The money is part of a $900 million pledge Clinton made at a March 2 donors conference to address the immediate needs of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. On December 17, 2007, eighty-seven countries and international organizations met in Paris and pledged to provide $7.4 billion over three years to the Palestinian Authority[1] (PA), an amount far in excess of any previous level of U.S. or European aid to the Palestinians.
I don't know about how the rest of America feels - but this American would like to know how in the world can President Obama tell Israel's Prime Minister that he would like for Israel to pull back to its pre-1967 borders so that Palestine could fulfil its 'self determination' goals of establishing its own separate State.
What about the Eastern Shore of Maryland? Who is on capital hill to represent our plight? Aren't we - (Worcester, Wicomico, Talbot, Somerset, Dorchester, Caroline, Queen Annes, Kent, & Cecil) - native born Americans - and shouldn't we be entitled to self determination first! The eastern shore residences have only (9) elected State representatives and have been out numbered in the Maryland General Assembly by margin 179 - 9. Talk about an argument for self-determination - how about less than an hours drive from Capital Hill - where all of the above Counties are in real need of financial aid. You want to talk about a perverted administration - ought not charity begin at home first?
I implore all of SBYnews readers and all of the above noted County residents to please contact their elected Federal officials and give them a dose reality. Eastern Shore secession should come first before any US aid is doled out for the creation of a Palestinian State. It's a no-brainer.
". . .this American would like to know how in the world can President Obama tell Israel's Prime Minister that he would like for Israel to pull back to its pre-1967 borders so that Palestine could fulfil its 'self determination' goals of establishing its own separate State."
Obama said that the borders would be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. This implies negotiation.
In 2005, President George W. Bush, speaking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, talked about a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 borders.
“Any final status agreement must be reached between the two parties, and changes to the 1949 armistice lines must be mutually agreed to. A viable two-state solution must ensure contiguity on the West Bank” Bush said at the time.
"A settlement, negotiated between the parties, will result in the emergence of an independent, democratic, and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors. The settlement will resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and end the occupation that began in 1967. ..."
Clinton mentioned the same borders back in 2000.
Nothing new. Just was blown up to be something more than it was.
Please do your research before talking about secession.
Reference to 9:33
I believe you missed Beazer's point. The subject is self-determination. I agree with Beazer - the western shore representatives have historically hogged all of the pie.
Before any Palestinian initiative is uncorked - the eastern shore certainly deserves first dibbs at a piece of the Federal pie first.
A public referendum would help resolve our plight - just like the Palestinians when they had their self-determination effort.
You had better go back and review your US history first - (Tea Party rebellion)- taxation without representation.
Well, personally, I'd love to see the Delmarva Peninsula to be a state all to it's own, joining DE and VA with MD. We all have a unique point of view shared all but Wilimington. Can't be an worse than having Baltimore. The other point, is the President (not our, because I don't claim him, nor would follow him to the bathroom if I had diarrhea) has NO RIGHT to ask Israel anything. He needs to shut up his pie hole.
Reference 10:31
Point well taken. If I'm not mistaken, two of our former elected Maryland State representatives actually proposed legislation for a secession. I believe, both, Senator Rich Colborn and former Senator Lowell Stoltfus proposed a secession. And we almost did it back in the 1960's and only came up short by one vote.
I'm sure all of the Counties on the eastern shore would gladly accept 7.4 billion dollars in US Federal aid. Then - we - (here on the eastern shore) would be tax exempt for quite a few years.
The eastern shore is the best part of MD we would be better off with out the western portion of the state.
Joe - funny you should put-up this article. I was thinking about the same scenario just a few days ago.
Maybe this article will help to start a 'brush fire' and who knows - we might actually receive some of the suggested diverted Palestinian aid. The idea certainly sounds plausible to me.
Reference to 10:31
No, I get his point. He wants secession because western maryland is more liberal than eastern maryland and tends to dominate the vote. He does not agree with the liberal mindset. He feels like the eastern shore of Maryland and Palestine share a common struggle and that Palestine may get its right to assert itself before we do on the Eastern Shore. Wow, how insane an argument is that? My advice to him would be to read a book from time to time. The comparison is an insult to the Palestinians and the hardships that they have endured. And you, sir, should review the history of the palestinian israeli conflict. Not everyone shares the "conservative across the board" viewpoint that is so popular on the eastern shore and some of us vote Democrat. With the influx of people moving over from the western shore we may be leaning more to the left as time goes on. . .maybe you should move down to Texas or Arizona with the other secessionists.
11:22 maybe you should go back to Baltimoran country or wherever you came from. I support Israel as a country that doesn't need a liberal democRAT so-called president telling them what to do. And if you think the Eastern Shore comparison to the brutality of the Palestinians is an unfair comparison to the Eastern Shore -- you do need to move back to wherever the heck you came from!! BTW, don't put your name on here because Eastern Shore people won't let you forget we don't want you around anymore for this ignorant comment.
no 11:22 maybe you should move back to the western shore. in fact; i think it would be a great idea. for the majority of us who live here we like our way of life. for the most part we are conservative and that's just fine with us......
secession - YES; ASAP......
no no 11:22....what he's saying is that if Our federal government is going to fund such an effort in another country, we, as an underepresented part of a state with more than ample geographical boundries to make the process much easier, should have first crack at any money set aside for that type of endeavor. After all.....it's our money. We should use it here first.
To 11:22
Wow - you really are a lib.
I'll tell you why Capital Hill doesn't want the eastern shore to become its own separate State.
Bottom line - The US Senate would in all likelihood pick-up (2) conservative senators. That would probably tilt the scales on such issues as 'Right to life' and a balanced budget amendment and so on.
My advise to you is for you to consider moving to an area like San Francisico where you will probably be in like company - if you know what I mean.
Nobody has brought up the revenue we would get from beach traffic etc.. Put up Toll Booths on this side of the Bridge and on north and south borders also and that money would be for the Eastern Shore roads only with none of that money going to the Western Shore or other States north and south. For example trucks toll cost would stay the same. If you have documented proof of residence with no other Maryland residence off the Eastern Shore or in other States as of 6/1/2011 free passage. All others have a Toll fee of $40.00 round trip and will increase 10% minimum every time the Western Shore or other States north and south raises their fees. All Ocean City money will stay on the Shore etc..
I came from Salisbury. Lived here all my life. Before you go praising Israel too much please understand this: The Jews reclaiming part of Palestine as their own (by power of England) and calling it Israel is the equivalent of the Nanticoke Indians reclaiming a given town in DE and claiming that because they lived there 100s of years ago that they still have a right to it. We can't all just go back to where we were 100s of years ago and expect the world to still function. The British Mandate was HIGHLY out of line. Thats like Canada coming in a saying "yeah these Indians are going to set up right there in Longneck and we fully support them, don't mind them, sign this please". Israel has existed for so long that people no longer consider how it came into being and whether that was even ethical. Since that is ancient history, we have to get on with a 2 state solution as the best comprimise. I do support the Palestinians in their efforts as well as the Israelites but lets not make saints out of Israel. They have been "defending" themselves well past their borders. They have also engaged in acts of terrorism. This has been well documented. Don't believe everything you see on Fox News guys.
"BTW, don't put your name on here because Eastern Shore people won't let you forget we don't want you around anymore for this ignorant comment."
I've lost my Eastern Shore privileges? Darn! Didn't realize the thought police were about! Hey, if I promise to be just like you can I stay?
"I have never been bitten by the word dog on a piece of paper."
5:53 you are a legend in your own mind! And, a pretty ignorant and opionated person too. The land was given to them by God, not any government or treatie. But, you probably believe in Allah so you won't agree with that either. If I want a history lesson, I'll ask Dr. Ray Thompson at SU for a lecture. You can keep your BS to yourself. Obviously, by the other comments, no one wants to hear them.
There are many gods in this world. Which one is the true god? Well that depends on who you ask. The Israelis made out pretty well following their beliefs that what they call Israel was their land. The Palestinians do not have the same beliefs, they got screwed as their beliefs were trampled upon in the name of ANOTHER religion outside of their own. Their land was taken by the Jews because the Jews claimed it was promised to them in a book THAT THE PALESTINIANS DO NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE! It wasn't god that got them there, however, it was the British (god only promised the land. . .the British forced Jewish immigration down the Palestinian throats). I can say god promised me your land all day long. It will never be true to you, even if it is true to me. Might makes right when it comes to claiming land. Some of the worst acts in history have been in the name of god. The fact that you justify the jewish occupation of "Israel" because "god" says it is right tells me that you are a fool who reads a book of ancient jewish fairytales and takes them literally. As for your sarcastic comment about my possible belief in Allah? I can only assume that you are a bigot, sir. Not all Muslims are religious extremists. There is nothing wrong with worshiping god, in my opinion, as long as you don't force your views on others. Like the Israelis did to the Palestinians! No wonder the Palestinians hold so much hate for Israel! How would you like it? As for my faith? Apatheism.
I believe the main point of the article is - why is the US giving the Palestinian authority such large sums of money to set-up an independant State.
We US citizens - especially the eastern shore counties in Maryland - should have access to this money first and foremost. We - (US citizens) - have footed the bill for the money. Why build schools for Palestinians when we need our own schools first.
I agree with one of the commenters - it is an atrocity for on Americans to be funding a Palestinian State. We need the money here at home and I can think of no better cause that the eastern shore counties secession.
2:04 got it right...rest of this is ignorant drivel on both sides.
Fact is, Bush followed Clinton and Obama is now following Bush on this SAME plan to improve Israeli-Palestinian relations. You guys would be singing the praises of Bush if this had happened on his watch. You guys can't wait until you can end ties with the western shore and "bury your collective heads in the sand", never encountering a person with a different point of view on life. This would be your idea of perfection. Ignorance. No diversity of any sort. I am glad that the western shore is here to keep the eastern shore in check. Too many closed minded people on the shore. Not everyone, mind you. I hope that your plans for secession fail, for your own good.
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