However, since this comment was directed at me I figured, why not.

f*#% you ga you fat f*#%ing slob leave us alone
The grammar, the syntax, the style … all indicative of a university graduate. I’m willing to bet that his came from an Adams, but not Kevin or Kris.
Granted, I’m a tad large, but I don’t appreciate the slob part. But as they say, opinions are like a&&holes, everybody has one.
What I find particularly fascinating is that SbyNEWS is attacked for being negative and nasty but some of the same people who make those claims are the same folk making comments like these.
God Bless America!
I don't blame them, alot of what you do at SBY isn't news but just being vindictive to people you don't care for.
anonymous 8:24, easy to say but very untrue.
Let me start with this. The person mentioned actually created an Anti Albero Blog and has been on a personal attack against me/us for several months now.
Kris Adams assured me from the beginning it would NOT be a personal attack Blog but within days and for months that's exactly what it became.
What we have exposed in our Posts are facts and truth. Now you may disagree with what we say, that's your right. However, a LOT of work goes into these Posts. We call it investigative reporting, something you do NOT get from the local MSM.
Please take the time to respond, (even anonymously) and show us where we were wrong and or vindictive in any way, shape or form.
We'll wait.
Joe in response, you need to grow up. While your article about the work being done at the house could be considered news, the bickering and name calling between you and some of the people you write about isn't. You guys sound like littlle kids at the playground. If you want to be taken seriously my suggest would be to step up, quit the bickering and name calling and deliver the news.
anonymous 8:47, it amazes me how some of you come here and think a lot of what we do is bickering and argueing.
IF you saw the volume of personal attack comments we reject on a daily basis you just might understand why I may come back in comments and make a statement. It may not mean much to you but it certainly does to that individual sending in a ton of nasty comments every single day.
Yes, every single day the Anti Albero Bloggers come here and personally attack my Wife and Grandson, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I save each and every one of them in a file in which one day, (like it or not) I will create a different Blog that just exposes these comments.
I think its worthy of doing so and I believe each and every one of you will be amazed at just how nasty a select few people can be.
Now, you tell me to grow up. When is the last time your Wife and Grandson were attacked on a daily basis. People/individuals that have never done a single thing to any one of you? Until that day, you need to simply shut up. If you don't like Salisbury News, get the hell off this Blog. If you get off on attacking innocent women and children, get the hell off this Blog. Trust me, with our daily numbers we will not miss you.
The ONLY person I think needs to grow up here is YOU. You need to now sit back and think to yourself, you have every opportunity to NOT come to this Site, but you do. IF you have a problem with our Posts or comments, who's the immature individual now? Do you have to ask your Mommy for permission or guideance?
Finally, if you think for a second we are not taken seriously, you're sadly mistaken. You might have gotten away with such a statement 5 or 6 years ago but today, NO WAY!
The day you go away is the day we'll increase by another 100 new people coming here every single day. Trust me, you will not be missed.
Way to go Joe! Keep exposing the corruption within our city like you are. It is shameful what extent others will go to just to make comments. As far as the Adams family goes, just consider the source. They have long been a boil on the ass of society. Their "daughter" is even more of a joke, but what can one expect from being raised like she is. And as far as Kris Adams' word concerning the other blog, you should have known not to believe her. She lies like no other!
It would be nice if everyone could stick to reasoned debate. However, it is a tried and true approach that when the facts can't be debated those in opposition resort to name calling because they have nothing else.
Anon 0847 -
First of all I wrote this post AND the post that provoked the comment, not Joe. Second, did you even read both posts?
I stated that I hate these kinds of posts. This is the first one I've ever done and I may never do another. I did it because I love irony.
I also want you to think about your statement about bickering. We don't bicker here. Why would we? On SbyNEWS Albero and I have the final word in any debate, if we so choose.
As for your comment about being taken seriously, that is in the eye of the beholder. As I noted in the post:
"What I find particularly fascinating is that SbyNEWS is attacked for being negative and nasty but some of the same people who make those claims are the same folk making comments like these."
Now, I'm not claiming that you are one of those people. However, I also have to question the opinions of people who refuse to sign their name.
Anon 1015 -
You have no idea how much I appreciate reasoned discourse from people who disagree with my views. I would like nothing more than to have a weekly (hell, a daily) column from someone like Mike Pretl. I don't agree with him very often but he is smart and knows how to argue a point.
This right here is exactly why you will NEVER be real press. Period.
G.A...when did you become an expert on... "grammar, the syntax, the style." I haven't laughed so hard in a long time...thank you!!!
I realize this is a blog, but even for you this is a stretch...I can't stop laughing.
The sad part is your orginal article had some interesting points...this isn't news!!!
Tell or ask Joe...if this happens all the time why is he so upset? It's his blog...while other people write articles it's still his blog. If he doesn't like the attacks he can shut it down! He is the one putting his family thru this!!! HE IS...
sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me!!!
I'm still laughing!!!!!! Thanks
anonymous 10:33, who said we are "real press"?
In todays marketplace, it's the PRESS who wants to be more like us Bloggers.
G. A. Harrison said...
Anon 1546 - That is your opinion, regardless of how ill-informed it is. Why? For starters, Greg Bassett agrees that we're press. The courts agree that if you adhere to certain rules or standards (none of which you are talking about) we're press.
By your argument, the DT isn't press. Why? I need only point to their op-ed, written by a Gannett employee, that called the GOP majority on county council a bunch of Jihadists.
Now, I have never asked that anyone call me press. Regardless of my criticism of the DT, I have never said that they weren't.
As I noted in the discussion of prayer at the Salisbury council, I don't need them to validate my faith. I damn sure don't need your opinion to validate what classification SbyNEWS is in.
anonymous 11:00, In technical terms we are CONSIDERED Press. However, "I", let me repeat that again, "I" have never claimed to be a journalist. Only the Anti Albero Bloggers have stated I have said so, but they have lied.
Prove to me ANYWHERE in which "I" have stated I was a journalist.
Yo9u see, the real problem here is, not one of you can do so and every time we challenge you, you never reply and or never prove me to be wrong.
It's like this. You see, when Salisbury News is NEEDED to get immediate information out to the public, ALL Department Heads consider us Press. God Forbid we disagree with one of those Department Heads, then we're cut off. So you see, we're kind of in a catagory of our own. When it's good for them, we are. When it's not good for them, we're not.
People need to learn to agree to disagree and move on.
G.A.- you are lying. You know it and I know it. I consider myself a patient woman but you are starting to push your luck. You owe my family and I an apology for this and your other posts about us. I don't expect one, what with you being what you are, but someone ought to tell you that you are wrong- and who better than the subject of this post? I hope you feel like a man now G.A., I really do.
And as for you Joe, you are a lying hypocrite and I don't mind telling you on your blog or to your face- in fact, I plan to do so the next time I see you. How is it Joe, that you are able to play the victim every time someone goes after your family, but you have no qualms at all about going after mine? Even more to the point, how dare you accuse me of saying word one about your wife and grandson- which we both know I have never done- and in the same breath spread lies about me, my parents, and their business? You know what you are Joe? You are a bully. A bully and a coward. And at 22, I am embarrassed for you. God help you Joe, cause at the rate you are going, when you really need it, no one else will.
Actually the court decided you (sbynews) were NOT press when you could not use the "shield law"......., GA, you may follow standards, but to this day, I have never seen joe (IMHO)use any standards in what he writes (for all we know, it's his own followers writing comments about the family to get him started..any defense lawyer will tell you that)
@ Joe 11:09 am
"People need to learn to agree to disagree and move on."
Ironically, I couldn't agree with you more.
I often agree AND disagree with Joe and/or G.A.'s perspectives. While, I don't think I would consider this blog strictly a "news" source (it is an opinion blog)... it's about as close to it comes to getting a timely up to the minute pulse on what's happening locally. I have seen the "other" local blog/news sites... and still this is the one that I come back to.
I do find it to be interesting that this bit of "local news" was spotlighted. I will be willing to venture that other instances similar are happening elsewhere... and find it interesting that it focuses on people that have a direct competition with this site, or may have painted Joe or this sight in a bad light. It makes me question the integrity of the story... sure, all the facts may be on the up and up... but I wonder, why was THIS one spotlighted? Was it to expose the story, or was it to shame and discredit competitors.
Also, until I read what Joe himself posted in these comments... I had no reason to question the integrity of the article.. but now I have to.
I could be totally wrong here... but from the outside looking in, this is what I see from this story.
If this *IS* a post that is on the "up and up" then I should expect to see more stories similar to this focusing on other properties. Can we expect to see that?
Alex -
In what way am I lying? For what do I owe your family an apology?
All of the information in the original post is factual. It was confirmed with witnesses and / or the appropriate city officials.
The only complaint that you can possibly have with this post is that I implied that the nasty comment came from you. It was a logical assumption. However, if you wish to deny it, your comment will go up and I will also correct the post to state that you deny sending it.
Again, for what do I owe an apology?
As for your comment about Joe, again you make claims with no evidence to back them up (unlike what I wrote in the original post about 807 Camden Avenue).
I'm not aware of Joe accusing you of saying anything about his family. What lies has Joe supposedly written about you or your family?
While you have a right to your opinion that Joe is a bully, I find the evidence lacking. In the past he was a tad over the top, but he has worked hard to moderate his tone and approach. Statements like this seem designed to be little more than an attempt to push a button. I sincerely hope that Joe doesn't bite because he has proven himself to be a better person that you evidently are.
As for calling him a coward - again, what is your basis? He signs everything he writes; as I do. He takes a lot more than he has ever dished out. So again, what is your basis?
I have no idea what they taught you at school. However, if you are unable to argue with evidence you are going to lose the debate every time. Contrary to what you BELIEVE, I have no ax to grind with you or your family. If I am wrong about a fact and you can show me, I'll correct it. Otherwise I stand by what I wrote. If you don't like it, too bad.
You can always start your own blog. Sorry, you've already done that.
Alex, never wrestle with a pig in the mud.
Evidence? Surely you are joking. Is your memory really that bad G.A.? Why don't you go back into the archives of this blog and look at what you wrote. It was only- what- a month ago that you accused me of having that blog right? Didn't you actively participate in that discussion thread that called me a slut, my mom a liar, my dad a slumlord, and our entire family a bunch of morons? Didn't you allow those comments? Yea, nothing says respectable journalist like insulting an entire family at once. Weren't you there for that G.A.? Joe said you were. In fact, last I checked, Joe said you were in charge of that entire article and all of the comments on it. Said he couldn't be held responsible for all of the articles on this site. Of course, Joe commented on that particular article 4 different times and lied about us too, but who's counting? That's between you two to work out. You want evidence G.A.? I'll tell you what. How about we sit down for coffee- face to face- all professional like- and I will present you with the two inch stack of b.s. crap you and Joe have written about us. Just name the time and place big boy and I'll be there.
Anon 1149 -
You are mistaken. The judge said that he agreed that SbyNEWS was press but that the press shield law did not apply because (at the time) SbyNEWS was not earning revenue.
As for "standards", that's almost totally in the eye of the beholder. Note that I said "almost". I suggest you do a little research on a recent case from the NJ Supreme Court that discusses "standards" as they apply to the press and the fact that a particular blog (in NJ obviously) did not follow those standards.
You may be surprised what those "standards" are. They include, a variety of things including identifying oneself as from "XXX".
Check this link:
There are several other good sources.
As for the comments - Anon comments are anon. I have no idea where they come from UNLESS they make a foolish reference to self as was the case here.
There are no "standards" for comments other than our own comment policy and federal law shields us from any liability deriving from comments. You can choose to believe me or not, but we reject an awful lot of personal attacks in comments. I make a point to approve comments which attack me (provided they don't violate the comment policy).
ConservativeAtheist -
If you will note, I make a point of tagging an opinion piece as op-ed. Joe goes a little fast and doesn't alway tag his opinion posts.
I do understand your argument that you might discount the reporting because of the subject. I applaud you for being such a critical reader.
I'm not going to try to convince you of the post's veracity. The facts and the sources should speak for themselves.
I will explain why I did this particular piece. Like many posts, it began with receiving an email from someone (not Debbie Campbell) telling us about the situation. I looked into it. I though it was interesting. I researched it and interviewed people; then I wrote the story.
You are probably correct that this happens all of the time. This was the one that I found out about.
As for Joe's comments, I don't really understand. Joe often hands me a story subject, but he never tries to have any say in what I write.
A prime example is the recent post on the Longhorn Steakhouse site. Joe handed me that story. We both thought that there might be some shenanigans going on. When I finished a week of research, all of our questions were answered and there was nothing untoward.
@ Alex Adams
If you are going to publicly brand someone a liar, then you had better back that up with some pretty compelling evidence. I can read the seething vitriol in your post here and it is clear that you feel that you have been wronged, but it does you no service to personally attack someone without being able to back it up.
Anon 1234 -
Pot Black
Alex -
This is how you were taught to argue at school? What post? When? I'll do your research for you when you pay my going rate.
Yes, I did state that you wrote on that blog. Any ninth grader need only read the bile spewing from that site and read comments like these and know that they come from the same person. If you want to deny it, I'll print your denial. I will still maintain that I am correct.
I have NEVER written anything derogatory about your mother. I don't believe I ever mentioned your father until the other day and it wasn't derogatory.
I have referred to your mother as a slumlord. It's a generic term that I have used for 30 years when speaking of landlords. They person I picked up from was a university professor and a landlord. Several months ago I received a call from Mitchell David and I have attempted to purge the term from my writing since.
Other than that, what have I written that you find both offensive and factually inaccurate?
If you want to show me your evidence, come on down to our offices. Call ahead just to see if I'm here. I know I'm out of town tomorrow covering an event in Sussex County.
As for comments, multiple people approve comments. Ultimately I'm responsible for what's on SbyNEWS. Legally, we're not responsible for comments but we try to weed out the ones that violate our comment policy. The thread you are referring to seems to be from before I began working at SbyNEWS (as opposed to being a contributor) because you said that it was "what-a month ago".
I would never approve a comment that called you or your mother some of the things you cited. However, until I see it I can't confirm anything. You're credibility when it comes to presenting evidence is too thin for me to accept your word on this.
@ Alex Adams 12:35
You have only provided evidence that moderators on a web site forum are not "censoring" opinions they may or may not agree with.
The terms of posting on this web site are pretty clear... and they do a very good job of NOT CENSORING opinions/perspectives. Just because they have the sand to not censor viewpoints that don't violate their terms.... does NOT mean these viewpoints are shared by them, nor does it mean they promote or support them.
You accused Joe of posting 4 lies, then never rebutted or exposed them here.
You still have yet to provide any compelling argument to substantiate calling anyone a liar.
No. I am done playing games with you G.A.. You will talk about me from behind the safety of your computer screen all damn day but when I want to meet you face to face to you punk out? Whatever happened to being a man? You and Joe always brag about how you are real men cause you put your names on everything- but you are afraid of meeting a 125llb, 22 year old, uneducated college student "who doesn't know how to argue" to explain yourself? Nope, time and place, G.A.. Or should I just pop up at your office downtown? Either one works for me.
Alex, your comment about being uneducated must be accurate because GA did invite you to come tyo the Office. In fact, I believe he asked you to call in advance to make sure he was here and not out and about doing interviews.
The only bully I see in all of this is you.
Well Joe, there will be plenty of time to discuss that when I show up. Now tell G.A. to come out from behind you and tell me when he will be there.
First of all Alex, I divorced a woman like you in the past.
If YOU want to make arrangements to speak with GA, e-mail him or call him. Both contacts are at the top of this Blog.
Don't you ever disrespect ME and "tell" me what to do.
They say the appple doesn't fall far from the tree.
1:07 PM
Damn what a fool you are. You can't even keep track of all the BS you spew from your pie hole.
If you argue in person like you are doing on here, any meeting would be a waste of time. But that's between you two.
You accuse him of 'punking out' and it seems to me that YOU are the one looking for an excuse to get out of the predicament that your big mouth got you into.
I seriously doubt that anyone takes you serious on here, and possibly in life as well.
You talk a lot of smack but produce no facts to back up your claims.
Best thing you can do is go sit on a couch and be quiet. Unless you enjoy making a fool out of yourself.
Move along. There is nothing to see here.
joe said "Don't you ever disrespect ME and "tell" me what to do"
or what joe, meaningful discussion not threats, the "standards" you are talking about, the "national inq...(sp)" is press
I see no threat by Joe in any way here.
Just be careful because she will probably try to call the police and make claims that you did something in one way, shape or form! BlackSheba can NEVER be trusted. The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree.
Call you? Why would I call you? So you can threaten me on the phone like you did my mother and then lie about that on here too? I don't think so.
Just put up the hours. Is that really so hard?
Anon 1:51, you must be blind!
Alex, this is my building and Salisbury News is owned by me. YOU, are NOT welcome to my building or business, period. Considering you are reading ALL of these comments, you have been instructed by me to stay away, period.
Now, IF GA is interested in getting into a pissing match with a skunk he may do som elsewhere on his own personal time and terms but it will not happen here.
I already told GA that before he left today and I actually made a similar statement to him as the 1:54 comment above. You and your family are dangerous people, IMHO.
I have always respected your Mother and I stood my ground, (as you personally witnessed) at the Salisbury Festival with your father.
I'll repeat once again. Your mother told me your Blog was NOT going to be a personal attack Blog. She stated that you, (as a student) have the right to voice your opinion about political metters and I agreed 100%.
It only took 24 hours until you started personally attacking me. I have not once attacked your mother or father in any way. You need to grow up young lady and stop accusing people and or putting words into their mouth.
1:40, Why didn't you use your name that time Alex.
Stood your ground with my father? Lol, you mean when you denied having any part in that article on your own website that you commented on 4 separate times? And btw he told me about that later- I wasn't there- if I had been you would have known about it because my father would have been prying me off of your lying deceitful self- thats how mad I was.
I am saying this for all of Salisbury to hear- you stay away from me, my parents, and my brothers and sisters, Joe Albero and G.A. Harrison or the police will be carrying me out of your office. You think you don't like women like me now Joe? Just wait.
Anon 1342 -
Not my call to make; nor yours. I simply stated that the commenter (you?) should research the NJ case. I even left a link.
Alex, your message/comment/threat has been forwarded to the proper law enforcement authorities.
OMG! How childish can you get, Alex? There is a socially unacceptable term to describe you and people like you but I cannot say it here. First, it wouldn't get published and second I wouldn't want to fan the flames any higher than they already are.
But the term I am thinking of fits you to a tee.
I know you probably won't do it but you really need to close you mouth and end all this drama.
Joe has covered himself legally by telling you not to go to his place of business.
If you do show up to discuss anything, ( in your case it would better be described as making a scene), you would be trespassing and Joe would be within his rights to have you arrested, if he so chose.
I think everyone needs to take a breath and just drop this before something bad happens. I am sure you wouldn't care but others would care.
Have a nice evening.
2:38 PM
Good. She is out of control.
after all the attack comments Alex has not addressed the issues that were stated in the first article ,were the facts accurate or not or are just pissed off that you got caught?
Ranger, our facts are 100% accurate and yes, they're just pissed off. Of course they want to allegedly debate the issue away from the Blog, so they can CLAIM they said this or that. I personally think its shameful that ANY parent would sick their child on something like this, instead of defending their own position. That's what happens when your called out with facts that cannot be challenged.
IF this story would have been in the Adamses favor, WE would have published that as well and called out those people who tried putting us in a pissing match.
watch yourself Joe! I knew you wouldn't face me you chicken shit bastard
Ok calm down all.
G A's posting today was to say he hated the comment sent to Joe on Friday. After G A analysed the comment he came to the conclusion that it was sent by an Adams, who was probably Alex.
Ok G A all you needed to do was prove Alex sent it. If it cannot be proven than you should not have made the accusation. Now you both are very angry and Joe is not helping by making personal comments.
Joe, to help with this ugly situation, you need to back off and let GA and Alex settle this themselves.
I did not realize from the Friday posting that in your investigative reporting you were unable to find out exactly who owned 807 Camden Ave. This seems odd to me.
Don't any of you have soemthing more useful to do? Everyone knows the members of the Adams family are a bunch of liars and opportunists. One day they will get what's coming to them. Move on.
Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves.....Go away little girl...lalaa ..Just a few of my favorite tunes....
Alex you better take your meds before you go over the edge to a rubber room and straight jacket.
I just arrived home or I would have chime-in earlier.
I too have been subjected to personal attacks. I can remember the time SBYnews reported about BP's planned closure of their solar plant in Frederick, MD - and some jerk said I fabricated the whole event. He even called Joe and said that I was making this stuff up.
Within 48 hours of our announcement - BP made it official that they had decided to move their entire operation to Spain and then 72 hours latter announced their dismantling of an entire factory that had just recently been completed.
I guess I was fabricating all of these events. On another occasion - while The Daily Times was touting job growth - here at SBYnews we countered by actually publishing a Factory Closing List that now approaches 100 in number. And people say we made up that list to. Well I've got news for those who dispute these closings - I can take you to each and every one of those sites - some now bulldozed and some now surrounded in weeds.
By now - I starting to get immune to personal attacks - so for those of you who think you are getting under my skin - think again - I"M NOT GOING TO CHANGE A THING - NADA!
Anon 1553 -
That's not exactly what I said. I wrote that I hate "Comments Worthy of a Post". They tend to be cheap subterfuge to attack someone. However, since I thought it was amusing AND because the attack was on me rather than someone else, I did one.
I never claimed to prove Alex sent the comment. I did say that I was willing to bet it was an Adams, and not Kevin or Kris. The "leave us alone" pretty much confirms that it was an Adams. I expect better from Alex's parents.
BTW - I'm not angry. If anything I'm amused.
As for who owns the property, I stated that SDAT does not show the transfer yet. Yes, that is unusual. We know that Kevin Adams bought the property at the auction. We don't know how he will title it - Kevin, Kris, Kevin & Kris, Adams Housing, etc.
While I would have preferred that Joe not get into this, I agree with MOST of what he said (although I would have worded it differently).
The bottom line in all of this is that we published a factual piece based on eyewitness accounts and statements from myriad individuals in three different city departments.
We didn't accuse the owners of doing anything that wasn't documented. We certainly didn't accuse them of a capital crime.
If Alex Adams, or anyone else, had evidence to disprove what was published we would have given them all the space they required. I have never hesitated to correct a story. In fact, I did so last week (an inadvertent error, but an error none the less).
While I have been accused of publishing lies in this and the related piece, I still have not seen any evidence to prove that I was wrong. As for this post, if Alex Adams denied the comment that started all of this, I missed her denial.
Go Beezer!
The truth hurts.
Remember all the times Barrie Tilghman said I was full of it. Remember, we're 99% compliant at the WWTP, then they were fined for tens of thousands of dollars. I wouldn't call that 99% compliant, would you? How about the MDE at the Zoo. I showed pictures of illegal pipes flowing poluted water into the river and they said, that was done before we ever got involved with the Zoo. Yep, another lie.
I have exposed more things that the entire MSM combined. In fact, WMDT won an award on the WWTP because of my work.
If WE must COMPLY, so must the Adams Family. They know the laws and their not following it and they got caught, period.
This has been a fun Post.
Funny how Barrie crawled under a rock and and Joe Albero are still around, even after the lawsuits. Did I mention I won that too! LOL
No other news source does what you do, that is what keeps me here all day long and all night too LOL! Thanks Joe
joe i dont now you or g a. i dont always agree with either of you all the time but thank god you both have the balls to tell it like you see it.keep it going and scr`` those that keep harassing you
What a bunch of bullies - shame on you all.
more whine alex?
Alex Adams, I don't know you nor do I know anything about the topic of the original post. What I do know is that you have made several threats to someone and you have done it publicly. As you said earlier, you must be VERY uneducated. This blog is mainly for OPINIONS and everyone has a right to express theirs. It's guaranteed in the first amendment. You have been the one that has made threats on this blog. Joe has offered, several times, for you to sit down with G.A. to discuss the post and all you have done is made threats. I'm not sure if you knew this, but threatening someone IS ILLEGAL. Not only have you threatened people, you have done it publicly! Again, I don't know anything about the original post, but after seeing your responses I certainly would NOT take your side. For your sake and the sake of your family, I hope that one day you will grow up (or at least mature) and gain some common sense. Have a great day!!
Joe - What Alex said was not a threat. Learn some law. A threat (common law assault generally) under common law cannot be conditional. Therefore if someone says something like "If you take one more step forward, I am going to hit you", no assault has occurred under common law. All she said was that if you continue doing what you are doing then the police would have to drag her out. Congratulations on wasting police time. For being such an old school man, I find it pretty funny that you are terrified of the prospect of a 120 lbs girl coming to your office so much so that you got the police involved. Maybe much of Salisbury's police problems aren't related to understaffing, but are rather related to misuse of resources based on them having to waste time investigating stupid stuff like what you just reported. Man up.
anonymous 7:48, Alex's comment/statement is now on record with the Police. I made sure that they understood that she is not welcome on or in my property.
I have already been confronted by her father. While the conversation went well, he was waving his hands the entire time and kept showing anger on his face, (and actions) the whole time I was wondering, what the heck is this guy doing. In the conversation we were civil. Then I realized that his wife and friends were standing 20 or 30 feet away and he was trying to look like a tough guy and he kept saying, many have told me I shouldn't even talk to you. He also said, I'm surprized your even out and about with all the death threats you get. He went on to suggest that I never get out and hide in my home instead. I told him, I'm not afraid of you or anyone else, I'm here, aren't I.
So I've seen my fair share of instability from this family and it is my right to give the Police the heads up.
Funny, if it were YOU on the receiving end I'm confident you would have done the same, especially if you have seen the Adams family in action over the years.
The only bully's in this whole thing are the Adams family. I have never threatened any one of them. I have never challenged them or waved my arms around acting like I was a tough guy.
The story that was published was news worthy, period. That's what we do here. If you can't stomach it, I suggest you go to a Mary Poppin's Site somewhere else.
In the mean time, I'll take her comment the way I want to. Besides, YOU think I'm going to take advice from someone named ANONYMOUS, not man enough to use their real name. Give me a break.
You will get what's comming to you Albero. Funny how you want everyone to think you're always the victim in these pissing matches you get into.
anonymous 9:06, another threat from an anonymous commenter. Wow, I'm really scared. In fact, I'm aty 300 W. Main Street every day, in case you want to become a man and get your ass kicked.
Yea right, you won't even let a little girl come down there with you running under the skirt of "law enforcement". You're pathetic.
Sadly its only a matter of time that someone goes postal on both
of you. Frankly no one will even
question it because you don't care
who you sling mud at. If nothing
else think of your family. I really
sense this is going to happen unless more positive change comes to this blog. I don't even understand what the topic of this subject is.
anonymous 12:54, well, I've been at this for almost 7 years now and quite frankly I was much more agressive years ago than I have been in the past two years.
IF you think your going to make me believe I should be in fear for my life, you're nuts.
I run from no one. I'm scared of no one. I put my name on every single comment I publish. I'm not a wussy like those of you who like to make such statements and the hide behind anonymous.
I am out and about at almost every single event that goes on within the Eastern Shore and have done so for many years now.
Just like Alex's father learned, I stand down to no one. Now, I'f I'm wrong or out of line and someone can prove that to me/us, (like we've asked Alex to PROVE over the past 24 hours) we'd be more than happy to admit to our mistake.
That is NOT the case here. Nevertheless, your comment is childish, especially hiding behind anonymous.
Joe, I'm not saying you need to back down to anyone. You have a
great resource here for many of us. Your disapproval rate is going through the roof when you attack a
person versus the issue. This isn't
about my truck is bigger than your truck or I'm tougher than the next guy. You have accomplished a great deal. It isn't worth getting into arguments that you can't win. From a faithful reader!
GA I really like what you bring to SBY News. Your demeanor and the angle at which you approach stories is with tact, but without softening or distorting the truth. Joe made a great decision to bring you aboard.
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