Atlanta (CNN) - He is a good Christian, Michael is telling his two therapists. He goes to church most Sundays. He’s a devoted husband and father of two daughters.
“But when I would leave on business trips,” he says, “I knew I was going to get to be someone else.”
“Prostitutes, porn - I took anything I wanted.”
no, sorry to say. sex makes money. money is what everyone is after.
Churches are against anything that takes money out of the collection plate!
porn keeps husbands faithful.
porn is addictive. it plays over and over in the mind and the more you view; the more you want. porn can destroy your spirit and your relationships. so very insideous and deceptive.
yes; it's in the "church" and is finally being exposed and dealt with in many congregations. men and women can be addicted and it usually starts at an early age; expecially with the onset of the internet.
i realize there are some on this blog that don't claim to be a "believer"; but for those that are; understand this:
satan will take you farther than you ever wanted to go.
he will keep you there longer than you ever wanted to stay.
he will make you pay more than you ever wanted to pay.
this applies to many forms of addictive behavior; not just porn.
Jesus offers all a better way; a way to be free from sin and shame. seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. this is a promise. just talk to Him; tell Him your heart and He is faithful to hear and answer you. read the Bible and get with someone you think may be able to help you. a true Christian (they are there) and don't give up my friend. there is truly hope with Jesus.....
@2:35 Yes, as an Atheist... my best advice to turn someone away from the christian faith structure would be "read the Bible"... just as you suggested. I think there is no better condemning evidence to discredit it's claims than just reading it.... but that's not what you really meant, was it? What I think you REALLY meant was: fall in lock step with my particular faith structure... now isn't that a bit more honest than just saying read the bible?
How horrid is it that a "creator" would make a species so sexually charged, then make that thing a sin. How cruel. How twisted.
Did you ever consider that totally happy and normal married/unmarried couples enjoy and use "pornography" as a turn on?
I also find issue with your definition of "a TRUE CHRISTIAN"... for as many folks that agree with you that fall into your definition... there are as many who disagree with your assertions... who describe themselves and others of their mindset as "true Christians"... wow... I wonder what that means?
2:35 = recovering porn addict
probably still sneaks it in here and there
I love my porn, I can use my mouse to get better movies and then use both hands for my pleasure!
2:35 has stated the problem of porn addiction very eloquently. Yes, 4:43, happily married couples can use porn as a "turn on." That assertion assumes that both parties find it enjoyable and mutually satisfying. There's always the danger. though, that one of them will do a lot of stealthy individual viewing. 2:35 is talking about people sneaking around behind their mate's back to view porn. Eventually, the other partner will discover this, resulting in a broken marriage. To overcome this addiction--and it is addiction--one almost always needs professional help. One can stop looking for a week for two, but eventually the inner desire takes over. If one has a partner that he is keeping his viewing a secret from, the very guilt he is feeling can produce a severe psychological problem. I respect the fact that you're an atheist, 4:43, and if one is a non-believer, then he won't be helped by Christian counseling, but there is secular help available. As 2:35 terms it, porn is insidious!
It's strange how Atheists are obsessed with the church. They say they don't believe in God but can't leave the church alone.
4:43 Amen. Perfect. With porn as with any other addiction, it always goes to the next level and again the next level until you are doing things that you are to the point of self degradation after you have long degraded your relationship.
I had a friend from childhood that I watched destroy his life over and over again because of porn. He had three failed marriages because of it. He became so rapped up in his secret gratification that the real intimacy was lost in all of his relationships all of his wives eventually left because of the degradation. He refused help and now his problem has transferred to hard drugs. Its so sad because this person hated drugs as a teenager when it was the hip thing to do. At this point, he will probably end up dying if he doesn't find his spirit in GOD. Totally hand his life to GOD. It works. I have seen it time and time again.
For an addict, religion can become the addiction after recovering from porn,drugs,sex,money,etc. Though one would argue that being religious is better than being hooked on drugs, porn, or whatever. The problem still stems from the addictive behavior. And as long as people just substitute their addiction for another. They will always struggle.
Porn is of the Devil. Its production origins are with Jews who have always used it to unbalance the Goyim who serve them.
All of Hollywood is becoming porn. It is a Jewish goal and a plan to destabilize our society.
Ted Bundy attributed his murder rampage to pornography.
@4:43... i enjoyed your post.
@8:39... excellent point. addicts finding religion are just trading one addiction for another. people pressure you to do drugs just as people pressure you to "be a good Christian"
@8:49... you are delusional. I'm assuming that you do not watch porn and since "Hollywood is becoming porn" i must assume that you also do not watch tv or movies.
I personally do not watch porn but i'm not gonna say i never have.
religion is man reaching to god to try to get perfection. this is not Christianity.
being a Christian is God reaching to man through His Son Jesus. man accepting the GIFT and daily building a wonderful relationship with Jesus. of course; because He saved us from sin, death and the grave we are eternally grateful. do we still sin, fall and make mistakes? yes, but now we have an advocate with the Father; Jesus.
being a Christian is simply a personal relationship with God.
if i'm wrong and this isn't real, i've still lived a wonderful life on this earth, problems and all because of my faith in a living God; Jesus.
if you're wrong you've lost everything....
It's strange how Atheists are obsessed with the church. They say they don't believe in God but can't leave the church alone.
August 21, 2011 6:41 PM
I have noticed that myself a while back. They don't believe and don't want anyone else to believe in God.
For them to say it's a fairy tale, silly superstitions, brain washing, etc., and then continuously degrade, attack,and laugh not only at the religion itself but the members too.
Just as they profess not to believe in God or anything associated with it, I don't believe in atheism.
But I don't go around hounding them, ridiculing them, mocking or laughing at them either.
To each their own. They should stay on their side of the street and we will stay on ours. But for some reason, they simply cannot do that.
They have to be right in the middle of things. Notice me, notice me. Lord love em but they are a misguided group.
If they would actually read the bible and let the bible explain the bible, they might just see the light.
I admit it can be confusing if one doesn't know how to discern the passages. They can come away with a totally different understanding that what the bible intended.
Oh well, getting off my soapbox now. Have a blessed day.
All of Hollywood is becoming porn. It is a Jewish goal and a plan to destabilize our society.
Good lands, 8:49, I've heard a lot of things attributed to the Jews, but this is a new one and a little off the wall!
I have never understood the appeal or threat of pornography it has to be one of the most ridiculous things there is
"A fool says in his heart there is no God." It takes more faith to be an athiest than to belive there is a God. A book that was written centuries ago(long before the Koran or Nostradamus)that the prophetic writings are coming true on a daily basis. And church was meant for the sinner not the perfect. Perfection comes afer you here Him say "well done my good and faithfull servant"
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