On Sunday, the
Daily Times published what I hope is an all time low on their editorial page.
Monday, we began to contrast fact against the DT’s alternate reality. This
continued on Tuesday. Today, we conclude our examination of the
Daily Times’ ride to the defense of waste, obfuscation, and arrogance that we all know as the Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE).
Back to the DT’s hit piece …

Pointing fingers and thereby
tacitly implying there must be wrongdoing, mishandling or waste somewhere does not lead to constructive resolutions. Divisive behavior does not save money, nor does it lead to a better education for our county's students.
OK. First of all, the council is not tacitly implying there must be wrongdoing. The WCBOE does that by refusing to provide answers to legitimate questions in a timely manner. Second, what is the evidence that allowing the WCBOE to spend taxpayer dollars without any oversight leads to “a better education for our county’s students”?
Oh wait! We all know the answer to that question. Raise your hands! Wait to be called on. The answer is …
There is no evidence.
As the op-ed draws to a conclusion, we are forced to question the mental state of the author:
Across our city, across our county and across our country, the vast majority of those in the middle have grown weary and worn down by jihadist (sic) mentality of small but vocal extremes at both ends of the political spectrum.
JIHADIST? You have got to be kidding me. I can only conclude that Daily Times General Manager Greg Bassett must have been out of town when this one went to press. Greg has (benevolently) lectured me over the years about the need for responsibility both on the news and op-ed sides of the house. I may disagree with Greg on some things but he has always been honest with me; and taken this view of “responsibility” to heart. I would argue that the DT has practiced this to the point of timidity. Yet, now we see the majority of the county council compared to jihadists! Requesting honest answers to honest questions makes you a jihadist?
No it doesn’t. I have made no secret that the majority of the WCBOE aren’t worth the collective powder needed to blow them up. Do I wish them harm? No! Do I compare them to jihadists? Of course not! I’m surprised the author didn’t get a Nazi or fascist reference in there. Maybe they did and Susan just cut it out because it may have been a little “over the top”.
To those who constantly nitpick the system, who grandstand without facts, who continually point out perceived problems rather than offer solutions: You are ultimately destroying the county you represent.
OK Joe Holloway - a deaf,. dumb, and blind man knows who this paragraph is in reference too. Neither Holloway, nor his council colleagues are grandstanding. As for not having the facts, that is the problem. The WCBOE stonewalls at almost every turn.

Perhaps the author should ask him / herself a question: Do we want ANOTHER taxpayer revolt in Wicomico County? Without proper oversight, that is exactly what we would face. If the WCBOE had their way, the tax rate in Wicomico County would be $2, $3, $4, or more. No matter how much money is thrown at them, it is never enough. It’s for the children.
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As a side note, I would be VERY interested to know who actually penned Sunday’s DT editorial. Personally, I can’t believe that either Susan Parker or Greg Bassett did. If Managing Editor Erick Sahler did, especially without disclosing so due to his wife’s position at the WCBOE, I would be ashamed if I were Gannett. Regardless, this op-ed shows that the Daily Times is no more responsible than any other outlet.
As has been posted before Shaler's wife had her pay increased 20 grand 2 yrs ago. Having Pollitt as your best buddy sure paid off.
There IS waste at the board. They don't want the waste exposed so they will not show records of how they spend tax payer money. That much is clear. Its not so much the "Hooters bill" that taxpayers should be worried about, though that was very disappointing to me, it is the waste of money on unnecessary positions that is truly disturbing. They need to have an "Office Space" moment and look at these jobs at the board one by one asking, "so, what do you do here?". . ."How much contact do you have with the students from day to day?" . . .the further they are away from the product (students) the greater the chance that their position is one that should be eliminated or have its salary reduced. EDUCRATS. . .the person who coined that term got it right! Now they want a Taj Mahal middle school! Reduce the Wicomico County Board's administrative costs. You know, decades ago, some of you may remember that for a few months out of the year administrators/supervisors from the board would travel to schools within the county to teach in selected classrooms. The teacher from that classroom would perform duties at the board in return. This practice was thrown out decades ago, as I said, but we should return to this way of thinking. Kids first. Get in there and work on building the product rather than sitting over at the board in your office chair. This practice was ended when many of the administrators could not handle the classrooms. This humiliated the administrators. These are the decision makers who could not do the job THAT THEY ARE TRYING TO TELL OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO DO! Let me just say. . .if they went back to this yearly practice of sending administrators/supervisors in to teach (which most people probably don't recall). . .to get their hands dirty. . .we would have an influx of resignation letters and a mass exit of administrators, supervisors etc. at the board. Thats all it would take for most. Thats how much they REALLY care about your kids education. An Educrat salary is the taxpayer's burden. Hooters doesn't help either.
This is a sad state of affairs. Our only "local" newspaper is tearing this community apart, one piece at a time. Those working for Gannett know times are tough. As a matter of fact the employees have been forced to take foulough days. So what makes them think the county is in any better shape. Gannett gets their revenue from advertisers. (and most are cutting their advertising dollars) The county gets their revenue from us, the citizens, and we are struggling just to keep pace with food, gas, medicine--the necessities in life. We are all in this together. I am so disappointed in our Daily Times. Thank you County Council for being responsibile with our money.
The board's approved budget for next year (from the BOE's on website) shows a zero dollar increase in the cost of health insurance for next year. I find that hard to believe. Even the county with hundreds fewer employees is showing some increase in costs. Is the BOE passing more costs to employees & retirees (I doubt it!) or hiding increases in one of those "other" funds? I'm betting this is one of those "we'll never give you a straight answer" deals. Keep after them SBYnews & County Council. It's not just about the children!
9:29,9:31,9:59 and 10:05; BIG DITTOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G.A. I think you are wrong on several points here. First, the statement doesn't say that having no oversight leads to a better education of our students. It says, if I am reading what you posted here correctly, that "divisive behavior" does not lead to a better education for our students. That is a true statement; the only thing to dispute here is which side is causing the divisive behavior. I would say they both are. Secondly, "tacitly implying" is not a matter of fact, but opinion. Unless you are a board member yourself, you have no proof of what is in their hearts, and thus what they might be implying, tacitly or otherwise. I agree with you that the jihadist reference is not only uncalled for, but reprehensible. And lastly, if you recognize a council member because of a reference to grandstanding without facts, there must be some basis for that. I think there is a real basis for the DT editorial. The BOE members are not the only ones who suffer from arrogance. There is enough of that to go around on the council as well. BUT, until the blame stops, nothing will be accomplished to help our children. I wish they would ALL stop the grandstanding.
All the council wants is the financial records! They are entitled to review them! It is for the benefit of the taxpayer, not to be mean! They have asked for records even before this whole BMS fiasco! Until they have the records I say let the board have it with both barrels! No excuse.
Weel G.A. I guess you and Joe will post this because I agree with you on this one. I will say i have noticed anyone with an issue with the council does not get a post? If you want debate at least let both sides in on it. With that said I know the B.O.E. is smart enough to hide exspenitures from the like of Holloway and Prettyman. The council does this every year and you guys make it look like the council has uncovered some big dark scam. Ho hum. Sorry but the truth hurts. If the public knew how much money the board hides they would be furious. The travel of "certain" board members has been an issue in thier own house. If you get a chance sit and talk to a young teacher they can truly enlighten you. Those in power get fatter and the workers are taking a beating. so is the public.
Speaking of travel you have department heads from other county agecies that travel half the year on the counties dime. Funny you never mention that person. I guess you and Joe do have some fear.lol G. A. if you are going to sling tax waste mud sling it all the way around. The window tinting on certain cars at our local Sheriff's Department. Why was that done? I see the vehilces parked in front of the building have tint ? Just wondering Joe Holloway why you never mentioned this. The Sheriff is elected but he still gets paid with my tax dollars. I dont see window tint on the vehicles of the school deputies.
I guess the bottom line is we the people should take responsibilty in who we elect to office. In colonial days you would hang those that abused and stole from the tax payers. I guess we have become to civilized and in civility comes abuse.
The records should be made available to the Public as well, on an ongoing basis! They have to be held accountable as well as everyone else that gets County Money!!!
Go going C. Council----Do keep up your good works for protection of taxpayers money!!
Is that a picture of little Ricky when he was a boy. I guess his belt didn't go off and now he is running Wicomico County into the ground.
The way this discussion is going, education needs a funding boost.
Think this through the rest of the way. If the BOE releases all financial records, then the CC will go through the records and line item out things they don't want to spend money on. The problems is, they don't have that authority. They can not say "We are cutting your budget XXX because you spend money on YYY".
As has been stated, BOE is not a county department. The truth is, releasing financial records would expose how much money is spent on so few students. That is the real embarrassing part.
5:51pm Oh come on and get real. The authority our cc has is to make sure my money is being spent right and if they give some to the BOE I expect them to ask questions and I expect the BOE to answer correctly. It's all about communication and when one side does not communicate the whole thing falls apart. What? Do you just want to council to rubber stamp a budget that is put in front of them? I remember 20 years ago a previous council was known as the "rubber stamper" council and we spoke up about that.
The healthcare increase is being paid through the Rate Stabilization Fund. This fund is the rebates that the BOE has gotten over the years for having less payouts in insurance compared to the premiums paid. It is like a savings account and used to "reward" staff for being conservative.
So let SBYnews dig into this one and I am sure they will find the same info and then you will have egg on your face.
Get your facts before spouting off!
We all know there is waste at the BOE, one asst. Superintendent is enough, not three. How many times have we heard someone can not make it in the class room or school, so they tranfer them to the BOE. Each BOE member should spend 5 days in a row in a low performing school like Prince Street or East Salisbury every month. Then you will see the truth and stop bagering these teachers that are trying so hard, while the BOE ties their hands. Since Tracy Sahler works for the BOE and her husband, the Daily Times. We will never get the truth about what is happening in our schools. She want to keep her job. He wants to help her do so.But the truth shall set you free. For another job.
Anon 1028 -
You are correct that is what was written. However, the implication of this hit piece was that any attempt to provide oversight to the WCBOE was de facto divisive.
The "tacitly implying" quote was from the editorial and was meant for the council, not the BOE.
As for the reference to Joe Holloway, I know this because the BOE AND the DT have accused him of it before. I see no basis in fact for the accusation, but it has been leveled none the less.
Again, if you think that asking how money is being spent and providing oversight is arrogant or "grandstanding", then you will NEVER see conditions improve at the BOE.
Anon 1145 -
Assuming your accusations are true, then you have a valid gripe. However, your gripe is not with me. Like you, I only have 24 hours in a day. I chase down the stories that I have solid leads for (and, quite frankly, that interest me).
You may be right about the Sheriff's office. You may not be. I don't know. I do know this - Mike Lewis has to run for re-election every four years. If he is as you portray him, then the voters will eventually get wise and vote him out of office.
As for your semi-specific references to the Sheriff's office - if you seriously wanted someone to look into them you would be far more specific.
FYI - Lewis and I don't agree on everything. Regardless, I have always found him to be be forthright and his deputies have always been courteous and professional when I have encountered them. No one is breaking into my house (although, ironically, someone robbed us the very night we were starting to move into our home) and I feel safe on the streets of my neighborhood. What more do I want?
Anon 1751 -
While you are correct in your last graph, you are wrong about the extent of the council's authority. It is true that they cannot excise a line from the budget. However, they can (and have) cut the budget XXX because the BOE spent money on YYY. That is well within their power. They simply cannot FORCE the BOE to stop spending on YYY.
As another person has stated, WCBOE should submit all financial records on an ongoing basis! Every few months or so.
8:26 -"The healthcare increase is being paid through the Rate Stabilization Fund. This fund is the rebates that the BOE has gotten over the years for having less payouts in insurance compared to the premiums paid. It is like a savings account and used to "reward" staff."
Are you serious?! 80% or so of any healthcare premiums are paid by the BOE (i.e. taxpayers), so ANY leftovers should go back to the taxpayer or to keep from having to cut costs for school programs, NOT to "reward staff." Your logic is EXACTLY why the CC & the public is so angry about your BOE half truths! If what you say is true, how come this isn't explained clearly in the budget or even as a footnote to the page on health care costs. Is this rate stabilization fund even mentioned in the entire budget? Health care costs are an operating expense and all operating costs & increases need to be fully disclosed in the operating budget not hidden away in some other rebate fund! You need to "Get your facts before spouting off!" You haven't understood a single thing the CC and sbynews have said. It's pitiful for you to think you are so entitled at taxpayer expense.
Anon 2244 -
Awesome, Awesome DITTOS!
I wanted to reply to Anon 2026 but didn't because I wasn't able to do it as succinctly and forthrightly as you have.
You are dead on that these folks just don't get it. A few years ago when the WCBOE increase the retiree health benefit, they tried the same argument.
Later on Stevie Prettyman asked if the surplus in the Rate Stabilization Fund couldn't be used to cover Maintenance of Effort (MOE). Of course she was told NO. This was the employees money.
The very next year, Fredericksen wanted to raid the fund. Of course, now that he wanted the cheese it was suddenly the BOE's money.
The fact is that it's the TAXPAYERS' MONEY! Fredericksen just can't get himself to admit that.
I am wondering if the parent company of Gannett are aware of how our locals here at their newspaper are using "their power" to trash elected officials. It would be interesting to see if they approve of Eric Salher & Company's tatics. I don't think they act this way in Wilmington.
What is the perfect cover for overspending on needless items and programs? "It is for the kids", thought that they would never be questioned about it. Keep up the good work on exposing the real truth.
Many people at the Board have jobs that are considerably less than full time, but they are paid full time salaries. Supervisors plan no inservice days for teachers now because that got dumped on the principals. They do fewer observations of tenured teachers and rarely attend faculty meetings and never attend P.T.A. meetings or Board meetings. They are strictly 8-4:30 with an hour for lunch and comp time for every minute beyond that. They simply aren't needed for the minimum amount of work they do that impacts kids and for the salaries they make. There are about three who work and a load who don't.
Today the board is meeting behind closed doors with their lawyer to to try to see if they can deny council request for info.
If you're a parent or member of the public who's ever asked them for information they don't want you to have, you understand what the County Council is going through. Usually the central office just doesn't respond and hopes you'll give up after you've asked ten or fifteen times. Hope the Council keeps the heat on.
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