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Sunday, May 01, 2011
Osama Bin Ladin Is Dead
That is the breaking news. More to come....
UPDATE: DNA evidence has identified it is Bin Ladin. They were able to use dna from a family member. U.S. is in possession of his body. He was living in in Pakistan. Some are suggesting he was shot, others say it was a misisle that killed him. Either way, he was killed by US Forces. Reports are saying it happened about a week ago but they have been holding off until his dna was confirmed.
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WE did it!!
Tomorrow should be a National Holiday.
For all of those who were killed on 9/11, for all of our brave men and women who we have lost in the past ten years, this is for you.
Thank you President Obama!
Suck it Al Quadea
Rot in hell. More like Osama bin Gotten!
Please pray for our soldiers and Airmen in Afghanistan in the days and weeks to come. This will send Afghanistan in to an outrage. There will be tremendous bloodshed. We will be praying for our husband/father as well as all of our military in Afghanistan and around the world.
Good job troops!
Still not gonna vote for ya obamma
11:21 Are you kidding me?!!!!! Obama didn't do a thing!!!!!! It was Bush!!! God Bless America!!! It is a beautiful day in America!!!!!
Also our Troops who did it!!!!! God Bless our troops!!!!!!!!
WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that killed thousands of Americans, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said Sunday.
A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight at a compound in Pakistan, the president said in a dramatic late-night statement at the White House.
Its shameful it took so long. What we're in like 6 wars now because of thing guy?(i know its an exaggeration)
How many more innocents have we killed and how many troops have died in the attempt to kill this guy?
Our government needs to reevaluate its tactics. So much blood should not have been shed in the name of fighting the slaughter of our people. :(
Thank you to our TROOPS who did the job! And, to president GW BUSH who had the balls to take the War of Terrorism to THEM, THERE! President Osama just gets to take credit for years of work and blood that was shed to find this guy. Where are all the liberals now that Pres. Osama illegally gave permission to execute someone in another country? They are the one's who kept Bush from doing this years ago! These are the guys in uniform who are the heroes!
i love how all the democrats are praising obama for this.If u wanna thank anyone 11:21 thank George W. Bush and the U.S. Military!!
Thank you President Obama? Seriously... That is a slap in the face of every Man and Woman who has stepped foot on foreign soil in support of these wars. Can you tell me what Obama did to make this come about? Neither Bush, nor Obama deserve credit for this. You can send your thanks to the families of those who have died fighting these wars, and the Men and Women who did and still are fighting these wars.
God Bless America!!!!!
Thank you JASOC! Thank you to every man and woman who has put their life in the line of fire for our freedoms and safety! It is you who are the true keepers of freedom and the American way! Obama did nothing but approve the kill shot which any person in his chair would have done. More propoganda from the dumbocrats!
Thank you brave soldiers!!! Bless all the soldiers, including our local ones fighting crime here everyday.
I am grateful that President Obama gave the order to take him out. But let's focus on Bush vs Obama - that's so relevant. This is an example of the continuity of American government at its best. What was begun by Bush was continued by Obama with the wonderful troops serving under both. What else is important?
Maybe the 3rd time will be a charm and he will remain dead.
Can't you just keep politics out of this for 5 minutes. This is a great day and victory for this country no matter who is in power - democrat or republican.
Yeah, this really should cause us to criticize President Obama. Idiots.
An evil man is gone. I thank the President and the men and women of the military.
Three cheers for President Obama's leadership and the works of our military.
I need to see the dead body before I believe it.
SSG US Army...
Glad you saw it first SGT USMC....I cant stand how people are saying thanks Obama. He did nothing but supposedly issued the order to go in....I doubt he seriously even knew what they were talking about if they were using military terms. I was in Afghan. in 2003 and my company was responsible for getting HVT's. Wish it could have been bin laden himself. I hope the troops stay vigilant over there because it's not over. And NO I DONT THINK THE TROOPS SHOULD BE BROUGHT HOME NOW, AND WE ALL WANT TO BE THERE, WE SIGNED UP AT A TIME OF WAR AND WANT TO BE THERE DOING OUR JOB.
well said "5:01 and "8:37" our military is the ones that deserve praise, all the commander in chief does is sign the documents that allow certain orders/missions to be carried out we only have a few presidents who can be thanked and they are the ones whom actually served in the miliatry at one time or another, obama is worthless look at your gas prices look at the big picture the man shouldnt even be in office but because our little square box minded people wanted to make a point of change they chose the obvious and now we are paying the ultimate price as citizens of the united states land of the free home of the brave, but yet our constitution is being violated by our current leaders we are being micromanaged by our pethetic government who doesnt have a clue what it is like to have to work and work hard to provide for their families
one down, one to go ...
#1 Kudos to our brave men and women in uniform who have worked tirelessly to pull this off.
#2 It was Pres. Obama who advocated for a much stronger posture/presence in Pakistan including the use of more covert boots on the ground and drones in the sky despite being called foolish by many on the right.
#3 The pres. is the commander in cheif. Just as you are quick to bash the man for any perceived failures (regardless of his involvement), be there to congratulate for the victories.
#4 Can't we all celebrate an AMERICAN victory, secured by the sacrifices of our brave troops and led by our freely democratically elected President for what it is, without all the political hack jobs
i dont believe osama is dead. the US's "we had to quickly bury the body at sea (so there wouldnt be any evidence)." story sounds too fishy to me. could it be an obama election stunt? i wouldve questioned bush if the story was presented the same way.
anonymous 9:04, you can't argue a solid statement like that.
I, for one, lost a cousin on 9-11. I would have liked to been able to go to Washington or New York to see with my own eyes this piece of shit was dead.
Dumping him at sea and not allowing some of us closure is just wrong.
I just knew the Bush Sour Grapers would not give Obama credit, but I cannot believe they are saying this is thanks to Bush! Bush BLEW IT! I gave Bush II credit for getting Saddam when his daddy BLEW IT...but these people can't show the good grace to simply say, "Good job."
Obama said in his campaign he would make getting Bin Ladin a priority. Give him credit. Yes, he could not have done it without great minds in the military, but obviously, he gave them the wide berth to do what THEY needed to do. That is part of leadership, too.
Although I have TONS of issues with Obama as president, this independent has enough grace to say, "Thank you, Mr. President, and THANK YOU to our brave military for bringing justice to those lost in 9/11."
Gratitude and good grace...try them, you'll like them!
8:55 a.m., amen.
If Osama were still alive, we'd have the tape from him mocking us by now.
They did the absolutely right thing by throwing him in the ocean like a piece of garbage (or claim to have done so).
It is symbolically perferct, as there will be no grave sites or memorials to him by other crazies. If they want to pay homage to him they can jump right to the buttom of the ocean.
As much as I would love to believe this to be true, I am skeptic.
I have images of Iraq's S.Hussain death still burned into my head, and have no doubt he is gone, but this...buried at sea, them knowing for a week...does not make sense.
I guess some on here are atheist as well. So you have to see something to believe it.
I don't think I have ever said anything positive about Obama, but I have to give him credit for giving the order to take Osama out.
That being said there would never have been a 9/11 if on the many occasions that Bin Laden was offered to Clinton by countries or the times that our snipers had him in sight but Clinton was too busy getting a hummer from Monica.
The other thing that bothered me was the crowd in front of the White House immediately after the announcement. They looked to be a bunch of college kids who found a reason to party. It looked more like something they would do in the Muslim countries than in the USA. The gathering in NYC was much more somber with people singing the National Anthem.
Again I say good job to Obama.
Has anyone considered the fact that he has been "in plain view" in Pakistan, one of our supposed allies whom we send billions each and every year. I have a real problem with this particuler "ally" and believe our government should reconsider the manner in which we interact with them. Pakistan, I believe, knew he has been there the entire time and has hidden it from us. T Hell with Pakistan
I am with 9:04 on this one. I hope it is true and am anxiously awaiting some real proof.
Hopefully they will flatten the images this time so they don't show another fraud by our President!
anon 911 (how ironic) - i mentioned that i wouldve been skeptical of bush had the story been presented the same way. weve already heard 3 different stories on how he died. shot in the chest, shot in the head, and killed in a missile strike.
Hope that they dumped him in a pine box full of pig fat.
Everything obammy touches there is an air of disbelief. It doesn't matter if any of it is true or not now. He is just bad for this country.
We need a leader we can follow and not second guess his every move. If he really cared about this country he would realize that and not seek another term.
Took ten years to find Osama but type something on internet bad about Obama and secret service will be banging down your door the same day.
I'm glad the bastard is dead but the mystery and doubt surrounding this ruins it.
Bush Senior can breathe now with Saddam and Osama gone we will never know how they got as powerful as they did
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