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How can we make Salisbury News better?
Tell us what you would like to see in SbyNEWS:
- More Posts per Day
- Fewer Posts per Day
- More Local Content (Lower Eastern Shore, Delmarva)
- More Political Coverage (Local, State, National)
- More Lifestyle Articles (Health, Money, Food, etc.)
- Posts Spread Out More Evenly Throughout the Day.
- Maybe you have another suggestion.
- Maybe you like things just the way they are.
I think you should have a discussion forum. That would be awesome! That way you could just link from an article to a thread on a message board. Could still comment under the article but then You would also have the option of discussing an article in a more organized manner which is why message boards were designed. . .anyway I would like that.
I would like to see more Delaware news. I live in DE and work in Salisbury so MD news is important to me. I would like to know what our towns are trying to accomplish/destroy like you cover Salisbury, Baltimore. etc. Other than that, You are my first choice for local news. Just have to get my Delaware news from somewhere else. Oh Oh by the way, more nature photos. We live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
responses to emails that have valid information that needs to be shared.
Less vapid gossip.
Mr. Harrison, I know politics are important but the content seems to be taking over. I'd like to see more local news not just when "little johnny" gets a DUI. The whole tone needs to be re-configured. It seems to have become too drab and a little on the hostile side. I've noticed that The Dispatch is now circulated in Wicomico county(thank God) so maybe some Ocean City businesses would like to advertise.
love how you report salisbury and wicomico county government news. love the wcboe updates. these are our tax dollars and you are "keeping them honest" by your reporting. accountability is paramount. please continue connecting the dots.
of course state news is very important as well. news we DON'T get from the "daily pravda". please keep this coming. like the report from mcdermott.
love the "history" report on saturday. i would also like to see more pics of the local area's beauty. we have much to offer here.
on a lighter note: i liked the recent post showing the contrast of life "back in the day" and today. i like seeing something "funny" once in a while. and i know the men probably wouldn't care about this but it would even be nice to see a couple of weekly recipes.
ok, i've put my 2 cents in. thanks again for this blog.....
I would like to see less of the extremely long political items...such as that O'Malley information that you seem to get from somewhere everyday. Appears to be filler copied from some other place. Anyway, this is the place for local news.
More local news to keep the good ole boys in line and a bigger reading pane for the news..... I know you need advertising but the huge ads on both sides of the page is distracting.
I visit this sight to see who Joe is going after next! I could care less about many of the political articles that are posted.
I do enjoy seeing G.A.'s take on things especially politics-happy to see he's on board.
I like the "couple of weekly recipes" suggestion.
I'd like to see a "What's on your mind today" chat box. That might spin another article altogether. I like the LOCAL news. I like it that we can be updated almost like having a scanner on with crime, accidents, etc. I like it that the articles keep some of the politicians in line that the local paper just won't do. I'd like to see something every now and then regarding health issues, self help tid bits, school and kid's "positives" (awards, baseball championships {like the three state baseball championships recently and nothing on the blogs, Bennett undefeated}, Veterans groups, Lions clubs, Celebrations, LESS about kissing the Law Enforcement community's butts {they put in their own PR in the paper or have a person in front of a "mike" to get it for them}. Thanks for asking!!!
More local news & information, like the name implys.
More humor is always good.
Every once in a while I'd love to see something that isn't blamed on the democrats. They can't be wrong ALL of the time.
I understand its an opinion blog owned and run by republicans, but seriously, can't we look at situations with an apolitical eye somehow? I don't read the blog every day because I know anything political will immediately take a posture of blame on "them".
GA might not be quite so intent on pointing out the negative, in his opinion. Thanks.
anonymous 7:48, while I agree with what you're saying, I'd argue that we always publish democrat press releases to share the other side. Then I get grief for publishing it. As for the comments, they have every right to express their opinion, as do you.
Joe, personally I would like to see more concentration of local happenings (even tho I am in Florida lol) and less of the national politics where articles seem to go on and on. Liked the format from a couple years ago. jackkcharl@aol.com
I would prefer to see less stuff posted from other websites and more original content. The Consumerist is a great site, and please post a link every now and then when it's valuable information...but when 10 (exaggeration, but you know what I mean) posts in a row take you to their website, it's annoying.
I like not having to always read the comments; sometimes it just makes me angry that people say such nasty things. If you could keep it so that you have to click to read comments and allow people to choose if they want The People's Opinion, that would be great.
Otherwise, please keep doing what you are doing! I may not always agree with what is posted, but I enjoy an opportunity to read opposing viewpoints and see things from a different perspective. You've changed my mind on a few things, and strengthened my original opinion on others. You've also made the local news outlets work harder and report more, so kudos for that!
Would like to see more edgey stuff. Investigative reporting on the things going on "under the radar" so to speak. Like the crooked cops, politicians, prosacutors office, judges, you know the stuff.
News about surrounding counties would be good. Like Dorchester, Talbot, Worcester just for examples
Less politics, more news. I feel like I have to wade through 10 articles to get to 1 that interests me. Anything dealing with local government is fine with me, someone needs to keep tabs on how our tax money is being spent.
I loved the article on non-profits paying taxes on local property, post more types of news like that.
As a Worcester County resident who reads daily - I would like to see more regional news instead of just Salisbury stuff. I like the idea of "What's on your mind today?" because it gets people thinking and talking. I like it when you take a risk in exposing local politicians and government employees who have a responsibility to the taxpayers. I think you are doing a good job of getting people to share their views and I always come away better informed to make my own choices. Thanks for the forum!
More original content; less articles linked to others' work. Hate seeing articles with "More..." or "Read here...".
The site is Salisbury News. Make it about Salisbury.
If you don't grow , you shrink.
That's a fact.
a daily open post area.
often have ideas, comments and worthy posts that have no article to attach them too.
- just a daily open to anything commenting area please
Less copy and paste, more original content like the good old days.
anonymous 9:39,
Salisbury News will continue to provide news from across the Delmarva area, even if it means copy and paste.
I challenge each and every one of you to look at the Daily Times, WBOC and others. MOST of their content is copy and paste. You can easily recognize it by the "AP" label after the title.
We work very hard each day to provide information that has something to do with our way of life here as well. Some of the news is breaking news, allowing you to be able to see much of what we believe is important at the time around the world.
Our commitment is to provide more local content, IN CASE YOU HADN'T NOTICED over the past few weeks. We will continue to provide more and more each and every day.
Mind you, there's not always important news and information each and every day. However, IF we wanted to, we could easily provide 200 copy and paste articles a day. We do not.
We're simply asking every one to give us time to provide all of the changes many are asking for.
I'll close with this. While SOME of you may want ALL local news, our daily traffic PROVES that what we provide works. So we'll provide what we feel the majority of our readers want. Adding GA Harrison to Salisbury News on a full time basis will deliver more local news.
I should add, when you see what we deliver with Salisbury News 2.0 you'll instantly enjoy how we provide information every day. The majority of what you'll instantly see will be local content.
Less cut-and-paste from other web sites. I read sbynews less than I used to simply because I'm tired of wading through all the stuff that, if I were interested in it, I would read it elsewhere.
I like your site and this is the FIRST place I check to see what's happening.
The one thing I would like to see changed is how the site loads.
Since you added the advertising, it takes time for the site to load so that I can start reading the posts.
I'm not in favor of going back to no ads, since I think the ads are a great asset, but it just takes too long.
I feel you've done a great thing here for the area and hope to see you continue on for a long time!
I don't mind copy and paste so much or linking to other sites, but I read drudgereport as much as I do this site, so some info is redundant.
I like the idea about the discussion board. Being able to share comments and opinions makes SBYNEWS attractive. Perhaps a discussion board could be less censored than comments??
Maybe a beauty of the week contest where you highlight the ladies of the eastern shore, that would rev my engine.
I think it would be nice to have a place for things advertised for sale or free or things people are looking for. Sort of what "Party Line" was a while back.
I am glad I can get on this site and know I will be getting facts that other sites will not publish. I know when I get on here I will get the truth and wont have to worry about political correctness.
Keep up the hard work, you all do a lot more then most news sites do for the community. I would also suggest maybe sprucing up the site a bit maybe instead of the everyday black and white. Keep up the hard work!
More local news that keeps the ole boy network in line. That was what made you a huge success not press releases from the political hacks.
Unless the index to posts is put at the top (above the ads), stop this practice:
"New posts will fall below this one."
Forget Obama! He's covered by other sources.
Less propaganda pieces (I mean press releases) from all political officials and candidates on all sides. All too often it is worthless junk.
More investigative reporting. It's how you made your name and this site popular. The scandals didn't stop, but the reporting seems to have let up.
More coverage of other communities on the shore (i vote for talbot county, personally).
Keep up the good work!
Fewer of the conservative opinion posts.. they cloud out the local news! find a way to make the site work with a wider article column. The high number of non-local news stories coupled with the thin column width make it hard to find local stories some times.
anonymous 12:17, again, when you see the 2.0 version you'll see many of the changes you're asking for.
It's good to see the changes. I've been a follower for a couple of years now and visit here several times a day. It would be nice, if it was possible, to have more local events listed such as 5K/10K walks/runs for family fun, fundraisers or serious runners. Or perhaps showcasing local businesses that offer activities that are available to folks on the Shore.
2nd th suggestion about putting an index to the posts at the top of the blog (above the ads).
I would like to see G.A. actually refuse to post personal attacks on people (unlike Joe who only claims to do so.) When you post comments calling folks liars, crooks, stupid, etc., you look petty and ignorant. We like facts, not name calling.
I would like to see shorter turn around time on the release of comments. Sometimes, its many hours before they are released (or dumped).
I don't mind having to click on a link labeled "more" -- but doing so should open a new browser window, leaving SBYNEWS up and intact on my existing browser window. This will keep more folks on your site, instead of forcing them to leave to roam elsewhere.
I think a simple tweaking of some code should remedy this.
Daddio, that's a load of crap. Considering I have a LOT to do with moderating comments I can tell you for a fact that is completely untrue.
I'll add, also considering we have so many involved in moderating comments, unless your commenting in the middle of the night, comments go up in a very short period of time. In fact, I try to keep them in "real time" as humanly possible.
I don't know if it's possible, but I'd like to have the first post of the day at the top of the page and scroll down to read the posts throughout the day. So the most current posts would be at the bottom of the page. This way you can read the posts in the order that they were posted instead of backwards.
Joe, there have been times when it did indeed take hours for comments to be released. Since you were the only one that appeared to be moderating, I can understand that when you get busy, the moderating gets pushed aside for a time.
Apparently, you missed my point in making this suggestion: You should have more folks available to handle this task.
I'll admit that lately the comments have been posting quicker. But you DID ask for suggestions....
Not necessarily more local news just less national news
you could post links in a separate column entitled "other articles of interest"
Daddio, thank you. So you know, we just added another person today to help moderate comments. It will be a race between ALL of us to publish comments. Your request has be heard loud and clear and we acted upon it immediately.
Also, one other blog I read has a feature that allows reader response comment nested just below the original comment.
Instead of someone addressing a commenter as "anon 12:29" a response comment would go beneath and indented.
I personally would like a continued focus on local news. The politics are interesting and everything, but the primary reason I come to your site multiple times a day is for the local coverage of the Salisbury area. If I hear a ton of sirens whipping down 13, I know SbyNews will have information faster than anyone else. Thanks for all your efforts over the past couple of years I've been reading your site!
This is Salisbury News, not Delaware, Dorchester, Talbot, etc. Please keep it Salisbury. This is where I live and this is the only local news I care about. Look for bloggers in your area to get your local news. Just like WBOC, too much Delaware reporting. I read this everyday but if it starts to stray to other areas, I will lose interest. IMHO, thanks! Keep up the good work, Joe!
when i first started reading salisbury news a few years ago, the articles about our eastern shore out weighed the national news by far, i loved that. now and especially during election time, though i know it is important those things should be a separate link all things political, for people like me who come to your site for local news all other news i can read elsewhere or watch on TV. i have always loved the fact that this site was so much involved in the community. you also used to post alot of humor during the day which got me through my work day and gave me and co workers something to discuss that was light hearted and wouldnt hurt anyones feelings as politics and religion seem to do. Also maybe a classifieds section? being able to post things for sale on this site would be great because mostly everyone that reads it is local and would get the word out about cars etc that are for sale. other than that Joe you do an awesome job in everything! Salisbury/delmar are lucky to have you around - Thank you!!
I hope you stay Salisbury first, too, but some other area news like you do (Delmar, P.A., Willards, etc.) is fine. Yes, less National. I can get that nonsense anywhere. Maybe just do national headlines in a section with links?
You are the AWESOMEST in exposing government garbage. I read that personnel piece in the Daily Crock today and just gagged. What the hell happened to Jim Ireton? Seems like every other day there's a Jim Ireton whining article. The new council seems to be working hard and doing their job. He should just work with them and stop whining. Like with Louise Smith, "I want my vote back!"
Classifieds would be terrific. I can't afford the Dail Crock prices.
And Joe, you and G.A. keep at it! You are doing a great job keeping the people informed!
If possible, try to have the more active posts kept at the TOP of the list rather than being replaced by a lost dog report. If O'Malley's press releases could be combined with a single link for those that care, that would be great too.
Mr. Albero/ Mr. Harrison, I've been really putting a lot of thought into writing a daily article/blog. Maybe a "day to day" whatnot or relationship "stuff" a la' Carrie Bradshaw(Sex & the City). Maybe I can be one of your contributors?!
Local hauntings & history would be interesting.
Lastly, what about a reader ran "Book Club" someone can suggest a book others can read it and then meet up on the blog to discuss it. I really like this idea!!!!!!!! Besides Oprah and her book club are no more.
Let me know what you guys think.
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