In 1928, Hoover promised "A Chicken in Every Pot." In 2011, The Dept. of Human Resources promises "Crabs for Everyone." I know this subject has been beat to death on this blog, and I know there are massive inequities in the system, but this is so blatantly arrogant that I have to re-visit it. I thought the original intent of Food Stamps was to provide lower income individuals with basic food staples such as bread, milk, and eggs; not crabs, flounder and cream of crab soup. This is exactly why we are having debt problems in this country. If you feel as passionate as I do about this subject, please contact your representatives and tell them that you are tired of the reckless fraud of the orange card and that new guidelines need to be adopted that will change this kind of taxpayer abuse.
I must not be doing something right. It seems everytime I go into Wal-mart that there are hordes of people using Independence credit cards. Most of these people have alot more food in their basket than I do.
The agency in charge of distributing these cards must be giving them out like candy.
Old Newt Gingrich stated that this President would rather dole out food stamps instead of paychecks.
And you know what - he's absolutely right.
They service the hillbillies on old ocean city road. they got crap for crabs anyway. those hillbillies think there great.
Ever since fat boys opened they have accepted food stamps, I asked them about this shortly after they opened how people can buy crabs with food stamps and the answer given to me was they are able to do this through their partner company and you can only pay for live crabs, not steamed with the card. So if you use the card to pay for the crabs if you pay cash you can get them steamed.
It is pretty sad to see this but the whole blame is not on Fat Boys for accepting it, the loophole needs to be closed allowing this practice.
Seems a bit odd that you keep stressing over these cards. Don't you understand that the recipients of these cards are given a value on the card based on their income....NOW what they do with that value is up to them! If they want to buy crabs and blow the entire value well then they will not be able to afford anything else. Or they can be responsible and buy 3 or 4 times the amount of groceries as opposed to crabs!
Guidelines for Maryland Independence Cards from the official website:
Food stamps cannot be used to buy:
1.any nonfood item, such as pet foods; soaps, paper products, and household supplies; grooming items, toothpaste, and cosmetics
2.alcoholic beverages and tobacco
3.vitamins and medicines
4.any food that will be eaten in the store
5.hot foods that are ready to eat
6.any food marketed to be heated in the store
This certainly would seem to preclude steamed crabs (#5) but not live ones. I guess caviar is allowed; if expensive food if what one wants to spend his Independence Card money on, I guess it's his business. If he runs out of his monthly allotment, so be it.
I think all grocery stores and seafood companies in the area are accepting foodstamps the last that I knew.... Why pick fat boys to advertise this . I buy seafood from there very frequently and no not with food stamps. Dont put them down for accepting food stamps why shouldnt they get the business. Local people making money is suppose to be a good thing .
To 12:30 Post
I believe you are missing the bigger message here. With so many people now being on the assistance program doesn't it seem rather odd to you. Maybe I'm a bit older - (45-55 range) - but this type of activity used to never go on except in dire circumstances.
These days people nonchalantly pull out their independence cards and even share it with one another.
To Sherry
I do not believe they are pulling down any one business but just showing how rhampant the program is being abused. Last week it Seafood Treasures - whereever that is, Chick-fila, and Wal-mart. I have noticed the increase in frequency of use also as I work at a convenience store.
12:30, nice try but sadly, commonsense is in short supply here.
I addressed this to Kratovil 1-1/2 yr ago and guess what?.......
No reply. Glad he's gone.
To 12:30 and 12:36
Seriously, this is the problem with the system, because you have even convinced yourself that it is okay--it's not okay. It is not okay for me to work all week, get taxed to pay for food for these people, and have them pull up to the seafood places in their Escalades and get a bushel of crabs and pay the "unsteamed" price and pay cash to get them steamed. It's underhanded and it is crazy talk to think that this is acceptable. This is exactly why the USA is going busted. Regarding the comment of Fat Boys being picked on and that it is good for their business--that's just it, it is good for THEIR business, but it doesn't help me, the taxpayer, at all. I am happy that Fat Boys has a good business, but I think they are taking advantage of the system just as much as the card users are. We have gotten away from logical and reasonable thinking and need to clean up the mess and set things right again. This free for all way of thinking is doing nothing but bringing everyone down, especially the people who are responsible and honest and aren't looking to get over on the system.
You think paying taxes for Independence cards is bad. Ask any grocery store employee about the daily rampant shoplifting thats going on. You pay for that too!
i was laid off. I am doing everything in my power to find a job meanwhile i've blown through what little savings i had to pay bills without asking for help from anyone state, county, even family. i recently applied for the independence card so i can try and catch up on mortgage and power. i've worked since i was 14 and i need some help. i am borderline embarrassed to even use the card. i even thought about going to a store further away so i wouldn't run the risk of anyone seeing me! some people have pride some people have none at all.
I think you are missing the point. They are ABUSING these cards. Many do not need to even have these cards at all. If they can afford phones, fake nails, jewelery, and new clothes than they surely can afford to pay for their own seafood. Weather they get 10 dollars or 100 dollars it is being abused by them. People that are honest that do need help will not being using them to pay for luxuries.
Im not sure why Fat boys name keeps coming up when all the seafood places accept these cards.
I been usin a card since i was 16 and I stil iuse them. we got to eat to you no. we like crabs lik evrybody does. so shut up bot that fat boy stuf.
hey 2:10 do you have a job?
210 you can't spell. maybe government money should have been spent to improve that instead of feeding you crabs that most people who actually work still can't afford. You actually sound proud to be using them. You should not be allowed to eat better than the rest of us who actually work especially when you eat on our dime. So you can be the one to shut up until you become an actual tax payer and a productive member of our society.
There is no doubt, 1:52, that some of the people with the Independence Cards are abusing them. And, yes, some probably buy live crabs, which is allowable on the cards, and then pay cash to have them steamed, since steamed crabs are not allowable. That's a way to beat the system, and just about wherever a rule is in place, someone is going to figure out how to get around it. Is it right? No. Does it seem fair that someone with "the card" can eat better than you? No. But that's the way it is. I have to agree with 12:30 that, though we may not like it, those with the food stamps/Independence cards have been given so much to spend, and it's up to them how they spend it--wisely or unwisely, When it runs out, they'll have to deal with it. Why should we really care?
2:10 Certainly needs a refresher course on proper grammar.
We should care because if they are going to abuse it, maybe they shouldn't have it in the first place.
They are getting hundreds of dollars a month for food. WHY?? Their kids can get free breakfast and lunch at the schools. The only thing they have to buy them is dinner. I bet the amount they get from the different food pantries is enough to feed all the kids dinner for the month leaving the amount that is on their card free to buy what ever they want with it. Pathetic
Everyone that commented on "2:10" please do not insult your own intelligence. I'd love to drop him in the middle of Baltimore, D.C. or Philly and see how "thug" and/or uneducated he PRETENDS to be then. Go back to your $40K job in your cubicle and stop playing on your laptop.
2:10 you are a idiot not only do you need to go back to school for reading and writing but you need to get a job!!!!Your a Ahole!!
The heartbreaking thing is that the people who need it the most,working poor and the elderly,make "too much" to get this help....
These cards must be extremely easy to get. I had a woman cashier employed at Walmart tell me that there were quite a few of her co-workers that have these cards.
She was complaining that she wished she could get one to charge her food on.
The people who have gotton these cards - a lot of them really should not have them. But some of the left over ACORN cronies are administrating the Independence program and they could care less about how the recipients use them.
It is obvious that program's guidelines are being circumvented everyday. Trouble is - there is no one with good moral fiber overseeing the program.
You people are so dumb you can't even tell when someone is pulling your chain, referring to 2:10 post.
Get over yourselves already. If this activity was not allowed, do you really think they would get away with it?
Worry about something important for a change.
Everyone that commented on "2:10" please do not insult your own intelligence.
That's the trouble, they don't have any.
Please, DO NOT feed the Trolls!
Laid off from The Daily Times. Albero has cheered about that in the past however, I eat better than him thanks to my card !!!
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