The young person driving this vehicle is reportedly underage. The vehicle is illegal in the state of Maryland except for Ocean City. The vehicle has no tags, therefore no liability insurance. On at least two occasions, I’ve seen this vehicle tearing up and down the downtown plaza and almost hit someone on one occasion.
It has been seen driving on main city streets and was almost hit by someone down near the University.
Either the young man driving it, a passenger, or someone in another vehicle is going to be injured or killed.
Scooters don't have tags either.
What in the world is it?
as long as it doesnt do over 30mph, its legal. youve been given mis-information.
Doesn't J.R's son own one of them if I am not mistaken?
Don't be a grumpy old man let the kid ride.
It is illegal. Jim Mathias pushed legislation through this year that made it legal to drive this vehicle (SCOOP COOP) only on State Hwy's in Oc with bike lanes and municipal streets of OC with bike lanes. The law is specific to OC. It does not fall under the same considerations as a moped.
And by the way for it to operate in OC it must be 50CC and under.
I always see it downtown, parked in the library, and parked at John Robinson's family store in south Salisbury right before the Walmart.
It was being driven on Camden ave this morning and, at $3000, it's not a cheap toy.
These are being driven in OC all over town plus across the Route 50 bridge and points West.
The scooters riding all over town are just as bad. Imagine walking accross the street and being hit by a scooter weighing 200 lbs with a rider weighing 175 lbs at a speed of 30 mph. AND THE DRIVER HAS NO LIABILITY INSURANCE. What are the police going to do? Take away a license that they don't have? I'm disgusted with the whole thing.
I saw it to, heading south on camden, about a week ago, me and my daughter where like what the hey,
Saw someone pushing it down the sidewalk on Camden Ave behind SU yesterday.
Yes, it is all over town, see it roaring up and down the roads all the time..why do motor vechicle owners have to pay insurance and tags and have a lic.. if they are gonna let these things and scooters fly up and down the road ....I am getting pissed at these fools on scooters racing up and down the streets and they have NO insurance..If i hit one of the se jerks my insurance is gonna have to cover them, and they have nothing...Its so wrong, half these scooter drivers are holding a dwi, so they cant have a car, so they give these fools a right to zoom around drunk on a scooter...HELL-O... dont know what this red thing is , but looks like a kid and trouble to me......
In order to operate a motorized vehicle legally in the state of Maryland, you must have a valid driver lic.. Tags are not the problem. Vehicles that do not have tags or not required to have tags , will obey all traffic laws.
Any scooter or motorcycle that has more than 50cc should be tagged.
Only Robinson would put his childs life on the line to get killed by a larger motor vehicle.
by law the sellers of mopeds are suppose to read the laws of mopeds to the buyers
not to exceed 30mph
have a license or moped permit
obey traffic laws of regular vehicles
To anonymous 3:21 and 3:38 I agree with you it is not fair we must insure our vehicles when we are on the road what is it 2 sets of rules??? One for them and one for us!!Sound like it!!
I saw the younger boy driving the red car all the time,his father is teaching him the wrong lesson.whats next for these guys light aircraft out at the airport.don't worry son the cops can't catch you up here.
Crisfield and Ocean City both are loaded with scooters and only half the people know how to operate them safely.I actually saw one brain dead guy riding a scooter with one hand and holding onto an INFANT on his lap with the other!
it was parked at the powell building downtown at around 2:30 this afternoon.
I saw this vehicle being driven by Jr's minor son on Dogwood Drive by the University two weeks ago. It was operated without him using a helmet or driver's license. It is illegal to drive this vehicle anywhere in Maryland except Ocean City (see House bill 1167). This is a blatant act flaunting Maryland law. Since JR's encounters with the Maryland Judicial System are a matter of public record (ref. Maryland Judiciary Case Search) it is obvious the douche doesn't splash far from the douchebag.
You go JR,for some crazy reason you are always above the law.Tick Tock Tick Tock. you will get yours soon enough.Just hold on to your seat its Comming.
Thats it Im gonna Sue you then Im gonna Sue the Gov't then Im gonna Sue sby news then Im gonna Sue ahhh ahhh ahhhh did I leave any body out,--------- Oh, Have a nice day Johnny Boy.
i seen it yesterday in jr's driveway on dogwood dr. but more importantly if you blow the picture of jr's truck that you posted previously you will see it just in front of his truck. making a left turn.
Any parent who willing lets their child operate one of these death traps on public roads needs their heads examined.
I also of the belief that when you buy a child something like this or a 4 wheeler you should also buy the acreage/property for your kid to ride it on for the kid's safety so they don't have to operate it in traffic.
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