With the opening of a “Skate Shop”, is the downtown plaza going to become a hangout for skateboarders? Is skateboarding going to be permitted on the thoroughfare?

While a new business is almost always welcome downtown, if skateboarding is going on it will be difficult to attract other businesses to the plaza. It’s not that we don’t want to give area kids an opportunity to have fun. Folks on foot simply won’t want to dodge skateboarders while walking down the plaza.
Note the skateboarder above. A car is backing up and he is heading right for the car.
Just great! Next we'll see drugs and police everywhere.
Scateboarding,that's the only thing the plaza is good for
Whats the difference between riding a skateboard or a bike. I was a "skater" in middle school. I now have a college degree and hold a full time position(salary) at 25. I never did drugs either.
I don't see anything wrong with it if they aren't damaging any property.
In the last picture. Would it be any different if the kid was on a bike or just walking? The car actually looks more out of place to me. Why don't we ban them in the plaza?
Look at all the pedestrians on foot in the pictures too. God forbid if a skateboarder bumped into them.
Looks like the skate shop and barber shop is the only business bringing people to downtown area. Good for them.
skateboarding leads to drugs and police everywhere? what in the world?! People want the downtown area to be successful but they don't want to support ANYTHING that goes there. Yea, that's helpful.
Ban cars from the plaza...do a 5 million dollar study to put in special bike/skateboard/walking/Jazzy scooter lanes....come on now...why can't we all just get along?
Looks to me like the boy is headed AWAY from the car.
Looks to me like the car is heading for the skateboarder. He has the right of way.
Build a skate park and problem solved.
Love the sign in the taxpayer's planter!
4:10 PM
6:28 PM
And his cousin the imbecile.
JR acts like a super Dad. Truth is his daughter got kicked out of Bennett. And at 16 dropped out of WI HI. Great job JR!
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