The council’s own rules of order require that each regular meeting of the council begin with the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Council president Terry Cohen has stated during a previous work session that she would “err on the side of caution” and observe a “moment of silence” instead of the Lord’s Prayer at Monday’s meeting.
In order for Cohen to substitute a “moment of silence”, she was required to suspend the rules. This requires a 2/3 affirmative vote. In other words, Cohen needed FOUR (4) votes if all five council members were in attendance.
In an attempt to curry favor with constituents, Shields tried to be clever. Shields announced ahead of time that she would refuse to enter the council chambers until AFTER the period for the Lord’s Prayer.
Councilwoman Debbie Campbell refused to vote with Cohen and councilmembers Laura Mitchell and Tim Spies. HOWEVER, because Shields boycotted the opening of the meeting, there were only four (4) councilmembers present. Therefore, only THREE (3) votes were needed to suspend the rules. IF Shields had bothered to show up on time, AND voted against the rules suspension, the Lord’s Prayer would have been preserved for at least one more meeting.
Ultimately, it was Shields that made sure that the Lord’s Prayer was not said at the council’s last meeting. Perhaps she will learn that being clever simply isn’t a tool in Shanie’s bag.
Who cares? They should be focusing on issues that actually affect citizens.
G.A. Respectfully it really doesn't matter. Earlier this
week I was in the barber shop and it was the topic of the day and week per the barbers. Not one person was in agreement with the council. Something of this nature should go to referendum. I truly did't know how many were city residents but everyone there was very upset with the council especially Mrs. Campbell for abstaining.
One person is not responsible for any action taken by council. A vote is a vote is a vote. It takes 2/3. No matter how you parse it, Shanie is not 2/3. Stop with the blame game and get over it. Anyone who wants to pray can do so silently. No one's rights are trampled here. Move on and deal with some real problems.
It will be interesting to see how this new council will handle such a delicate matter. I wonder why Mitchell didn't bring it up when she attended meetings as a citizen or during the election. Could it be to create a hot button issue right out of the gate? While I would miss the Lord's Prayer as a tradition, I could be happy with the prayer rotation alternative. I would like to hear more about the barber shop conversation.
If Shields policy was that she would not enter the council chambers until after the Lord's Prayer, then they should have moved it to the final item on the agenda.
An interesting post also.
After all , we know that shanie can't make a decision , because she is unable to think . It si not unusual to have these type of individuals in office now a-days.
Idiots vote her in because she is an idiot. Give her another samich and send her on her way! I hate to address people this , but now I don't have a choice.
G.A. , keep up the good work!!
It is obvious that shanie doesn't want the people in her district to know what she was up to. They are mostly christians. Make you think she has gone muslim!Mmmmm food for thought!
Shields is an IDIOT period.
why don't the citizens of Salisbury that object to the "moment of silence" attend the meetings and when they announce the moment of silence everyone stand up and recite the Lords Prayer out loud, do this every week until they give in and accept and reinstate the prayer.
I really admire Cohen on this one. Here are four Christians who can't agree and falls on the Jew to do "the right thing."
When I heard her call for the motion to suspend the rules, I said to my wife, "She always plays by the rules."
We hope they keep some form of prayer in. Sometimes it's good to change a tradition and if they come up with something that includes other faiths, my wife and I okay with that. Rather made me sick anyway that they would say the Lord's Prayer then do what they did.
5:11. You are far off base. Just because the Council erred on the side of caution (as Council President Cohen put it) doesn't mean that anyone who voted against the Lord's prayer is a Muslim! As I have stated before on this subject, I am a devout and devoted Christian. I pray the Lord's Prayer every Sunday. A councl meeting is not a church service, though. More importantly, the makeup of the town of Salisbury is not what it was in 1952, when the policy of reciting the Lord's Prayer prior to meetings was enacted. If I am not mistaken, for example, Ms. Cohen is of Jewish background. Why should she be expected to lead the Lord's Prayer? A silent prayer is the way to go. Those who want to use the moment to say the Lord's Prayer can; others may have a prayer of their own. Some may not want to pray. At any rate, anyone who wishes to pray can use the moment of silence to say what is on his/her heart. We Christians often forget that there are so many non-Christians here now. How arrogant that we insist that they pray our prayer!
If you can't keep the Lord in what you do it will be screwed up period. Thought we voted some people with some sense in, guess that's not the case. Our country was built on Christian values for a reason. If you don't like it, move out of here.
Good for Shanie. The prayer would not hold up should a lawsuit be filed. Separation of church and state is what is established in the Constitution.
8:32, no one is taking the Lord out of the Council meetings. He is there, as He is everywhere, Christians believe. Those who see that it is time to eliminate the Lord's Prayer from being recited out loud DO have sense. And then you have to end your statement with the oft-repeated "If you don't like it, move out of here." So you're dismissing anyone who doesn't think or believe the way you do. Funny, your comment doesn't reflect the Lord at work. I assume you call yourself Christian. Time to rethink!
No doubt an Obama voter...
Another intelligent comment, 9:36, just like the ones who say Shanie Shields must be a Muslim. For your info., I am a very active Republican and a committed Christian. I voted for McCain, though I'm not sure what the connection would be between whom I voted for and the Lord's Prayer issue. (9:19)
AMEN 7:56
Nothing like religion to get a good discussion going!
For all of the devout, devoted and commited Christians who think that the Lord's prayer should be taken will have to be accountable for your actions to God. The Lord's Prayer does not hurt anyone and is appropriate always.
Government has no business endorsing one religion over any other.
Drew you are correct so then let the Jews and the muslims say whatever prayer they want too. Other religions prayers don't affect or offend me because I don't share their beliefs. Remember it is freedom OF religion not FROM religion.
It is the PEOPLE who are in the government who ought to recognize their Lord and Savior.
If they don't the government is doomed. Look at what happened to the Israelites after they demanded a King.
9:52, you can read, I hope. Don't misinterpret what I wrote. I am not suggesting that the "Lord's prayer should be taken away," only that one can still say the prayer in the moment of silence. You write that the prayer is appropriate always. Always? In a mosque or synagogue? In a civil meeting? I love the prayer as much as I guess you do, but I also know that many not only don't find it appropriate but may find it offensive. Yes, the wording is wonderful and rather generic, but the fact that Our Lord taught the prayer makes it perceived as "Christian." Once upon a time in this area there were no other religions but Christianity represented in clubs or meetings. That's no longer true. If I were Jewish and were on the Council, how would I feel if I had to utter the Lord's Prayer at every meeting? I feel perfectly ready to be "accountable" for my actions to God, who expects me to consider the feelings of my fellow man and to practice tolerance.
5:31 Religious tolerance is not a virtue for a Christian instead it is shameful passivity. Do you think if Jesus appeared right now he would say "Gosh 5:31 thanks so much for not offending anyone with my Father's prayer. I am so glad that you voted out His words so that the mulims and jews wouldn't get upset." You never know when Gods words will help a non-Christian. Just look at the sad road our country is going down as we take Christ out of as many aspects of life as we can.
Isn't that the problem with this country today, we want tolerance for every thing, gay rights, same sex marrage, religious tolerance for all other religion, but not Christianity? Maybe if we got back to our religous roots and what this country was founded on, it might be a better place to live.
Time to rethink what? That our country was built on this and was made out of Christian beliefs and values. The only ones screaming we shouldn't be saying it are ones who have nothing to do with Christianity at all. There are plenty of other countries where you can go that would love to have you and your views. If you care to take a look at all the turmoil and then just happen to realize it's been since everyone keeps taking the Lord's prayer, prayer out of schools etc. out of everything and God out of anything they can, when the down turn all started. It has nothing to do with my view but everything for what our country was formed and based on. Everyone who made it what is is in the beginning is probably rolling over in their graves from all that's happening going we told you so. But that's right all that's happening is just because people don't care right?
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