DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, June 17, 2011
A Comment Worthy Of A Post
I am a teacher at one of the high schools in Wicomico County. I have been teaching for 11 years now. I have watched the violence within the schools grow progressively worse, and feel that things would be extremely worse if deputies were not present. I must say that if the deputies were to be cut from the schools, I will go to another county for employment if possible. I am scared for my life with the gang members that do attend my school. The deputy that is stationed at my school has saved me from altercations with certain students. We (teachers) are not allowed to place our hands on students, and Lord help us if we ever protected ourselves if they assaulted us. I am a very small framed lady, and I need someone with the training and authority to be there to protect me. I know this may sound ridiculous, but until you have worked in this environment and have seen what I have seen, only then will you understand. I know the deputies in the schools handle a lot of situations. If they did not, why would there be deputies in the schools for so long and even increase the amount of deputies within the schools? And just because there are budget woes, you are going to cut the positions out of the budget? I’m sorry Dr. Frederickson, even though you are my boss, my safety and the safety of others is way too important than positions that do exist within the BOE that serve absolutely no purpose. There are plenty of jobs that can be combined under one position, and there are way too many supervisors for supervisors. Again, I rely so much on the deputies in the school and I know I am just one person, but I know other teachers and even students feel the same as I do. Thank you for being a place for me to post my concerned thoughts. If it weren’t for the fact that I am afraid of backlash from Dr. Frederickson, I would post my name to this comment. And I do want to affirm, I am not completely against everything Dr. Frederickson stands for, but this is one important issue I will not waiver from. Please let us find another way to keep the deputies within the schools. Thank you.
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Amen to that. If they remove the deputies, they will live to regret it.
Well said. Now put your name to it and it will mean a little more.
Thanks Joe for the anonymous feature of your blog.
Remove Margo Handy from the Centeral Office.
deputies need to start pulling out their weapons more. its crazy in those schools now!
Remove the Dean of Students. That is the craziest thing I have heard of in forever.
again, deputies should not be needed.
if the students are a threat, toss em out of school
make parents accountable, make the student accountable
there SHOULD be no need for deputies in schools
is this what our society is coming to? its time to go back to when family values mattered, people were responsible for their own actions.
maybe we should cut all funding for schools, drop property tax to 0, and allow people to place their students in the school of their choice and pay for it out of pocket
Are you and all the other teachers willing to take a five day pay reduction in order to make it happen?
4:12 PM
it wouldn't mean any more. you would just have a name to attack.
We never had police officers in our schools when i went... we had CATHOLIC NUNS! And Monsignor Gusti!
You crack a smile at the wrong time and you were off to the office! The ruler, the paddle with holes drilled in it, and for the repeat offenders, the razor strap! (We never got either, but you'd better not go back and tell the other classmates that!)
We turned out just fine...
LOL yeah, times have changed a lot. Someone did that now to a kid, and not only would they have a lawsuit, they'd probably be shot and/or stabbed. It is a different world from when "I was a kid". Wake up and realize there are bad kids in the schools. Making their parents responsible or kicking them out won't do a bit of good. The kids don't care, and sometimes (I'd wager more often than not), the parents don't care.
Anonymous said...
Remove Margo Handy from the Centeral Office.
June 17, 2011 4:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Are you and all the other teachers willing to take a five day pay reduction in order to make it happen?
June 17, 2011 4:32 PM
It won't take a five day pay reduction, just ONE day!
By the way teachers haven't yet taken any furlough days, but City, County and State employees have.
Teachers and parents of kids who have been assaulted need to bring lawsuits against the felons involved and against the Board of Ed., if the felon has a history of violence and has been allowed to remain in the school. Somebody thinks keeping the criminals in our classrooms helps them get an education. Good theory. In truth, they just keep everybody else from learning.
Let the posturing begin. I wouldnt doubt for one second that someone from the main office wrote this. I agree there will be havoc if the Deputies are removed, but It will never happen. Freddie does not have the nuts to do it. I also agree that since the BOE employees have not taken any furloughs or salary reductions like all other COUNTY and STATE employees that if Freddie needs the money to pay the Deputies let some of his employees take the hit.
There go the whining City, County and State employees again. What a surprise. Bottom line - if a teacher gets a furlough day, a substitute has to be hired to take his/her place. Where's the savings?
As for violence in the schools, I agree with several posters ... Dr. Handy, Dr. Frederickson and Susan Jones must go, along with Deans of Students and many of the "supervisors" who were failures in the classroom and administration so they got promoted to the BOE. The BOE needs to get a spine ... get rid of the useless employees, get tough on these kids (and parents) - kick them out of school if they can't act right! Their parents can pay for private school, then maybe they'll discipline the kids. Our BOE needs a MAJOR OVERHAUL. Sadly, the deputies ARE needed. If parents would do their jobs, the schools/cops wouldn't have to deal with unruly kids.
Bennett High has been a wonderful school the last 2 years with minimal to no issues at all. The Principal is the reason and he controls the school with compassion and strong discipline. No tolerance at all of any violence.
I heard that Bennett was a problem before my daughter starting going, but it is truly a great school with really good kids that want to achieve college degrees. The ones that don't want to achieve anything.. I really don't care about them, as long as they do not disrupt the school. The dopes are in different classes and my kids never see them at all.
These high schools are getting kids into extremely competitive Universities... with scholarships.
I don't want to pay more taxes, but want to use our taxes more effectively.
Deans of Students are the ones who handle 80+ discipline referrals a day at the high school level. Get rid of them, and the secondary schools will truly become zoos.
The problem is the BoE doesn't allow effective discipline at the school level. Behavior that used to be enough for a suspension three years ago is now a "Friday Academy" after-school detention. And when students DO actually get a suspension, one phone call to Dr. Frederickson's office is all it takes for a parent to get it reduced or rescinded.
We have kids with DJJ ankle bracelets and probation officers at age 14 & 15 in the halls of our middle schools and high schools. And the state and the county are obliged to keep them there.
Now, as far as teachers taking a furlough day to pay for deputies or other spending cuts, just like other county employees? Fine.
But the work day of a teacher will also stop at the end of their assigned day, just like every other county employee. I don't see the Roads department taking machinery home to work on it. WORK TO RULE is coming. You'll get what you pay for in the teachers' contracts, and not a minute more. Just like every other employee in every other business in America.
No more grading essays at home, or writing recommendation letters after school or unpaid tutoring. Then you'll find out just how much this county has been getting for free from its teachers for decades now.
6:08, JMB has changed for the better because the principal changed. Steve Grudis has made all the difference. Unfortunately, the former principal, who was transferred to Mardela, was not able to perform there and, predictably, was sent to the Central Office.(5:46, you're right about what happens to so many ineffective administrators)
Let's call it like it is. 90% af the problems are comming from the blacks. If you do not believe me, ask the teachers. I truly am not a racist, but lets get to where the rubber hits the road. The truth may offend a bunch of liberals,but facts are facts. Perhaps turn the job over to retired service men and women, and all the bulls--t would stop.
7:12, I am a retired teacher, and I agree with you, though of course it's considered very politically incorrect to voice such an assessment. I am so glad to be out of teaching, as I simply could not handle today's breed of kids. It is too bad for those who want to learn, but as 6:08 observes, the serious kids are separated most of the day from the "dopes."
We need the deputies. We need the deans - they usually have more then their fair share of work. We need stronger administators at the board who are not afraid of lawsuits from horrific parents of very, very bad kids. Yes, I will take a furlough day or two for that - preferably a professional development day when there would not be students anyway. I will also continue to work as I always have - no 3 o'clock quit time threat. Your child's safety and mine are the single most important factor - no cuts from that,
It is unforntunate that society has degraded to the point of having to employ deputies at schools. I certainly would not be able to keep my big mouth shut if I was a teacher and a student got really smart with me to the point I felt unsafe. Honestly, I would probably be hauled off to jail, simply because I would not be able to stand by and take such disrespect. I never allowed my own children to talk disrepectful to me. Where are the parents? Unfortunately, herein lies the problem. I tip my hat to teachers; I have not walked in their shoes; but I certainly would not want to.
Make me glad that I never had children, thus no grandchildren. No one to send to these crazy places called "school". Why not expel students who do not want to be at school and especially those who are violent to fellow students and teachers.
Anonymous said...
again, deputies should not be needed.
June 17, 2011 4:30 PM
What rock are you living under? Deputies in our schools have been needed for the past 15 years thanks to the City of Salisbury and it's ranking as the second highest crime rate in the State of Maryland.
Anonymous said...
Well said. Now put your name to it and it will mean a little more.
June 17, 2011 4:12 PM
And where is your name signed?
Anonymous said...
Teachers and parents of kids who have been assaulted need to bring lawsuits against the felons involved and against the Board of Ed., if the felon has a history of violence and has been allowed to remain in the school. Somebody thinks keeping the criminals in our classrooms helps them get an education. Good theory. In truth, they just keep everybody else from learning.
June 17, 2011 5:42 PM
Even if a kid is suspended or expelled the taxpayers are still responsible to pay for a one on one teacher for this thug and to provide him/her with a free lunch.
Anonymous said...
There go the whining City, County and State employees again. What a surprise. Bottom line - if a teacher gets a furlough day, a substitute has to be hired to take his/her place. Where's the savings?
June 17, 2011 5:46 PM
That is not true. A teacher can still get a reduction in pay instead of a "furlough" day. What about all of the "supervisor's" and administrators in the BOE office making over $100,000 year salary! Make them take a hit.
My guess is that Frustrated Teacher said...6:43 PM is one of those Dean of Schools.
I could go into a long drawn-out diatribe but I wont. The problem with the youth today in schools, streets, or anywhere else is the fault of todays "progressive liberals" very simply put.
Their touchy, feely, non-moral, atheist, self richeous, hypocritical, politicly correct, etc. attitude is the ruination of our youth and country.
Remember, their mantra is "it take a village" HOGWASH!
Remember, :Liberalism IS a mental disorder"
I think the money for the deputies come from the sheriffs budget??? I might be wrong but why would a deputie be paid by the BOE?
Agreed, furlough me and it is Work To Rule. I will not do anything beyond my required hours of work. We'll see then how much extra time and money is spent by teachers in this County.
The teachers and employees of the Wicomico County Board of Education need to take a furlough day or cut jobs!
I am still just dumbfounded over cops being in schools daily.20 years ago it was unheard of.Kids respected and even feared the Principal.When my kid hits 7th grade,its off to private school.
Anonymous said...
I think the money for the deputies come from the sheriffs budget??? I might be wrong but why would a deputie be paid by the BOE?
June 17, 2011 10:17 PM
Good question. The salaries are paid for by the WCBOE. Why do I support the WCBOE paying for the deputies who are in the schools? Because the Wicomico County Schools are the drawing card for the Church Street Thugs who roam the halls of our schools making it unsafe for tax paying citizens to send their children to public school. This is a County School problem so the WCBOE needs to foot the bill.
Take the deputies out. Discipline and charge the violent offenders. Suspend or kick them out on their @$#$ or put them in a boot camp educational system until they're 16 or whatever and let them fend for themselves. No special 8 housing, Unemployment, Food Stamps, free health cards, social services funds, free training programs, so on and so on. Bet they and parents will pay a little more attention then! Stop the entitlement "lifestyle" and call it like it is. If a kid (red, yellow, black or white) can't behave themselves and learn without being a disruption, send them packing. These kids will end up at Perdue stacking boxes, sweeping floors, and have very few options but it will be their CHOICE. Take the deputies out. Handle the problem!
Wow, 10:01 what a self righteous (Spelled correctly), hypocritical ass you are!!
You might be onto something. If we were to put them in their own military type schooling and take away any funding their parent is getting and put it towards this type of schooling I wonder if the parents would maybe wake up and fly right. If they are not on any type of assistance than the parents can foot the bill for their schooling. It's time people are responsible for their own!
You can't correct the real problems because the first thing some people would chant in racism. Those kids are not doing anything wrong. It's just the man holding them back and profiling.
The kids know this and use it to their advantage. All they gotta say is discrimination and magically it's hands off the poor misfortunates.
Some of them are just no damn good and never will be. It's an us against them mentality. Talk loud and obnoxious and whitey will run away with their tail between their legs.
Good old fashioned ass whippings might show them the light. If not, take them around back...
I am a police officer and i have seen the root of the problem. Most citizens do not see what i see, or what a teacher or nurse see. It all starts at home. When you have a young teen lady pumping out children every year in order to receive a paycheck from our government....we have a problem. Most of these kids, mostly minority, do not have a father in their home... and a mother who hardley cares....because she is a substance abuser. A lot of the kids we run into live with grandparents because their parents do not care. Most roam the streets and eventually hook up with the ever growing gang population in our area.
Again, The problem starts at home... The problem starts with bleeding heart liberals who embrace the social welfare programs who give people everyhting, including a Independence debit card to buy cigarettes. I am a believer of "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime."
Having kids is not a blessing to some of these people. It is a business. The more kids they have the more money they get from our government. They can care less qbout teaching them morals.
Where else in the world can you have five kids (all with different last names) by the age of 25 and be extremly overweight? Where else in the world can you see a cadillac escalade sitting in a parking lot of section 8 housing.
It all starts at home. So stop blaming the teachers and cops. Start cutting off the social welfare that employs mothers who let drug dealers sell from their govt housing and who have 4-15 babies...
I am not saying we are better than anyone else. I am only saying we are exposed to the horrors of society, and we see them everyday we work.
God Bless to al the hard working folk.
To 4:46. you hit it right on the head. There lies the problem. and if you cut off the baby factories, you would be a racist. We can not continue to be a welfare state, but we will if you keep voting with the democrats.
After they get out of school they carry that attitude into the work place and wonder why they can't keep a job as a trouble maker.
This area is very poor in the workforce pool. No work ethics.
We need to get away from the mega school and go back to neighborhood schools. Quit playing around with the scum bags who don't want to be their and are putting all the kids lives in danger.
Lynn said...
Wow, 10:01 what a self righteous (Spelled correctly), hypocritical ass you are!!
June 17, 2011 11:58 PM
Lynn, are you a liberal? Did someone hit a soft spot?
Anonymous said...
We need to get away from the mega school and go back to neighborhood schools. Quit playing around with the scum bags who don't want to be their and are putting all the kids lives in danger.
June 18, 2011 10:10 AM
That is an excellent point!
Would you rather have a Sheriff's Deputy in the school to keep your child safe or a basketball program to help enlighten another child's educational environment?
The teachers need to quit screaming that a furlough day equals more money because of the need to hire a substitute. You simply take the number of furlough days, times what the salary for each day is, and divide it by the number of pay periods. That much is decucted out of each paycheck. There is no actual day taken off. In essence it is a pay reduction without affecting retirement calculations. The comment about " if we get a fulough day, we won't work extra" WOW, talk about the truth and blackmail coming out. Other people are receiving furlough days and aquiring extra duties of people that have been laid off. Like I have always said, the teachers union is nothing more than a terrorist organization. They say it is for the children, but it is really for their pockets.
The teachers need to quit screaming that a furlough day equals more money because of the need to hire a substitute. You simply take the number of furlough days, times what the salary for each day is, and divide it by the number of pay periods. That much is decucted out of each paycheck. There is no actual day taken off. In essence it is a pay reduction without affecting retirement calculations. The comment about " if we get a fulough day, we won't work extra" WOW, talk about the truth and blackmail coming out. Other people are receiving furlough days and aquiring extra duties of people that have been laid off. Like I have always said, the teachers union is nothing more than a terrorist organization. They say it is for the children, but it is really for their pockets.
Spending millions on special programs like Choices and Connections while other kids have nothing spent on them is reverse racism. Then spend millions on welfare, prisons, after the millions on education haven't done anything. Some people have figured how to milk the system and they have no intention of doing an honest day's work. They've decided that before first grade, and working for a living and paying taxes is what chumps do. Someone should teach a course called Let Them Learn So They Can Pay Taxes for You to Mooch Off.
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