Under the program, undocumented immigrants from central and southern states in Mexico apprehended by the Border Patrol are given the opportunity to fly on a chartered flight from Tucson to Mexico City, where they are given bus tickets to return to their hometowns.
Ordinarily, undocumented immigrants from Mexico caught by the Border Patrol are simply returned to Mexico through ports along the border, where many simply reconnect with smugglers and attempt to cross illegally again.
Flying immigrants to Mexico City, more than 1,000 miles away, reduces the chance the migrant will try to sneak across the border again, Picard said.
FLying them over makes sense but I wonder how much cheaper it would be to simply push them out with a cheap parachute when we got there.
Start shooting them on the border and the problem will go away in about a week.
I agree with 9:19
Step over the boarder....Bang!
Watch how quickly the problem goes away.
But, Obama WANTS the illegals here, that's the real problem.
Are you ready to $8 for a head of lettuce? Get rid of the illegals and watch how fast and far produce prices shoot up. Lazy/ I'm to good to do that americans won't do the work that the illegals will.
8:28 No free health care, no free eaducation no free medical no free meal plans, think what we could save in taxes.
"Flying them a 1000 miles into Mexico reduces the chance they will sneak across the border again". I guess they dont have any cars in Mexico that can travel 1000 + miles? Right. That is their first priority is to get back to the US. Plus you have to figure all of these illegals arent just Mexican. They are from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and so forth. They just use Mexico as their crossing point. And those countries are further away than a 1000 miles.
Flerndip, I'm not sure what your point is regarding immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The program is ONLY for immigrants from "central and southern states in Mexico". The point of the program is to get the Mexicans farther from the border as quickly as possible rather than sending them back across where they can just try to return immediately.
Anon 8:28 We don't mind that they come here to work just get a work VISA so we can account for them. Legal work is available but they just want to sneak over undetected which is security risk.
I say we implement tag and release so we know who the habitual offenders are.
How exactly would that help?
...BTW, that system is already in place.
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