaking, but who's ideas don't? Playing the same games we've been playing is NOT the answer anymore.
I would HONESTLY move to Canada if someone like yourself was running this country. With your ideas, the United States would turn into a 3rd world country within the first year. That idea makes me feel ill even thinking about it. The fact that you think you could make those changes confirms that you have NO idea what you're even talking about.
while all of those ideas sound great from an outsiders point of view the truth is right now they are totally unrealistic.First of all truth be told our current president didnt put us into this mess alone he wasnt even president when the ball was rolling down hill.Thats not to say he hasnt made mistakes we are all only human.The root of the problem is all of the senators,congressman,ect who have been voted back into office for decades by the voting public of the United States. We arent the only country in a mess so its a global problem in some ways.Republicans and democrats are so busy fighting over who is right and lying to our faces that its no wonder we are a mess.To keep blaming one president for all of our problems needs to stop...we all need to take a real hard long look at the local people we put into office..they are the ones who create the laws and the mess.Finger pointing and fighting fixes nothing...there was a time when you held public office for the good of the people...not to get rich and famous.Wake up people the time is now!Both republicans and democrats are to blame here.We as American people need to force our elected officials to wake up or get rid of them.
The economic solution is really quite simple. 47% (2010 data) of americans pay no income taxes. That leaves the rest to be paid by everyone else. Of those 47%, many are getting a fat tax check each year for their dependent children because of this goverment incentive. Many of those same children are also on Medical assistance and other handout programs. Here's the fix (1) Government should keep tabs on every dime that goes toward all the freebies these people get for their kids and themselves during the year, be it medical assistance, food from Independence Cards, Free lunches, etc... (2) At tax time when they file their returns, if their return comes to $6,000 and they recieved $9,000 in government perks, then they owe the government $3,000 (talk about birth control now). Lastly, force manufacturing back to the states via excessive taxation on the companies doing business overseas. Viola, instant economic recovery and job creation.
To answer the question about what the people would do without food stamps and welfare -- they would get a job like people used to do when they were poor. No hand outs. Why even bother looking for a job when the government will take care of you. You can lead a stress free life, sleep late, go to the doctor for any old pain, and laugh at the working people who are hardly making ends meet.
Joe,I love your ideas.Don't take this personally,but if you had run for president, say about 8 years ago I would have liked it a lot better.No,make it 11 years ago,pre-Bush.I like all of your ideas,but the getting us out of 2 wars is enough by itself.You have my vote.
5:38 the jobs are not there, period.... not to defend welfare recipients, I can't stand freeloaders or abusers of the system either, but to take away all welfare would take millions or billions of dollars out of the economy and would hurt us even more. Small business owners would be drastically affected. Any decrease in consumer spending, no matter what demographic its from, is bad for us all.
joe u have my vote 100%, but first since your a property owner in pittsville please come down here and get that town str8!!!! the water smells like clorine and tastes bad, they have a so called fireman who has moved out of town and not attended a town meeting for a year but they keep him on the council for the swing vote for the fire houses special needs like the 30 k taxpayer footed sign then turn around and hike swere fees by 16 dollars a quarter because they say there are 50 plus homes with no tenants and no fees coming in from them.looks like to me that would be alot less load on the sewer plant to me. like i say its about like the salisbury dayz of the mare and hoppes and gordy so we are doomed!!!!
chain gang first time drug offenders for one year and hard labor for dealers plus castrate child offenders.thanks bryan l.
And then watch crime and violence escalate. You can't force anyone to do your bidding.
When the powers that be finally realize that maybe we can come up with some positive solutions.
Heck Joe would get my vote in a heartbeat. Not to offend joe but I would rather have Bozo the clown than Obama. Just saying.
I am GLAD I am not the only one that is sick and tired of the water smelling like bleach. It really ticks me off when I go to fill up our pets bowls and it's so strong you can't stand it. I then have to boil it and wait for it to cool before I can give them water.
Another thing that could be addressed is if we are under a water ban why is the car wash still open? Why can I not wash a vehicle in my driveway but I can go to the fire department owned car wash and spend more money to use the same water I have to pay for quarterly at my home.
Joe:Please excuse my pessimism,but I think it might be too late.This is'nt like the aftermath of a tornado,where everyone cleans the mess up and all eventually gets back to normal.As I said previously,I love your ideas,but sooner or later we'll run out of chances to fix things.If I am wrong,and things are still reversable,you have my vote.
Imclain is right. The sad part of this all is that the common sense people of the United States are no longer represented. Think about that word. Representative. They are supposed to carry the will of their constitutents forward provided this will doesn't violate the constitutional rights of others. But it isn't happening. Unfortunately their will be only one way to take our nation back. And it will come to pass very soon. Starting almost from scratch. We already have the Constitution. We just need to re-establish it as the law of the land and not repeat the same mistakes that put our elected officials in positions of absolute power. Changes need to be made and they can be made. Unfortunately their is no hope that these changes can be made by throwing the lever of a ballot box. In 1776 there was a revolution that gave birth of the greatest nation the world has ever seen. I believe that history will soon repeat itself. I hope it's sooner than later.
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