Three council members voted against moving this project forward (Council President Terry Cohen, Councilman Tim Spies, and myself) for a variety of reasons. I believe we all agreed that spending taxpayers’ money to create nine one-bedroom apartments at a total cost of nearly $1.5 million was simply not the best solution to help those in need of housing in Salisbury. While we all support the idea of affordable housing, it is difficult to justify $179,000 per apartment. It was also difficult to support a project that was opposed by many of the hard working homeowners in the Church Street neighborhood, as well as taxpayers more generally.
As usual, those elected officials who are unable to accurately debate the facts and merits of the proposal resort to name calling, accusations, and baseless claims in order to divert public focus and make this about something other than fact and practicality. One council colleague even stated that we are attempting to undo valid contracts which the city has entered into.
As for the ironic notion that a majority of this council is attempting to unwind past actions of the city government, I can only ask … Where? One council colleague has repeated this claim on numerous occasions. The Daily Times gave this list in a recent editorial:
- · “Linens of the Week”
- · Bateman / Onley Road
- · Disproportionate Minority Contact Site
- · “The Bricks”
In the case of the “Linens of the Week” project, council has not attempted to undo anything. We simply disagreed with the Mayor that using the bulk of the city’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) monies for this project was short sighted and poor public policy. We also disagreed with his desire to furlough police officers.
While I make no secret of my opposition for the city’s acquisition of the “Linens of the Week” property, it is done. We were told by the Mayor that funding would be secured from sources such as the federal EPA and the state’s MDE. Until those sources are fully explored we should not even consider the use of CDBG resources. We should also be exploring possibilities beyond using the contaminated commercial site for housing. Bringing jobs to the neighborhood on the site could be more practical, and might be of interest to the private sector. Funding “Linens of the Week” with CDBG dollars would be at the expense of other projects that have been waiting much longer and would serve a much larger segment of the population and communities intended to be served by CDBG funding.
The previous council voted down the administration’s plan for Bateman / Onley Road intersection. I, along with other members of council, have chosen not to REVERSE that decision. Yet, the same council member who accuses Ms. Cohen, Mr. Spies, and me of wanting to overturn actions of previous councils is one of the same persons pushing for the council to do that very same thing regarding Bateman / Onley Road. Additionally, it has been falsely reported that the funding for the intersection was used to abate furloughs and to fund other city expenses. That is simply untrue. Both the revenue and expense for the intersection for the project was removed from the budget and can be reinstated if we are successful in reaching a resolution that is beneficial and fair to all parties (the city, the surrounding neighborhoods and their residents, the BOE and the University).
The “Disproportionate Minority Contact site” was a NEW proposal. There is nothing to undo.
In the case of “The Bricks”, the Mayor and some members of council argue on one day that there was no need for council to approve any contracts and on the next that we are attempting to overturn the actions of past councils. Which is it? It can’t be both.
The facts are simple. A majority of our 5 member council may disagree with the administration on certain policies. However, this doesn’t call for lies and grandstanding to create unrest and added angst for the residents of our city… something that neither I nor Ms. Cohen nor Mr. Spies have done. These are policy disagreements. I have to wonder what motivates this behavior and whether all of this stirring of the pot is intended, once again, to divert focus from some of the serious issues facing the city such as the waste water treatment plant and restoring the financial health of the city.
Debbie Campbell lives in Salisbury and is currently serving her second term on the Salisbury City Council.
Thanks for nothing Campbell. You are as worthless as Cohen and Spies. Only a fool would vote to defund this project. After all it was already paid for.
and this doesn't further "stir the pot" ?
as a citizen- it sure looks like the same behavior in a different forum
As I have stated MANY times in the past, Jonathan Taylor has SBYNews.com on a feed reader and is usually the first to comment. However, he is NEVER man enouogh to do so under his own name. The above two comments are clearly his. Man up big boy.
This was a responsible decision made by the City Council. The taxpayers feeding the pot appreciate your fiscal responsibility.
9 units in that small building, a loan for 1.5 million, a contract signed by Smith saying that the council had approved when there had never been a vote. As a city voter, I am appreciative that this was voted down and hope that other more viable ideas will surface that will be done right and can be supported by everyone.
Excellent post! Kudos to the Courageous Three for standing up to the nonstop manure that has been slung at them by the likes of Ireton, Shields and now Mitchell. These three seem to oppose revisiting anything -- unless it's something they want revisited!
Mitchell has now shown her true colors. She and Ireton will not get my vote again, on anything, ever.
Taylor is a coward.
Very good post and I would vote for Debbie, Terry and Tim over and over again because they are looking out for the citizens of this town unlike the other two and Ireton.
Debbie, Terry & Tim:
Keep up the good work - please - despite Ireton's cheap shots and tirades.
Jonathan Taylor is mad because his fat butt can not get one of the free houses in Salisbury. But seriously, $179,000 for a 1 bedroom apartment? You can buy a new 3 bedroom home for that kind of money. Great work on voting this down. I suppose the others are just mad because now they won't get their kick backs from the contractors! Keep up the good fight because we appreciate you looking out for OUR money!
Where did you get Campbell's picture. Is it from 3rd grade. It's not the campbell I see on Pac 14
the second comment was NOT Mr. Taylor- and, I should have stated that I agree with their decision and I voted for all three of the council people who are acting responsibly with ALL taxpayer money- not just Salisbury City Taxes. My point was that the op-ed piece might well be the pot calling the kettle black as far as "sitrring things up" - they made a good decision- move on, I'm always a little wary when someone feels it necessary to constantly defend themselves beyond what has already been done.... let it go, move on.
The decision was sound. I support it as it was the correct one.
Anon 9:59 AM,what is your name big boy?
We finally have 3 council members who is taking care of business. I just wish Laura woulds get on the band wagen. I thought she was better than what she is showing. Anyway thank you to Spies, Cohen and Campbell for taking care of business.
Thank you Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Cohen and Mr. Spies- thank you so much! I'm elated you three put a stop to this madness!
I was an Ireton supporter throughout the election 2 years ago, but the accusations of racism last week was the last straw. He will do anything, and spend any amount of OP (other people's) money to get his name on a project. ANY project.
This reeks of Mr. Ireton's rabid political aspirations- how would you like this disgrace in Annapolis?
The ONLY positive things that I can recall during his tenure are some trash nets on the river, removing the barges from the north prong, and third fridays downtown. All fluff.
This is rather difficult for me to post for this reason- there is a real snake in the grass hissing out there gang...and his name is Mike Dunn.
12:03, actually all of you, get a life of your own and understand that none of what these people do matters to you in the long run! What that these people do really is going change your life in any way?
As for the third Fridays, i am an artist, and i had an outlet there, so i think it did some good. For people that don't support that kind of thing, i guess it would be fluff to those uncreative fools.
agreed, so could it be that Ireton and Shields are trying to stir up the african american population and try to USE them as a tool to get what they want, which is money for a certain business sector that will support them in the next election?
I am of the opinion that the majority of this particular community is smarter than Ireton, Shields, and Mitchell think they are, and they won't be used as political fodder to do progressive dirty work.
Thak You Debbie Campbell, the jerk that said it was already paid for has his or her heard in the sand. Paid for how with federal debt? Incurring debt is not paying for something.
12:08, maybe you don't pay much attention. From teh budget outcome I would say that the majority of the council members think very highly of third Friday and other art-type events downtown. More misrepresentations, and from a Mitchell supporter. Go figure.
10:51, I'll forgive Campbell a little irritation in tone with all the hell that has been thrown at this council since the day they got sworn in. I learned a lot from piece.
I no longer trust Mitchell or Ireton. Never trusted Shields.
Sorry, I meant 10:54, not 10:51.
Excellent post, and educational.
Good decision on The Bricks. It was a loan, not a grant. It's a project that would be better done in a better neighborhood so that it wouldn't be doomed from the start.
Campbell, Cohen and Spies get my vote for their courage and insight.
Again I say a great big THANK YOU to these brave three (Campbell, Cohen and Spies) for not being bullied and intimidated by the threats of what appear to be three dishonorable elected officials (Ireton, Shields and mitchell). Of all my years of watching local politics, I do not think I have ever been more disgusted by anything as I have the racial hate being stirred up by Ireton and Shields and even Mitchell. My minority friends were offended by this as well.
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