Comegys’ letter to the editor in Tuesday’s Daily Times sounds so nice:
Whether providing police, fire or EMS, the city helps and protects its citizens. The poor or those in a rough spot should know there is a safety net provided by a compassionate city government. This item is small compared to the water and sewer budget and has little or no effect on the rate we pay for these services. Council President Terry Cohen and Councilman Tim Spies have indicated they support Campbell.It all sounds so sweet. It sounds so Christian. It sounds so Democrat. Yes, I’m being sarcastic – except for the Democrat part.
Do such actions support Salisbury's designation as an All America City? I say not.
The idea behind abolishing the so-called “hardship fund” is a simple one. Government should provide the core services which cannot be provided by individuals or the private sector. Government largesse simply breeds a sense of entitlement. One need simply stand in line at the grocery store today to witness it.
There are non-profits to assist with such needs. The city (or better yet, a non-profit) could establish a fund to help those with their water bills in much the same way as Delmarva Power has established such a mechanism to help those who cannot pay their power bills.
Yes Gary, we all know that it’s only $24,000. However, we have to ask why hardworking taxpayers who can barely afford to pay their own water bills are being asked to subsidize others.
As Gary showed while on council; it’s very easy to force taxpayers to subsidize others. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a multi-million dollar developer reimbursement or a $24,000 water hardship fund. Campbell, et al are right. At least in these economic times, the city government should stick to providing core services. We, as citizens, should help our neighbors through our churches, charitable organizations, or simply as individuals.
the city could start by NOT raising the rates every couple years!
Our bill has tripled since the "new, efficient, 10% more charge from the start(programmed in)water meters.Hope they don't think any of us love it.
No , I'm sure shanie would love this action. This is a sure sign of socialism. The country and county cannot support these freeloaders anymore.
The freeloaders of our society, along with the enablers, are exactly who are bringing down our once great nation to the level it has sunk to today. I am all for helping those who are truly in need, however, 1 trip to the projects and you will see the those truly in need are the minority. Time and time again, I see people who are fully able to work and carry their own load, but decide to freeload and suck off the gov't. teet. So if you are such a person and someone such as myself makes a rude comment to you about it, get over it. You are a loser and a waste of space in our society! My point is get off your lazy a$$ and work like the rest of us do. This will never happen because the gov't will continue to give handouts and entitle such behavior for example, free money to buy a car and free cell phones. I don't know about the majority, however MY money funds these programs and I see nothin for it in return.
Here's another question.
Why hardworking taxpayers who can barely afford to pay their own water bills are being asked to pay for health isurance for two council members?
Comegys justification may be thin but there's no justification for Debbie & Terry.
And I still say to get the entitlements (free cell phone, etc.) these freeloading suckers should be drug tested every time they turn around or guess what - they get no more entitlements. They need to get out and work and quit depending on everyone else to pay their bills for them. They can afford the big cars and they can stand in line at the lottery counter but can't pay a water bill? Well, just too bad. If I truly know someone is in a jam and needs help, I have no problem helping them, on my own - I don't need the city doing it for me.
9:24am Right on! I know a few who are in a jam and needs help. I, too,have tried to help and I know our church has too. These people are not freelaoders either. I don't expect my taxdollars to be used for this. I want my taxdollars the government has to be used for roads, police, etc., what they are suppose to be used for in the first place. If I want to support any group or citizen I pull my checkbook out and write a check. Let's support government getting back to what government is suppose to do.
Anon 9:24 I agree 100%, I will add Financial institutions and Politicians have destroyed this great nation. One term Politicians who get medical and retirement for life is outrageous. The major
partion of taxes should be spent on children and the elderly.
People who can work but are to
lazy shouldn't get a dime.
Where does Jim-Beau stand on this -- at Flavors, probably!
why don't gary pay it for them if he's so worried about it!
I have a hard enough time paying my own water bill. I pay more then double in sewage then i pay in water. The city just like the county needs to get back to the core responsiablity. No more donations to any worth while cause. Provide what the city is suppose to. No More. No more handouts to urban of salisbury, or anyother project. When persons develope property, have them pay their portion of "Impact fees", such as water, sewage, trash, police & fire. I am sick and tierd of the "Government" deciding on what so called do good organazation they want to donate to, with MY TAX DOLLARS. Last time i check the government does not know me personelly and has no idea what is best for me. They all need a little pin to pop their over bloated heads.
O.K. i've said enough.
Gary's entitlement was sleeping at home while getting paid with benefits from the state. Pot calls kettle black.
Alright, hands in the air if you are a taxpaying citizen of the city. I bet nobody in this comment thread could put their hand up...
1:56, you're wrong. I am a taxpaying citizen of this city and I have every right to sound off. And if your name is Gary - go back to sleep.
I Posted 10:39 am, I can raise my hand because i pay city taxes .....one of the few last suckers who can not afford to move out of the city, so 1:56 P.M. my hand is raised
Thats what programs like Shore Up are for.
Another taxpayer here.
tell you what all these that support paying other peoples bills, have at it, go ahead and pay till you are broke, and all of us that want to keep our own money for our own bills, do just that. give everyone the option. see how that works out. oh and definately definately start drug testing everyone that gets free services and aid.
Obama's rhetoric
Just move on and be responsible with our money. And I can raise my hand, too.
Anon 0924(1) -
Ya know, I understand where you are coming from. However, it's going to surprise the hell out of Salisbury taxpayers how much it's costing them to CUT Campbell and Cohen's health insurance.
I probably won't have all of the numbers until after budget, but you're going to be shocked! We'll see what your response will be then.
How those that can hire anyone, raise your hand.
You people keep screaming for people to get a job and guess what? There are no jobs to be had. Where you guys been for the past few years? Under a rock?
9:24 #2 - if they show up for their drug test in a luxury car - they should be immediately disqualified....if they're overweight, smoking, buying alcohol - they should be immediately disqualified......
"Whether providing police, fire or EMS, the city helps and protects its citizens.
G.A. don't you have a sound byte from the Firefighters Forum where Bubba said the City isn't obligated to pay for police, fire and EMS?
Anonymous said...
Alright, hands in the air if you are a taxpaying citizen of the city. I bet nobody in this comment thread could put their hand up...
May 25, 2011 1:56 PM
Wrong answer Moron. I pay City and County taxes so you can pack sand!
And for the ones that live in the County they also pay taxes to run the Salisbury Fire Department!!
Anon 2232 -
Sorry. That's Albero's schtick, not mine. I'll try to remember to ask him tomorrow.
you all keep talking about the people who feed off the teet as actually being willing to take a job that would pay less than they get sitting on their a$$es collecting. BTW if you cut them off, crime will skyrocket. Any solutions for that?
8:29 - capitol punishment....they steal, cut off their hand, they murder, cut off their head; etc...If we really wanted to, we could make these criminals disappear.....
elected officals should not be entitled to benefits. So if campbell and cohen lost their insurance would it not save money for the city.
They can, if they tried, they could find insurance coverage.
anonymous 11:14, tell that to Barrie Tilghman and Michael Day.
if they show up for their drug test in a luxury car - they should be immediately disqualified....if they're overweight, smoking, buying alcohol - they should be immediately disqualified......
This is just too stupid to comment on.
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