WASHINGTON -- Few candidates in the Republican presidential primary field have decried the federal government with as much gusto as Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). The three-term congresswoman has belittled the stimulus package, deemed the Obama administration both corrupt and "gangster," and lamented the "orgy" of spending she sees happening in Washington.
The premise of the article is a lie: that a politician opposed to cerain government programs is not permitted to participate in them. That is like saying that someone who thinks taxes should be higher must personally contribute funds over and above taxes owed on Form 1040. The laws apply equally to all citizens, whatever their political views.
I've got to disagree with you. I think that the facts speak to the kind of person she truly is... and I don't think your analogy applies, and is a bit of a strawman. Bachmann is not "supporting" something and not doing that thing as your analogy implies, rather she is demonizing something, then participating in it. I don't think your analogy works at all nor is it valid in the slightest.
IMHO Bachmann embodies what is wrong with politics and career politicians, and this article backs that up.
A better analogy would be: someone who is morally opposed to abortion, but still has one only because it is legal, all the while condemning those who support it's legality and fighting to make it illegal.
That person would be called a hypocrite.
1) I followed the "more" link, and saw Huffington Post" and immediately hit the back button! What blowhards!
2) She's not our candidate...
3) Ron Paul is, with Palin...
If Ron Paul picks Palin as #2, he loses my vote.
As an independent I DO like Ron Paul, but I agree with 12:01 - if he puts Palin on his ticket, he loses my vote. That woman is a train wreck!
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