For over five years
Salisbury News has steadily grown to be the Delmarva Peninsula’s, and Maryland’s, most widely read blog. During that time we have published 7 days a week, week in and week out. Our goal has been a simple one, to provide our readers with up to date news and opinion.
In the last year we have been fortunate enough to attract a growing number of advertisers. In addition, we have been fortunate to serve our community by using those ad revenues to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
The time has come to make a few changes. Therefore, we are announcing
SbyNEWS v1.5!
Why v1.5?
The changes we will discuss in this post are just the beginning. We have been planning a series of broad changes that are designed to better serve you, our readers, and our advertisers. However, like all things, you have to start somewhere. That is why these changes are being labeled version 1.5. In the coming months we will be informing you about the launch of v2.0. For now …
What Changes?
Salisbury News has grown to be more than a one person operation. While we appreciate the fine work of our regular contributors, it was time to make a few changes at the top.

Effective immediately, I have stepped down as the Editor of
SbyNEWS. G. A. Harrison is our new Managing Editor. He will be responsible for all content
posted on
SbyNEWS. G. A. will design and implement our policies for content and for comments. Under G. A.’s stewardship, our readers can look forward to more local content, more scheduled feature posts, and a somewhat calmer tone than we have been known for to date. Under G. A.’s leadership, it is our stated goal to broad our readership. While we seek to accomplish many things under the banner of
Salisbury News, we realize that none of it is possible without YOU, our loyal readers.

Am I retiring? Hell NO! I have assumed the role of Publisher. While I will continue to contribute to
SbyNEWS on a regular basis, it will be under the editorial guidelines set by our Managing Editor. More importantly, I will be devoting more time to the business and philanthropic aspects of
Salisbury News. It is our desire to “double down” on our commitment to serve our neighbors in need. To accomplish that goal, it is important that we broaden our revenue base along with our readership. That takes time. That takes effort. This is where I will be placing a greater focus.
We hope you continue to enjoy reading
Salisbury News. Without you, we simply cease to be relevant. Over the next few days and weeks we will be asking you for your views on
SbyNEWS. Help us out and give us your opinion. We hope to incorporate many of your suggestions in the forthcoming
SbyNEWS v2.0!
Joe Albero, Publisher
How about something along the lines of a suggestion box on the page? Would be easier to send you ideas for posts and such, if possible.
Lastword -
Tune in tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat channel.
lol holy rendezvous batman
I have to give you guys props. . .don't always agree with your conservative POV but you are providing a valuable community service. Kudos.
What else more can be said.
SBYnews has emerged as our areas MSM. Ratings are among the highest in the industry - and that includes regional and national syndication.
Great Job!
Interesting . . . that you and Rick Pollitt are both increasing your empires now.
Are you unidentical twins?
Maybe you guys can research something for residents of Salisbury around the University. For a couple of weeks now, there has been an odor of burning plastic off and on- it seems to be coming from the east/ southeast.any thoughts?
Joe, what does v1.5 mean? I am not very computer literate...please explain...thanks
Joe, I think that what you are doing is a wise move. Although I read your blog I think you speak frist and think second, not always a smart move. Also, Good Luck G.A, keep the tone a little more mellow.
lmao @ lastword and ga!
J. T.
Eat your heart out!
SBYNews is Joe Albero and Joe Albero is SBYNews. Sorry G.A. that is my opinion and I hope you still publish opinions on this site. Not A Fan!
Sure hope you will continue to provide the Lost or Found Animals on your Site!!!!!
Is there any ligitation involved in your decision?
10:31 there is always that X at the top right hand corner, ah no, your other right!
Good move Joe & G.A. Best wishes.
10:31, yet here you are reading and posting:)
anonumous 11:20, I'm sure you meant to say litigation. The answer is, absolutely not. I am not going anywhere. It's a simple restructure move. Many have asked for more local content. Considering I have been pulled in so many directions, (especially over the past two years) there is no way I can do everything necessary to expand on my own.
GA is a proven professional and we are very fortunate to have him on board full time. Our viewers have asked us to deliver more local content and that's exactly what we're going to do.
Together, GA and I will deliver Posts 7 days a week. Mid you, we'll still provide information that we believe interests our readers in the surrounding Delmarva area and some national content.
Just sit tight and see what we'll be delivering over the next few months. The layout of this Blog will eventually blow you away, unlike any other Blog you've ever seen. Customizing such a layout also takes a lot of time, including trial and errors. Nevertheless, we're going to give the MSM a major run for their money.
Finally, there is absolutely no litigation going on. However, you know me, I love a good fight.
Less Obama bashing, more SBYNEWS, please!
Anonymous 11:22am This 10:31am
Maybe you miss understood me I truly enjoy Joe's site and his writing and his "sometimes" off the wall comments.That is what makes this site real and interesting.
Without that spin on this site I am afraid it will become extremely boring and I just may have to use the "X" in the corner. BTW I can find it if I have too!
anonymous 11:40, I'm not going anywhere, Idiot. LOL, just playing with you.
Wow I never know G.A. had such a large fan club. I support Joe I am getting bashed?
Anonymous 10:31 :)
Now that I have given up the daily times , wonder if you could provide a sports section on occasions ? Most shore people like the fishing and hunting news.
anonymous 12:13, I'm not so sure we'll be heading in that direction any time soon, unless someone comes forward and provides us the information on sports.
Far too many games to cover. We would welcome the Coaches forwarding us information and we'd be happy to publish it.
However, I'm not sitting in the hot sun day in and day out wasting my weekends on sports. I'm sure you'll understand.
I'll add, if tournamet directord would like to send us hunting and fishing information we'd be happy to publish those as well.
while this all sound great, there have not been any postings since Joe's posting @ 11:59 last night! I check this site throughout the day to see what is happening. Evidently nothing is happening locally, nationally, or around the world today. That is disappointing. Hope things pick up soon!
12:55 there are new postings, he is just keeping this one on top.
And can someone please tell me what v1.5 means? I have asked twice this morning but no one will answer....anyone??
Nothing happening? According to the Daily Times this morning, the city council made some good choices and Ireton is in a tizzy about it and thinking about a veto.
Oh, right. Ireton in a tizzy is hardly news any more.
Vetoing a budget that adds more hours to city employees (that had more furlough days) he cares about so much would be political suicide.
Having your cake and eating it too, is not an option.
How about a MOBILE site and/or an App for IPhone and Android. For a mobile site, I'm referring to instead of Everyone gets their feed on their phones now.
Anonymous 1:04 - It means we are very close to completion just not there yet but we keep trying. Trust ME it will happen very soon!
Joe, We are here for you,if you need anything at all please let us know.
Signed President and Member,
"Little Joey's Fan Club"
This is why I come to this site,all these comments crack me up. And Joe I too think 11:40am is an idiot!! LOL
I have seen first hand all the giving you have done for this community and I personally want to say Thank You. Joe you are a very generous person and I am looking forward too many great things to come.
1:33 yes yes yes! I wish there was a mobile site soo much that's what I check at work and reading the full site is a pain.
v. 1.5 = version 1.5.
It's an upgrade. Nothing to be concerned with.
I mean this in the kindest way. You all need a spell checker.
anonymous 5:29, You need to get a life.
I don't drink or do drugs either. Do you hear me preaching that everyone else should be exactly like me, perfect?
My system does not have spell check for comments, while some do. I'm fielding comments, phone call, e-mail mexssages, telephone and when I do comment there's not much time to do so.
IF you don't like my human mistakes or typos, please click on our direct link to our complaint department. It's the bid red "X" in the top right corner of your screen. You'll be amazed at just how fast we respond to your complaint.
This is wonderful. Sounds like you are moving into the big time. Something everyone can count on. You both have gotten along great over the years, only makes sense. Perfect match. We wish you the best.
I have a compliant- "I spend too much time on this Darn Blog". I guess it beats spending time with the spouse.Thanks Joe
sorry, not a fan of GA ... and I will hit the red x in the top right hand corner ... sorry, Joe, I enjoy the way you write, your expressions, etc etc ... GA is just not you. He is way toooo boring for my personality ...
anonymous 9:19, then you'll enjoy the whole package. I'll still be delivering posts every day and I'll now have the time to get more involved in local events.
"Mid you, we'll still provide information that we believe interests our readers in the surrounding Delmarva area and some national content."
Big mistake on your part Joe, you are misinformed and misguided if you think we come to your blog to read the copy and paste garbage from national sites/blogs. Go back to local blogging which is Salisbury and Wicomico County. Build up your cache of informers again.
5:29 Your computer has a spell checker if you enable it. Some people are just computer illiterate.
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