During a town hall in his home state on Monday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was asked to apologize by a member of a local Tea Party group for critical remarks he made about some within the conservative movement during the deficit debate last month, Arizona-based station 3TV News reports.
McCain took issue with lawmakers affiliated with the Tea Party for their unwavering opposition to raising the debt ceiling. Speaking on the Senate floor, the Arizona senator read from a Wall Street Journaleditorial offering a critical take on how some members of the Republican party had approached the pressing fiscal issue. The piece likened members of the Tea Party to "hobbits."
Thats ok John, coming fom a lying thieving 2 faced has-been rino like you....it's totally understandable.
Its time for John to go, he will be defeated by a Tea Party member next time
He's a washed up has been. He calls himself a republican, but h'es just another rich career politicain looking out for his rich friends. You and I? We are beneath his social standing and are not worth his consideration. He should retire, but like ALL politicians, he's gonna need to be convinced...know what I'm saying??
He said exactly what he was told to say.
Did you all feel that way when you voted for the fool?
He is the reason Obama won. But not next time.
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