Last Tuesday, Wicomico County Board of Education members Michelle Wright and Ron Willey had a mild meltdown in the council chambers of the Salisbury / Wicomico County Government Office Building (GOB). Last night, Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton had his own meltdown in the hall, just a few feet from the council chambers. I sincerely hope that this isn’t catching.

Discretion can be the better part of valor; so I simply headed down the hall.

A few minutes later, Ireton came striding down the hall and made the following statement to my acquaintance:
You had better watch your back! What just happened in there is going to happen to you. Mark my words! This is what happens when a bunch of Tea Party fanatics get their hooks into someone like Debbie Campbell! Because of her minority children will …. (I didn’t get the last part, but it was definitely “for the children).Then Ireton stormed off.
To what is our distinguished mayor referring to? What caused him to have a complete hissy in the halls of city government?On last night’s agenda was Resolution 2057 – to accept funds awarded through a grant from the Governor’s Office Crime Control and Prevention for the Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator.
It seems that Ireton had bullied council president Terry Cohen into putting it on the agenda without the requisite work session. However, Campbell, Cohen, and councilman Tim Spies decided to take it off the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
Yes, this was a grant. However, we all know that there is no such thing as “free money”. Several pages of the award document were missing, including the section that would have detailed what exactly the city would be on the hook for.
In addition to this, the program is supposed to be county wide. Why is the city taking on a program that extends beyond its borders?
Campbell, Cohen, and Spies were correct in holding this over. I’m sorry that Jim was embarrassed. I’m truly sorry that he lost his cool. While I genuinely wish him to succeed as mayor, he needs to start by getting a grip on his emotions. If this little matter sends him into orbit, I worry what would happen in a real emergency.
For purposes of disclosure, I want to make a couple of things clear. First Jim is a friend. My wife and kids adore him; and we all sincerely wish him all of the success in the world.It is also not my practice to write about private conversations. As I once told a former member of the Salisbury City Council, “You can admit to molesting a goat in your backyard and it’s between you and me. However, anything you say in public, no matter how stupid, is fair game.” When that councilman left office, he knew that I had kept my word (and NO, he did not molest any livestock).
Last night I exited the elevator into a loud tirade with two other people standing there. Then, Ireton came down the hall to where I was standing and had another fit with two other people present.
Part of me actually feels bad writing about this. The rest of me knows that self control is a virtue that Jim needs to learn.
Born losers can't shed their spots.
He is way too frail and weak to threaten anyone. Not a professional attitude. He could use an adjustment, get my drift?
With due respect G.A. I disagree with you and the majority of the council that voted to take this grant to a work session. Furthermore it was absolute embarrassment by all. It had
all the makings of a circus!
As a hard working Ameircan tax payer I deeply resent ANYONE who denigrates what the Tea Party stands for. The Tea Party is not some radical fringe terrorist group, and it is a grave mistake for Ireton to bash the very people who provide the funding for the WHOLE FREAKING COUNTRY. Wise up Ireton, you true liberal progressive socialist leanings will get you booted out of office.
I like Jimmy and consider him a friend. I voted and supported him in an election to make a better Salisbury.
Jim is still young, however when it comes to out bursts in public, he really needs to find his big boy pants.
That same explosive "my way or the hi-way," is what made our former mayor look like such a wench and people hated her.
I would hope that Jimmy can grow some professional manners when in public at least. All American City?
Anon 1027 -
Sorry chief. It doesn't matter whether you or I disagree with it or not. The council had the absolute right to do what they did.
To be fair, Terry Cohen shares some of the blame. She should have never allowed Ireton to bully her into putting it on the agenda. However, once it was discovered that the entire award document was not in the packet the council should have done exactly as they did.
This is not the first time that I have been to a council meeting (and I don't go to every one) and seen Jim allow his temper to get the best of him. OK, it was in the hall this time, but still.
This was the kind of stuff we used to criticize Barrie Tilghman for.
Mr. Ireton is well-known for his public tantrums. Self-control is not one of his attributes, though it should certainly be. A public figure needs to display retraint. I thought--silly me--that when the new Council was formed last month Ireton would have smooth sailing, as would Ms. Cohen, Campbell, etc. After all, Ireton and the afore-mentioned ladies seemed to have formed a coalition against Louise Smith, Gary Comygys, and Shanie Shields.
When I read in this morning's Times about the grant, at first I thought why would they even question a grant. They should just take the money and be happy. But, Joe, you're right: Nothing is really "free." When the grant money runs out, the expectation will be that the City Council will continue the program and pay for it out of taxpayer money. (Of course, the grant is taxpayers' money, too). More discussion does need to go into the ramifications of the grant down the road.
G.A., I don't think Terry Cohen allowed herself to be bullied into putting it on the agenda. You said you were late to the meeting. I watched it on PAC14.
Cohen said she was told (and these are close enough words) that the matter was time sensitive like June or July but she had been sent emails that said everyone involved was counting on sometime in the fall.
Sounds to me like Ireton lied to her to get it on the agenda. She didn't say that, but that's what I think.
To set something like a grant like this up takes a lot of time, but council only found out about it last week. It sounds like Jim Ireton wanted something and snuck around council's back to get it and set them up for this drama.
I thought you lived in the county G.A. If so, you are lucky this is not your mayor.
Ireton is a bully just like Barrie was, only he is even more of a tantrum thrower. He turned on many of his friends and supporters (he actually yelled at one of my acquaintances!) including Cohen and Campbell. He is a little kid who tries to make everyone else look bad when he misbehaves.
The tea party is a fringe group at best. Smaller gov't, more guns, more rights - but no real ideas how to impliment anything. Come to think of it, it does sound like a terrorist group!
Anon 1153 -
I agree with pretty much everything you said. In addition, this is a County program. Why would the city want to be responsible for a program that is supposed to cover the entire county?
Anon 1208 (1) -
That is accurate up to a point. Jim pushed really hard for this; to the point of bullying. Even if I agreed with Jim on this, he should have no say in the legislative process other than to submit legislation for consideration and commenting WHEN GIVEN PERMISSION by the council.
If council did not take up legislation in a timely manner or refused to allow him to speak to a matter, then I would be criticizing them.
Anon 1208 (2) -
I do, but Salisbury is still the county seat.
Anon 1243 -
REALLY? Well, I guess we know which side of the fence you fall on. The Tea Party movement needs no defense from me. While many are a bit too libertarian for taste, I have yet to meet one that isn't sincere about their patriotism and their concern for our country's future. If that makes them a terrorist group then I guess that's what this country needs!
The Council did the right thing -- Ireton is an Idiot
I told you people during the election that Ireton was out to get Terry Cohen. You think this little grant drama wasn't staged? That all of sudden Laura Mitchell gave a darn about the Lord's Prayer? Board of Education favors much? Here, meet my friend the Easter Bunny.
You people elected a prima donna who will sell his old friends out to get what he wants for ego and glory.
Jim Beau -- Gotta Go!
mitchell is one and done. too bad we cant get a recount anytime soon...
Ireton didn't want COhen or Spies elected. He wanted rubberstamps. He has one in his Dem Committee buddy Laura. She asks questions and throws out ideas like the prayer and then stands back and watches as chaos errupts. She and Jim have a plan and it's not appearing to be for the benefit of our city. I'm sorry that I supported both of you.
Laura Mitchell = Louweasel II
Jimbo is a one term mayor, he's still working with Tighlman's old cronies and Lore still needs to be on the budget cut. He only won because the only other choice was a bumbling idiot.
We've put up with this mess too long to have Ireton continue down a road of deception.
150 years ago he'd just get tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Tread on your supporters is a foolish game to play in politics because the electorate will turn against you as fast as you turned on them. Take that to the bank Jimmy, don't quit your day job.
Joe I can appriciate that Irton is your friend but he is in way over his head and cannot handle it. With his lack of experience and arogence he is nothing but trouble for the great citizens of Salisbury. God help us if there ever is any type of real emergency.
G.A. Another excellent piece. I was missing this. Thank you. I am a Jim fan but that does not allow him to bully. Barrie and Mike (Dunn) both said to me personally, you are either with me or against me. That is not how things are suppose to work. Keep them straight. Work with everyone, get the job done the best you can with out all the ego. Really!
"Little Man Complex"
Power by intimidating others
Ireton screwed up , he got his feelings hurt , so get over it mayor.
Isn't it a shame that we have to show some people that they are not God.
We love you Jim , you little sweety pie.
We can only hope that Ireton falls to the pressure again and bails like when he was on the City Council.
Ireton is using the mayors office as a stepping stone to higher office. He has his eye on Norm Conways seat. God help us all if he is elected to represent us in Annapolis.
Anonymous said...
Ireton is using the mayors office as a stepping stone to higher office. He has his eye on Norm Conways seat. God help us all if he is elected to represent us in Annapolis.
May 24, 2011 10:20 PM
He doesn't even have a chance of winning the House of Delegates 38B seat. He has burnt way to many bridges getting to where he is now. He has burned many of his supporters and they will not forget. The best thing Ireton can do is go back to teaching little girls and boys again.
Ireton has a reputation for being a 'hot head'. While attending a Town Hall meeting at the library that featured Norm Conway and Jim Mathias - I vividly remember Joe Albero posing a question to both candidates about the high rate of government growth verses a retracting private sector workforce.
No sooner than Joe got out the question Ireton blerps out 'Here we go again'.
I was sitting next to him and was astonished that he took it so personal.
I've got news for Ireton - you might be able to bully some of the folks some of the time - but you keep it up and someone is going to cold-cock you sooner or latter.
Your constituents deserve better than they are getting.
My advise - you had better tone it down - and get a grip on yourself.
Higher office? He can't handle the little man job he has now.
Sure. Jim's your friend. Right. You have no friends that aren't dyed in the wool Republican stooges. Stop pretending that you're anything other than a shill for the right.
Anon 1052 -
Am I a conservative? Unashamedly. Am I a shill? For no one. I left professional politics after the '88 GOP convention. I haven't looked back once.
I can only surmise that you believe anyone that doesn't agree with you can't possibly be anything but a "shill for the right". That's sad.
As for Jim, I will continue to praise his actions when he is right, and criticize him when he is wrong. In my world that is what friends do.
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