Here at SBYnews we try to keep our reading audience informed as to what will actually transpire if the budget ceiling is not raised. Back in 1995 - under Clinton - a similar scenario played out and all of the non-essential federal employees were temporarily furloughed. However - what most of the public doesn't know is that when the debt ceiling was raised - these same furloughed federal workers were issued back-pay for not working. In other words they were paid for not working.
So for those individuals who saw John McCain on FOX news TV the other night complain about the Tea Party's position - make no mistake about it - I was there to - and John McCain was one of the federal individuals who was also issued back-pay for not working during the furlough period.
I don't think, as a TEA Party member, that raising the debt ceiling is the issue here; it obviously needs raising to stop a default. The real issue here is the runaway Debt Clock that no one seems to be addressing, except the TEA Party
republicans and many other congressmen. WE The People have been asking for a balanced budget agreement since I was little, and I'm 57 now, and today we read the news that Mr. John Boehner has politely backed that out again of this crisis. At this crisis level we are experiencing, I feel like John Boehner has literally taken a gut knife to the working class of America and guaranteed that until the next election theft the American people will be continuously tramples upon with more unemployment, a far greater depression, and just plain government tyranny.
Maybe we should just go ahead and thank him now for finally triggering the revolution so many of us feel...
This is a sin. Great - we are not only paying for low performing government services but also paying for them not to work.
When is the American public going to wake-up and see that these two parties are of the same mold. When it just appears that the Republicans paychecks might be in jeopardy - then they cave-in and consent to just about everything.
Now we know why Ann Coulter said she would vote for Hillary over John McCain. His latest behavior just goes to prove a point as to why Miss Coulter would vote Democrat.
In comparison - our US Congress's actions makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like an angel.
Stimulus 1 & 2 did not work. What the heck - what's another trillion or two more. I just heard a few minutes ago that they are now considering implementing QE3.
The fact that the government will default if we don't allow more borrowing to pay for it should tell you that there is something fundamentaly wrong.
Both sides aren't trying to fix the problem. Both sides are just deciding how far to kick the can down the road.
I never thought it possible, but I will see the collapse of the U.S. in my lifetime because no one in Washington has the guts to fix the problem.
To 7:28
You are absolutely correct - our generation will see the collapse of the US economy on a cataclismic scale. The measures of the latest compromise did just that - 'kick the can down the road'.
I noticed the market futures are up this morning. This will be shortlived as word spreads that the latest congressional deal is a nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.
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