Recently, my 4-year-old got poked five times, and vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella, diptheria, tetanus and pertussis — among other nasties — coursed into her loudly protesting body.
Within hours, she'd spiked a fever, one of the potential side effects of some immunizations, and complained about sore thighs where the injections were delivered. Once she calmed down, she was curious about the source of her misery: “Why I got to get shots to make me healthy?”
Why I got to get shots to make me healthy?
Good question little girl. Try to educate your parents about common sense - and be very distrustful of Big Pharma!
Demand vaccines without thymerosol (mercury) and educate yourself about the real ineffectiveness of vaccines in general.
I say fire the doctor if she/he won't offer mercury free vaccines.
Sure. Any parents who believe vaccines cause autism or other idiotic things clearly don't believe in either science or medicine. Why should they even go to the doctor? They can use their magic spells or their roots and herbs to cure their kids when they get measles or chicken pox.
If you're too stupid to get your kids vaccinated there isn't much hope for you anyway.
2:56 guess your child didn't become autistc after their shots. Those people aren't stupid, they just had a different experience than you.Different prople react differently to drugs. to say it is impossible makes you look ignorant not them! DUH!
How do some of these people actually believe that vaccines are worthless? You don't exactly see too many people running around with measles or polio anymore. I am no medical doctor or anything, but these vaccines seem to be working.
anonymous 4:34, you didn't see "everyone" running around it it BEFORE they came out with vaccines, did you.
With the millions of pounds of bad ground turkey, not everyone got sick from it either. In fact, we ate turkey burgers two nights ago.
Not "everyone" has aids either.
You need to be more open minded. There are side effects to some, period.
Absolutely, it is neglect.
Joe, you didn't see people running around with polio or measles before vaccines, but parents lived in fear every summer about polio striking their child.
Measles, German Measles, Mumps, Whooping Cough, Chicken Pox was a mandatory 2 week quarantine from school.
Vaccines have proven to be a blessing to most children and parents.
That said, I think there are too many vaccinations given today - an example, every baby must be vaccinated against Hep B - while most people will never be exposed to Hep B.
Mandatory vaccinations for communicable diseases are for the public good.
Mandatory vaccines?
I OWN my body.
To 3:50 -- yes, people react differently to drugs. That being said, no one gets autism from vaccines. It just doesn't happen. The question has been studied to death and the evidence is clear and unambiguous: vaccines don't cause autism. Anyone who believes this has as much proof on their side as someone who believes the moon causes people to become werewolves.
I don't really care if I look ignorant to people who hold an irrational belief that has no basis in reality. I know the facts; they don't.
The moon only causes werewolves to become more active. Everyone knows that. silly person
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