Each time Pollitt has spoken on the matter he argues that his reorganization will not cost the Wicomico County taxpayers any more money. As recently as Tuesday he made this claim on Bill Reddish’s show on WICO-AM and in Wednesday’s Daily Times:
"I've asked for one position without asking for another nickel in county money," Pollitt said. "The bottom line is I have a job to do and I'm going to do it with or without their support."

What happens NEXT YEAR? That wouldn’t be the $64,000 question. Pollitt would be requesting a lot more in his budget for FY 2013.
While Pollitt whines that he has a job to do, I would suggest that we should all be reminded of the fact that Pollitt has spent the last 4 1/2 years with the most experienced staff he, or any other Wicomico County Executive, is likely to have for decades. Acting Director of Administration Sharon Morris has announced that she will retire at the end of 2014. Pollitt’s notions that an inexperienced Chief of Staff will allow him more time away from his desk AND not cost the taxpayers additional money simply doesn’t pass the laugh test.
The only reason Rickster can say that it won't cost more money is because before now the budget for his office included Shea's salary -- about $125,000 -- and Shea's replacement, Morris, has a much lower salary. The Council should have cut his part of the budget, but Barkovich didn't have the stones to do that.
And Shea's retirement pay does not come under Pollit's office in the County budget.
We've been conned by Slick Rich once again.
IMHO Mr Pollitt is a fine gentleman and serving person, and if he would step back, look around the county, and listen to advice from council and citizens he could become a much better administrator. He seems to want to manage the county as though we had the unlimited resources of a large, wealthy, fiefdom. Unfortunately we do not have those resources, and history shows those who did squandered them away and lost everything. He needs to understand the most vigorous, successful, productive leadership has come from a mindset of frugality; spend little, eliminate layers of management, and insure direct, quick, involved response to the needs of those served will always be most effective.
The bureaucracy he tries to build, his support for mausoleums demanded by BOE, and almost doubling of employees/resident does not fit his basic character of public service.
9:24 are you saying that Shea's payout for his early retirement doesn't come from Rick's budget? Facts please not guesses. Thanks.
Great piece G A! You have hit the subject square on and I think the majority of the tax-payers will agree with you.
i hope EVERYONE remembers how bad rick is for this county when it's time to vote.
my question is; do we really need this position or this form of government? just a question for discussion. i'd like to hear pros and cons. just sayin'.
The County budget format and details are absurd -- it is impossible to tell how much many departments and offices really cost the taxpayer. Beside the aspect mentioned in the 1st comment, there are employees in one department that are carried in another one in the budget.
Rick and the former finance director, Petersen, know all the tricks.
And I just heard that one of those "early retirement" positions has been filled by someone who gets a much higher salary, but don't have the names yet -- does anyone have the full story?
I think that higher paid position is the purchasing officer -- it's unbelievable.
Slick Rick and "Jim-beau"
have both got to go!
You mean just like Matt Craemer did? Retired with a pension and then Council brought him back for a second pension? You mean whats good for the goose is not good for the gander? Oh I see.
No The rumor is he/she worked at the sheriff's office and applied for the purchasing position. The pay that the retiring agent got was many thousand dollars less than this person was making and Pollitt hired him at his current salary. She/he benefited from the pay parity from being in law enforcement. LOL
Was the purchasing position advertised? I would have been interested in being considered. I didn't see it advertised.
anonymous 1:26, the honest answer to your question is YES & NO.
It was NOT advertised in the paper. It was ONLY advertised internally within the GOB.
I'm told that is perfectly legal. However, in the Court of Public Opinion I'd have to say it wasn't right.
Its the Good Ol' Boy System at work again, period.
And Mr. Pollitt is attempting to rebuild trust. How many times have we heard him say that?
the person you are talking about is mike elliott, he was a capt in wico mikos force and run the adminstration part of the sheriffs office. i do not know the salary ins and outs but he is a good honest respectable man and will do a great job as fred harris replacement
Even if Mike Elliott is "Mr. Wonderful" (and that's not what I've heard) the position should have been publicly advertised and offered to the best applicant.
This is looking more ridiculous by the hour -- another Slick Trick by Rick.
Rick needs to go and take that woman(Sherrie Sample-Hughes) with him. Playing politics--you bet they both are. The other members of the council don't need or deserve their nonsense, and, we, as citizens don't need it either.
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