Hi Joe, I just wanted to drop a note to let you know about something that is going on with the County's Kindergarten registration process. Both my wife and I work and will not be able to get off work on the day that we can register our 5 year old for Kindergarten. When we called WBOE to see if they had any extended hours for parents that have to work, they said no because it isn't in our budget. However, if you visit the County's website, you will see that the budget is going to hire Haitian Creole and Spanish Interpreters to be there every day. So as for the people paying for the interpreter services with their tax dollars, there are no accommodations, other than the option to schedule a separate appointment, which means you would still have to leave your job to do take care of it either way. For the people who are living off or our tax dollars, we can accommodate them with interpreters. Are we the only ones here that are sick of this hidden government form of welfare? Please feel free to post for comments. |

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wicomico County Education Budget Venting
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dont get me started, uuugggghhhhh!!
so many things about this whole process make me so mad to be a hard working tax payer that i cant stand it.
i say thats great researching there and the complete truth!!!!the wcboe is so full of liberal treehuggers that think they can turn a haitian zug into a albert einstein.
As a office associate at one of the schools, someone has not given you all the correct information. As for the registration process next week at the civic center it is actually the opening week for registration and the hours are 8-4 on a specific day per school. However, after next week you may register at anytime by going to the Wicomico County Board Of Education at 101 Long Ave.
Next week is NOT the only time you can register your child.
The hardworking taxpayers have no rights whatsoever and the only thing you'll ever be "eligible" for is paying more taxes. You see it reflected every day and in every form of government and/or governmnet program there is. We are being taxed to death for those who continue to take and will never contribute a dime. welcome to america!
To the person who posted this...
Boo freaking Hoo...welcome to parenthood. This is just the beginning of your new life!
What are you going to do when your little one gets sick at school and you have to take a day off work? Blame the doctor?
The only thing that changed this year with registration is that you have to go to the Civic Center instead of the school. There was NEVER any extended hours for working parents and it worked out fine for many years. People made it work because this is what your do for your child.
By the way...Your child is going into kindergarten so that means that you can register your child anytime between now and the first day of school. There is no hurry to do it now.
My advice to you is to grow up, ask your boss for some comp time to run by the BOE between now and August and do your daddy duties.
From one parent to another...quit your whining!
from 5:13 to 5:59.
I SOO agree with you. You are so correct Everyone needs to realize next week is not the only week. And believe it or not we have parents come on the first day of school to register their kids and get mad when they got to wait!! It not my fault you waited this late.
And my child comes first even if it was the only day.. You got to do what you got to do!! If it were my child I would hope my boss would understand!!!
You are assuming that Haitians and Hispanics are on welfare. That's a very unfair assumption to make.
Get a total elected school board instead of an appointed one so common sense will hopefully be used. I have been through this and employers then were not happy,but did give you time off. If the BOE was more understanding about the process instead of spending money and pressing for higher taxes the system would be a lot better off. They don't want to adjust their schedules to accomidate the process they demand but they will alter their schedule for conferences, conventions etc. that spend tax dollars frivously.
It's not just Kindergarten students, Pre-K, but anyone who has to register a new student must now register at the BOE....It cannot be cost effective with the cost to rent the civic center and hire interpreters......also to Post 5:59...some schools in the county offered extended hours from 5 to 7 at night for parents who worked.
Well I can assure you that my boss is a jerk and getting time off for something like that would not go over very well. Here's an idea: Why don't they have some flex hours for a couple of nights for registration so they don't have to pay overtime?
Why is the BOE renting the Civic Center for kindergarten registration to begin with. No money Right. This Boe is Corrupt and full of LIARS thieves and a plenty more.
Looks like so many of you have missed the point of the article of one of this blogs readers and are reading way to far into it. I believe the point they are trying to make with this is, why should the people paying the taxes have to worry about taking off work to take care of this at all? Especially when they see that their tax dollars can contribute to all the extra accomodations being made for those that are the takers. I'm quite certain they are fully aware that they may have to take off when their child is sick going forward and so on. I totally get their point. They are sick of the handouts. I for one understood it and have raised 5 kids of my own, yet paying for a bunch of deadbeat parents kids doesn't appeal to me anymore. I worked my tail off to make sure my kids had everything they could ever need and did a lot of that as a single parent, yet never took a dime from anyone. I even had to finance my first child's hospital bill to the tune of $2K 30 years ago. I didn't expect the state to pick up the responsibility for my debts and responsibilities as a parent. I would suggest you read their story again and stop judging for what's on their mind!!! Maybe you are the ones who need to grow up!!!
The only thing you stated was the you must have been crowned Parent of the Decade!!!
Why is the Civic Center being rented anyway? How much does that cost? Even if a grant pays for it that is taxpayers money. I think buses are being hired to transport parents from all over the county to the Civic Center. Schools did have evening K registration, but it's the schools and not the central office who are used to having people work after hours without comptime. Get used to all programs and services being for minorities at this Board of Ed. That's where the money is spent.
I agree that it is a waste of money to rent the Civic Center for 4 days, but when did the BOE ever use good sense when spending? However, there's never been "evening hours" for working parents to register students. Too many parents won't take off work even for a sick child. That's what's wrong with our community...don't become parents if you're not willing to do the job! It's not the school's responsibility to take care of your sick child or babysit your child on days school is delayed or to work evenings so you can save your time off for something "fun". To whomever said, "grow up", I say "AMEN"!
"hire Haitian Creole and Spanish Interpreters to be there every day" : There are companies that translate your documents in to any language. Think before you write a message or you just sound stupid.
Hey 9:25 am- you have no idea what you are talking about. The green registration form that came home in my son's Tuesday folder says underneath the schedule for registration "Spanish and Haitian Creole Interpreters will be available each day." Think before YOU type a message!!!! It is a known fact that these interpreters are available in the county for PTA meetings and IEP meetings. Ask any teacher in the county!
Interesting comments......stupid, liars, idiots, thieves.........no wonder our kids can't behave in school.
Last year Willards Elementary had registration from 5-7 p.m. Also, yes you can register your child up till school starts but again you have to make an appointment at the board and their latest appointment is 3:30. Therefore, no matter what, working parents have to take off work early. Why can't we register our children at a PTA meeting where staff stays till 8:00pm? It makes no sense to rent the civic center from 8 to 4pm. Why not 11am to 7pm???
There have been evening hours for registration when schools did the registering. Of course renting from 11-7 would make sense. The central office does as they please. They will blame the budget for everything now. Why would parents rather look at the Civic Center than be in the school their child is going to attend anyway?
Please let me share with you all the obvious, as a former BOE employee now in the private sector - things are WILDLY out of control over there, and if the general public knew how bad it was there would be a revolt - just let me say that the current Super is doing it all his way now, and nothing or nobody will get in his way...sad state of affairs and time to move your kids to private school.
@5:59 PM & 6:25 PM
Just to inform you, I'm the person that wrote the article and am the same person with 5 kids. If you would bother taking your heads out of the sand and listen to what the majority of the people are commenting here you would soon realize that this isn't about just taking off a few hours to register a child into kindergarten. This is about accommodating the have nots at the expense of the haves without any benefit for the haves. Yes this is my fifth child and I have plenty of experience raising children and understand that I need to take off occasionally for my kids, but today's employers, especially in the private business sector, will replace you in a heartbeat if you are constantly taking off for your kids. Excuse me, but there is no such thing as tenure in the private business sector. They can find plenty of eager people to replace you with that don't have kids due to the unemployment situation in this country. I for one don't want to fall in that category, because it takes the average person now 35 weeks to find a new job in this country. I know people who were laid off 1, 2 and even 3 years ago that have not found a job yet here on the shore. So why inconvenience these people and put their jobs in jeopardy only to take care of those who are the takers and don't have to worry about this scenario?
@10:30 PM
Crown it what you will. I only call it doing what your supposed to do as a responsible parent and not sponging off the government relying on everybody else to pay for your mistakes. Perhaps you are one of them to make such a moronic statement!
8:35am you are probably one of those who sponges off the government and gets upset when someone calls you out on it. Many people in this country are tired of taking care of others with their tax dollars and this crap with the board of education is just another example.
Since it costs more to rent the Civic Center than to register at the schools, and there are now no night hours for registration, what is the big advantage to this plan?
8:35am; my apologies, I meant for my comment today at 5:18pm today to be directed at the bafoon who posted at 5:59pm last Saturday...Sorry :(
Oh yeah, one more freebie today...Free Dental Screening!
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