Romney’s support among GOP primary voters has dropped 6 percentage points in recent weeks, from 23 percent in early June to 17 percent in the new poll, which asked about announced and potential candidates.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Texas Rep. Ron Paul all receive 9 percent. Giuliani and Palin have not declared their candidacy.
Businessman Herman Cain comes in at 5 percent. All others receive less than 5 percent.
Romney and Perry are both RINO;s...look at their past actions...look at the health care ponzi scheme Romney has placed Mass. in! Who the heck puts these crooks to the top of the list?
Pretty sad for Republicans when top contenders include Perry and Bachmann.
I wonder whom else they could throw in the race to make Obama's landslide win even more certain. How about Eric Cantor?
Alex -
I'm sure you think that Romney is great? The only reason Romney is even a viable candidate is because polling data shows that conservatives will (probably) even vote for him over Obama.
Alex how's that hopey changey thing workin out for ya?
I would vote for anybody over Obama--well, maybe anybody except Sarah Palin.
I think Romney is a very viable candidate, and I like Romney. However, if I were him I would sit this one out and run in 2014. But, hey, maybe he wants to practice...he's got the money.
Just like democrats in the last election, republicans now are leaving a very bad taste in the mouth of the voter. This is obvious to anyone leaving outside the bubble of this blog.
Sure Obama is not perfect but there is no way that anyone will come even close to beating Obama.
The President hasn't even started campaigning yet and he is already leading every Republican in every poll.
Republican party needs to be more concerned about losing the house again.
8:24 actually it's working out pretty well for me. Let's see
1. I don't have to worry about being denied coverage for preexisting condition. And I can keep my child on my policy until she is 26.
2. American troop are not dying in Iraq
3. Restrictions on stem cell research have been removed. Federal funds are available to scientific labs.
4. bin-Laden is dead
5. SCHIP is covering millions of children
6. Increased students loans
The list is actually pretty long.
And my personal favorite, I'm no longer embarrassed for our president.
The problem with people like you 8:24 is that you have been brainwashed so badly, that even when the president does something good, you fail to accept it.
We have more deadlier days in Iraq under Obama then Bush The welfare health care you want is unaffordable and unsustainable and will result in rationed care. Your kids need to be on their own at 26 but I guess if you want to train them to be welfare tax suckers like their old man go for it. How did Bush's military policy of taking Bin laden make your life better? There are increased applications for student loans because of the huge unemployment rate that cannot be funded. So when you speak of brainwashing you only need to check the mirror.
I have said this before and have yet to have any GOPer respond to me in any way other than insulting, but...
This movement of purifying the Republican party cannot end well for anyone who hopes to win the White House. To win, the GOP needs to nominate someone who can win at least 51%, which means they need to nominate someone Democrats will vote for (see: Reagan, Ronald.)
Romney, for whatever reasons your side does not like him, seems to be someone who can win 51% and win over disaffected Democrats.
Bachmann (who may or may not get enough support for the nominattion) does not have that appeal. Nor does Pawletny, Gingrich, Huntsman, et all.
To nominate someone who appeals only to the Tea Party, or to one specific segment of the GOP, is not a winning strategy, regardless of how bad things are in the country.
Bachmann gets you all the Tea Party voters. OK. Good. Now how do you get people who voted for Obama last time, to vote for her?
Aswer that question, you win.
Alex get some help KOOK!
1. Using the Gulf Oil Spill to promote Green Energy - instead of cleaning it up.
2. Passing a Socialized Health Care Bill
3. Thinking the Tea Party is a passing fad - or that they are racists
4. Saying that the United States is not a Christian country no more...
5. Pulling out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces and saying it was his victory...
6. Trying to re-write history through speeches - with inaccurate information (i.e. Statue of Liberty)
7. Getting a Nobel Prize for being the most ineffective President in the history of the United States, though some say it was for his pigment.
8. Putting all legislation on the Internet for five days before it comes to a vote.
9. Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits.
10. Giving a collection of DVDs to the British PM.
11. Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism.
12. Promising to close Gitmo (and not knowing if his “special order” had established a process for moving Gitmo detainees... talk about being clueless) — failing to do so.
13. Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016.
14. Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to his various Czar positions and then watching them scurry for cover when Beck begins to call them out, forcing them to resign.
15. Government races for NJ, VA and the Senate Seat in Mass.
16. Prediction that stimulus would ensure that unemployment doesn’t exceed 8%.
17. Bowing to just about everybody.
18. Proposing a Bill to where the Federal Govt can step in and take over a “private” business if they deem it important to national interests...
19. Proposing amnesty for illegal aliens to increase the population of voters for Demoncrat elections
20. Obama (Federal Funds) is now funding abortions...
21. The Stark Treaty (The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)
Obama is poised to be the first president to have our credit rating reduced and Alex is so proud.
Alex, is there a presidential election in 2014 that Romney could run in? That is news to me. I thought the election happened every four years, but what do I know? You're the one with all the answers.
Alex wants tax payers to pay for him and his children because he is a loser and refuses to grow up and be a man.
Hey 9:00AM, you left death panels off your faux news list of distortions.
Dim witted Drew are you suggesting there won't be a panel to decide who gets what and who doesn't? Your cult leader Obama already stated that it would be more cost effective to give grandma a pill then to give her life extending surgery. If that's not a death panel what is?
And my personal favorite, I'm no longer embarrassed for our president.
Too busy being embarrassed for yourself?
9:00 there is so much wrong with your rambling, I won't even dignify it with a response. "Bowing to everyone, securing Olympics..." Listen to yourself. Are you going thru Glenn Beck withdrawals?
9:40, I meant 2016, thanks for correction. 2014 would be the year when republicans lose the House again.
9:55 thanks for the personal attack, I am sure you know me very well. I have a pretty good job and pay my taxes. I don't need you to pay for anything. I am however willing to pay for your healthcare and education as I believe those things are basic human rights and should not be exploited by greedy corporation...
Alex you live in your own little world just hang on to your media matters talking points. You can attack others but play the shrinking violet when you get slapped down with facts. If you can't take it go back to your mothers basement.
Just because I'm a gay man doesn't mean I should have to get a job. I'm a victim and need to be taken care of by you oppressors.
Face it Alex this president is a failure and only makes you look like an idiot pretending that we are in the greatest economic boom in history...LOL
Taxpayers Lost $1.3 Billion In Chrysler Bailout. Alex this was sly investment from your Marxist leader you idiot!
Don't worry Alex I will protect you sweet prince.
10:49/10:57 how old are you? 12?
10:57 Don't talk for me.
Alex and Drew you two need to get a room.
11:08 That's not funny don't speak for me how old are you?
I think the two sissies need a waaaambulance.
I'm feeling like committing a hate crime on Alex. He makes my blood boil.
Anon 1216 -
As long as you're just FEELING like it.
Nothing drastic. Just a good ole fashion playground pounding.
Alex, if your kid stays on your insurance until she's 26, she's as big a loser as you are!
Get a JOB!!!
1:38, very possible, hard to tell now, she's only 17 mo old. Also, she could be pursuing higher education such graduate or postgraduate degrees.
Education, you know, the liberal, gay stuff that makes you want to commit a hate crime :)
1:38, for children in college working on a masters it helps out a lot. Health care is a basic human right. The quality of our society depends on such fairness. Though those who are against such measures don't really care about the quality of our society as a whole.
But your asking tax payers to pay for it. Not to mention everywhere forced health care has been tried it has failed and has always provided substandard care. Sounds like Alex doesn't want his kid to have the very best health care maybe social services should be called.
Actually, Mitt Romney passed universal health care in Massachusetts and it is very successful.
Look it up, research it - you'll be surprised how well it works.
Too bad he now has to distance himself from it, just so he can appeal to teabaggers.
Read it again alex...mass was no where near successful with it...you libtards are unreal!
Mass. can't afford their health care without federal subsidies and is a big reason I won't support Mitt. I don't why some people would be so quick to trade their freedom for a nanny state.
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