(CBS News)
ATKINSON, ILL. - At the end of his Midwest bus tour, CBS News senior business correspondent Anthony Mason interviewed President Obama for this week's "Sunday Morning" program. Mason asked Mr. Obama which way he thinks the economy is headed.
Mason reports Mr. Obama said he was happy to be out of Washington - and he looked it. He insisted he was on a listening tour, not a campaign swing. But in his three day bus trip across Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois - three states he carried in the last election - he has been getting an earful about the economy.
How much more can this guy show proof that he is a complete IDIOT! Who still believes this guy besides the liberal not so main stream media. This guy is so full of crap the EPA should fine him daily for the stuff spewing out of his mouth.
Come on, don't be so hard on idiots.
They don't claim this fool either.
i bet he rethinking that statement today.
Yep, the economy has turned the corner, fat cats have gotten off their wallets and started hiring,the stock market is soaring, consumer confidence is at all time highs, ... the check's in the mail, of course I'll love you in the morning.
Love all the positiveness.
There's no danger of a second recession because you're not out of the first one yet!
He's been getting lessons fron Geithner, who assured the nation on national TV that there was "absolutely NO WAY we were facing a credit downgrade". This entire administration is a disgrace. obama never did look for the BEST minds to staff his administration --- only the politically correct ones. He got what he asked for and so did we. They couldn't manage a 10 ticket raffle, much less the greatest nation to have ever been ("been" being a truly predictive description).
There are those that will do ANYTHING to make this President fail, period.
The first recession I blame on speculators more than anyone else and that's what's happening again.
Speculation is keeping us from truly recovering.
Those with the money or in the money positions control this country, not Congress, not the President.
The sooner people wake up to this, and get rid of the politicians who are only there to play the games for the big boys, the better off we'll all be!
Washington only represents THEM, it no longer represents US.
Is that because were in a depression?
12:44 it is the current administrations policies that are keeping the so called big boys from getting off the money! Open your blinders! And yes our president is a liar! He is on a campaign trip! And you and i are footing the bill! Thats Reality!
it's hard to get into a recession now, since the first one ended two years ago... by putting us into a DEPRESSION! How can a depression go in to recession? Would that be an improvement or worse than the depression we're already in??? Just tryin' to get my head around this double talk...
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