DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Both the Daily Times and Jonathan Taylor have it out for Debbie Campbell, AGAIN. Yes, it was Jonathan Taylor who started the crap published on the front page of the Daily Times today where the Daily Times questions if there's a conflict of interest in Debbie's vote with the Bricks project. A company of a company who may have been in the same bathroom in a stall three toilets away may have been overheard saying that a sister company of another company may have loaned money to another company Debbie Campbell does business with in Affordable Housing.
Seriously though, the Daily Times will go after Debbie Campbell at any opportunity. However, the MSM is supposed to be held to higher standards but the Daily Times is so desperate they're becoming a tabloid paper throwing up front page headlines, even if it means taking the lead from a Blogger who is well know to lie about anything just to get attention.
Taylor has been seen having lunch/dinner with Richard Insley recently. Insley was also seen having dinner with Wilber. Wilber is conveniently out of town on vacation while the Daily Times runs a very misleading article designed to throw questions towards Debbie's honesty and credibility. The timing is just crap but once again Taylor and his cronies are getting the attention they want.
You see Folks, Taylor has become the mouth piece for the old Tilghman administration. You can be assured that once Mike Dunn announces he's running for Mayor, Taylor will be showing his support for him. Yeah, there's even rumor that John Robinson will be running as well. For what it's worth, we'll probably endorse Robinson simply for the fact that we'll have another 4 years of GREAT stuff to publish on a daily basis. You know, like the old Tilghman days. He better start wearing a bra too. I can see it now, stalking charges, peace order, lawsuits, it will be great stuff and I can't wait.
Nevertheless, the Daily Times and Taylor have hit yet another low and they're proving that they are not only in bed with each other, they both hate ANY female that is successful while being perfectly willing to stand up to them with honor and dignity.
The only conflict of interest here is the fact that the Daily Times wrote their article never mentioning their connection with Taylor. Lord knows, they wouldn't publicly want to be known for being in any kind of partnership with a scumbag that attacks innocent women and children.
The Daily Times can't believe that YOU are so stupid you'd actually fall for the crap they're spewing. Instead, they've become a "CLUB NEWSPAPER" for the select "special interest Club".
An ethics VIOLATION is when a council member starts stuffing their BRA with cash, like we saw in Prince George's County recently. To attempt to even come close to suggesting Debbie Campbell is one of those kind of public servants, well, you people are pretty stupid.
No ethics commission in their right mind would ever entertain or interprate its portion of the ethics ordinance the way the Daily Times just attempted to do. However, the Daily Times knows that, YOU DON'T.
Just keep connecting the dots. Joe Carmean, (jcinsalisbury) a regular on that other Blog and Editor of the Daily Times. Taylor and his connection with Dunn, Cathcart. Tilghman, Comegys, Insley, (SAPOA) Maolney, Jannace, shall I continue?
Its time to call it the way it really is. The Daily Times is done! Cancel your subscription today and finish these guys off. Today's article had no rush to be published, there's no ethics charges that have been filed and they could have waited for Wilber to return. When I connect the dots on one single piece of paper, you know what it spells.... ALL BS!
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Joe, we all know it's BS and underhanded if this person is involved in anything. He is nothing but bad news and if everyone doesn't know that by now they have been hiding under a rock.
Isn't that the building some shrewd and savvy slumlord saw fit to gift to the city? The slumlord is breathing a sigh of relief they are out of it and reaped the benefit of a tax break and not having to pay property tax anymore.
That photo speaks volumes! Quite appropriate!
Typical Daily Times "journalism" ala Greg Bassett - pure crap.
The report is silent as to who has raised the matter, which is not even the subject of a complaint.
I'm not surprised that the fat-boy blogger is the root of this evil. Please give the history of how he tried to ingratiate himself with Ms. Campbell a few years back and she had to cease dealing with him when his real persona emerged.
J. Taylor is a leech upon society.
This is an example of why Fox News and other SUCCESSFFUL MSM news outlets employ reporters with a degree in law. The phrase conflict of interest should not be tossed around lightly and in an accusatory manner towards an elected official without proper understanding of what the term means. It's apparent the DT's is clueless.
The DT's way of trying to connect the dots is too convoluted to be anything more then wishful thinking on their part.
How were you able to fit so many POS in one photo?! Insley is nothing short of scum; try living next to one of his rentals! These jerks want nothing but money, & don't care one bit about their tenants nor the upkeep or appearance of their properties.
IF the Daily Times and writer Sarah Lake were thorough, responsible and completed their journalistic duties with care and completeness (as they claim to do) an outside attorney would have been consulted and quoted in the article.
Instead the Daily Times and Lake decided to rely on nothing more than the legal opinion of Jonathan Taylor. That's what this boils down to-the Daily Times relying on the legal opinion of Jonathan Taylor.
"Nancy Rase, president and director of HFA, has said it's unlikely her organization will conduct further business with the city of Salisbury."
What a relief! Who wants an organization that only cares about listing another accomplishment on their website and not about the concerns of low income people? Low income people don't want to live in that neighborhood any more than you do, Nancy Rase. I find you and your organization disgusting. Homes For America doesn't give a hoot about children either! If they did they would not even have considered getting involved with this project. The neighborhood is riddled with drug dealers, gangs and crackheads and hookers. Low income people do have brains and they do think Nancy Rase! They don't want their children living among such peer pressure and influence.
Why doesn't the Daily Times contact some folks now living in an area homeless shelter who hope to one day get into transitional housing and ask them if they would like to live in that neighborhood and then write a story addressing their thoughts?
I'm confused as to why anyone would see this as a conflict.
Community Housing Capital "creates opportunities for lower-income people to live in affordable homes in SAFE, SUSTAINABLE neighborborhoods.
HomesForAmerica, by association with the Bricks project creates opportunities for lower-income people to live in drug infested, crime ridden neighborhoods!
Isn't Taylor the same guy that filed ethics charges against Debbie and Terry a couple years ago. As I recall all charges were dropped. Joe, you've proven to be a better source for local news then the Daily Rag. Mr. Taylor, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Jonathan Taylor is a hypocrite. He leads those to read his blog that he is oh so righteous and genuine. He says he cares about the missing and children who are in danger. THEN he has the nerve to support the Bricks project. What a hypocrite. He claims to care about missing people and children and people in danger and solving crimes. It's all a big lie and he is the biggest phoney there is. Just this morning a guy was arrested waving a gun around in the same block as the Bricks. But Jonathan Taylor thinks it's a great idea to house people there!
I seriously think the guy doesn't have a functioning brain!
"Campbell added an additional concern that was discussed during a previous work session. She said the developer for the project said the price tags of the units are around $200,000 per unit and the representatives for Homes of America said that development on a vacant piece of land would be significantly less."
A quote taken from the March 18, 2011 edition of the Maryland Coast Dispatch.
Anyone who is in favor of this project has a brick for a brain!
There's no conflict with respect to Debbie Campbell. The only thing Debbie Campbell is guilty of is being fically responsible.
The Daily Times has not been considered a MSM for quite a while now.
One look at their present content and I would classify the media as tabloid.
Yep 625 same Jonathan Taylor. It was back in 2009 and about health insurance benefits for council members. Taylor didn't even have the guts to show up for the hearing and the complaint fell flat on it's face.
Taylor isn't allowed to comment anymore on the DT website, is he?
Campbell should recuse herself whenver the subject of assisted housing projects is discussed.
She works for a financing agency. So the possibility of a conflict of interest is always present.
The only thing you have proved to me is you read Taylor and the Times. Never say "never". It is not your place or Taylor's place to decide if it is or is not a conflict. I believe lawyers are hired for these decisions.
anonymous 8:22, don't flatter yourself. I haven't been to his site in almost a year. People tell me of certain posts he puts up but you'll never see me go to that liars site again. Nothing he puts out is the truth. He attacks innocent women and children and is a very abusive human being. You have the right to your opinion, I have the right to mine. The difference being, I'm not stupid enough to go to his site and believe a word he says.
As for the Daily Times, I heard from someone that they did the article yesterday. I went to the Barber Shop to read the article and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
They'll get no hits from me.
Question for Joe Albero. If the Daily Times when out of business would you expand and go into the paper business? Just a thought.
anonymous 8:45, no. We have considered it for several years but clearly the print newspapers are failing and will disappear in a few short years.
Believe me when I tell you, I already start my morning at 5:30 am and go until 11:00 pm. I have no interest in putting more on my plate. If we do deliver internet based television news, it will be done by a professional at 6:00 pm every day, 5 days a week.
I don't think so 5:56. I just mentioned this to a friend the other day. More often than not I would report his comments. His comments (just like those on his site) never made points, but were always personal attacks.
The comments on his site are never informative, or ones that make you think of another point of view. They are nothing but name calling and personal attacks against people.
I also noticed if it weren't for Joe he wouldn't have half the comments he does. THose people for whatever reason feel compelled to inject Joe into every post no matter what the topic!
Taylor isn't allowed to comment anymore on the DT website, is he?
August 31, 2011 5:56 AM
Could be. Sometimes when I read the comments there is always a few that were blocked by someone who is banned from their site.
Who it is I have no idea but his name did cross my mind.
No he is not allowed to comment on the DT's anymore. It's obvious because he would have had to put his 2 cents into the maybe a "Conflict" article the Daily Times so irresponsible felt the need to publish.
I used to go to the DT's to look at the obituaries. Not anymore. I'm finished with them.
I gave the Times the benefit of doubt after they banned Taylor but now after reading this story taken directly from his blog I've changed my mind.
Everyone knows his blog is nothing more than his way of fulfilling his need to pathologically lie. I can't believe the Times can't see/doesn't know it.
BTW-Not so long ago I was out with some friends including some Worcester county lawyers. They made no bones about Taylor being the cause of Todd losing the election. One of the wives even told me she begged her husband to call Todd and have him tell Taylor and minions to stop their shenanigans. She also said she finally "confessed" to her husband not long ago that she and a number of her girlfriends voted for Oglesby because they felt sorry for him because of the treatment he was receiving on Taylor's site. They were also saying that people told them they purposely avoided Todd's campaigners at the polls thinking these were some of Taylor's ignorant minions.
They were also joking around how now they haven't any business because Oglesby's thrown all their "customers" in jail.
Not only did Oglesby win but so did McDermott and Mason. I imagine the look on Taylors face the night of the election was to die for. I bet he looked like he had just eaten a hugh pile of manure! Same goes for BB.
Karma is so sweet!
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