Did you know that Wicomico County Executive Rick
Pollitt will earn a pension from the taxpayers of Wicomico County? Don’t feel bad, it seems that the Wicomico County Council didn’t know either.

A question was raised at yesterday’s council meeting as to who approved Pollitt’s pension. From the convoluted answers provided by county HR director Mike Thompson to councilwomen Gail Bartkovich and Stevie Prettyman, it appears that Pollitt may have approved the pension on his own. First Thompson cited a 2003 change to the county personnel manual. When that explanation failed (there wasn’t a county executive in 2003),

Thompson claimed that council had to “disapprove” any changes. Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman slapped that down by citing the county charter, which requires all personnel manual changes be APPROVED by council. After a couple other tries, we heard the word “typo” mumbled by either Thompson or County Administrator Ted Shea.
Personnally, I don’t have a huge problem with the County Executive or council members being allowed to participate in the pension plan. What I have a problem with is the Executive, or his cronies, circumventing council AND the county charter.
That said, this trick / “oversight” will wind up costing Pollitt 4 – 8 years of pension benefits - depending on how you look at things and assuming that council is willing to grant the executive a pension after all. The Maryland constitution forbids altering an elected official’s compensation during his / her term of office. IF council wishes to grant him pension benefits, AND acts during this term, they can’t take effect until the next term – which begins in 2014.
Another typical 'Ricky' move.
Slipping things past the council.
I personally don't think elected officials should be given a pension.
To see why, just look at Congress.
There you go again. Something was mumbled, but you aren't sure by whom. Again, "it appears" - Do you know what a definitive statement is or are you just trying to shield yourself if it comes back your "facts" are wrong?Your title says he's getting the pension; the "article" (and I use that term loosely) says he's not. You assume it's a trick. You are the epitome of the old adage of what happens when you assume.
Get him out of office NOW - a good example of how he runs things - if they won't see it my way, I'll just do it anyway, myself. He is a horrible county executive and someone should be working on removing him.
WOW and how much will his PIO collect?????
another democrat fat cat! sucking from the public teet!
Let's hope & pray that he takes that early retirement pension gift that he got the Council to pass (like idiots) yesterday -- kudos to Joe Holloway and Bob Culver for voting "no" about that.
Slick Rick is quick
And it makes me sick!
Whether it is true or not. Just imagine all the layoffs, furloughs and pay reductions that has occurred with employees of Wicomico County since his tenure. This is really messed up. Some of us are REALLY struggling. Shame on this government. But, the people of Wicomico did vote for this mess.
"this trick / “oversight” is just a polite way to say fraud, deceit, scam, theft scheme. Reminds ya of "landfill" dosent it...you know, where all those responsible applied lots of oversight and everyone at the top got away scott free. Isnt there a lawyer worth his salt with ANY decency to file charges on behalf of the people of this County?
Does Ed Baker get a pension, too?
All I have to say is that Mr. Pollitt and his staff better practice what they preach! What's the eligibility, how old and how many years of service does Jim Finneran, Ted Shea, Sharon Morris, Fred Harris, June Sargent and Susan Cropper have? I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, of the Mr. Pollitt's staff would be eligible for early retirement one way or another. I know for a fact that at least Shea and Creamer are beyond eligible for early retirement!
the good ole boyz are at it again. we tried this layer of government isn't working.
Of course ole Eddie gets a pension....as well as ole Matty a second one.
Creamer WAS ALREADY RETIRED --now he is back for a second time on the taxpayer dime and will be elgible for double pension. HE is an immoral arrogant corrupt person.
I say council take a look in their own glass house before casting any stones.
If this is correct it casts a very bright light onto the Council.
Who overseas the County Administrator (Pollitt)? Apparently nobody and that's how this sort of thing could and may have happened.
Oversight, Oversight, Oversight!
That's how this country has gotten to where we are now, there's been NO oversight!
Anon 0947 -
Can you read? They title says that it's a mystery. The article links to the county's website where it states that Pollitt gets a pension. The article also state's that neither Mr. Shea nor Mike Thompson could give an adequate explanation. Would you have preferred that I misstated who made the "typo" comment? It simply wasn't clear.
It's really sad that you have to attack me to try to defend Pollitt. I stand by what is written. It was either a trick or an oversight. We can't say for certain ... NOW. The next council meeting should tell.
Anon 1047 -
Yes, Ed Baker does get a pension. This was discussed at length when Mr. Baker came on board as the full time County Attorney. Everything was done legally even though I know some voters aren't thrilled with the result.
Anon 1154 -
What glass house? To the best of my knowledge, the only two people on council today who were also on council when their benefits were last addressed are Mrs. Bartkovich and Mrs. Prettyman. It should also be noted that they were in the minority at the time.
Any quarrels should be addressed to Pollitt pals Tony Sarbanes and Chip Dashiell (Pollitt's current appointee to head the Planning Commission).
Nice try though.
Anon 1202 -
Oversight? The Democrat heavy charter review commission made sure that the council has very little oversight authority. The council can pass legislation and appropriate money. Sadly, that is about it.
Last year when the council attempted to de-fund the PIO position they were told by the County Attorney that they were exceeding their authority. Ed Baker was wrong, but the council didn't push back hard enough.
While I have never been an opponent of the PIO position, I do hope that this council shows more backbone and eliminates it this year. The County Executive needs to learn that our county legislature is not a lap dog for his use.
Anon 1130 -
Man up and give your name. Of course you won't, because you are obviously an immoral and corrupt COWARD!
I don't claim to know Matt Creamer well enough to state definitively that he is neither immoral nor corrupt. I know that he has never behaved in an arrogant fashion around me. I also know of no evidence that he is either immoral or corrupt.
Yes, he has retired from county service once before. I honestly can't say whether or not he will receive an addition to his current pension due to his service as council administrator. It is unlikely that he would get a SECOND pension because he would have to serve long enough to vest.
When the last council hired Matt I was not particularly happy about it. However, I chose to trust the people on council who explained to me why they thought that Matt would do a good job.
The fact is that Matt Creamer has done an excellent job. You may not like him. Too bad! His job is to help the council operate efficiently and independently. He has done that.
Don't like it? Sorry.
Quit your crying & give the man his money. He has earned it!
G.A. First line: "Did you know that Pollitt WILL earn a pension....?" Then you go on to say that maybe he won't. I see where "disgusted" is coming from. It does seem that nobody on this site, poster or commenter, is overly concerned with facts. It's much more fun to attack someone with innuendo.
1:41pm What I do know as a county employee: Pollitt could be vested in our retirement benefit after 5 years if that is legal for him to do so. I feel he is in an elected position and not a county employee like the rest of us so he shouldn't get that benefit. If the elected county council did approve this action shame on them. Has the council approved retirement benefits for them as well?
I think Pollitt getting a pension is the least of the strains on the budget in Wicomico county. Once again what the heck does Ted Shea-County administer? Why did we elect a county EXECUTIVE!?!? Shea makes at least 100k a year and the PIO makes 100K a year and you only see his name in the paper once in a blue moon, does he only approve what is written in the papers and give a statement every now and again. Pollitt can do all that why have two extra people doing those jobs, there is 200K+ back in the budget!!! People need to start going to these council meetings and getting their voice out!
People - we have bigger problems that these. The County is just about broke.
Yes, Shea retiring and Fineran going - I think he makes 60k not 100k as someone wrote - will help - but it is such a small thing compared to the real problems.
Some of you seem to think a Republican executive could make these things go away or be different.
Not sure ANYONE can pull us out of this mess without a lot of pain.
2:55...the PIO makes $ 60,000 a year.Not $100,000.
The County is a $100,000 million + operation. What the top people earn is a pittance compared to those same positions in the private sector and also when compared to other comparable counties.
What people need to do is actually understand the complexities of running this county before they start opining about things they have never experienced .
You make it all sound so easy...I suspect you have never had those kinds of Executive responsibilities and therefore have no real foundation in fact or experience.
This is nearly criminal. Where can we sign for him to be removed by the end of the month, effective April FOOLS Day?
3:35 (or is it Rick..)
It's long past time for Ted Shea to retire as he had planned to do before he was talked into staying. He has helped the exec get through a budget cycle or two, and now it's time to take the training wheels off.
The PIO position has been bogus since day one, and its continued existence is an outright insult to the taxpayers who have repeatedly called for its abolition.
This County Executive position is beginning to take on a rather Imperial aura..
If Rick pays into the pension plan, the same portion that everyone else is, then there is no reason that he shoudn't get a return on his money based on the number of years he was employed by wicomico county. It is no different than someone who may come to work at the county at age 45, work for 10 years and retire. They don't get anywhere near a full penion, but they get a piece. You all are acting as if he is going to get a full pension. How about this. If you don't know what you are talking about, don't type.
Disgusted Republican said...
There you go again. Something was mumbled, but you aren't sure by whom. Again, "it appears" - Do you know what a definitive statement is or are you just trying to shield yourself if it comes back your "facts" are wrong?Your title says he's getting the pension; the "article" (and I use that term loosely) says he's not. You assume it's a trick. You are the epitome of the old adage of what happens when you assume.
9:47 AM
This person is obviously a Democrat plant!!
6:29am Guess I know what I'm talking about cause I'm typing. Rick is not an employee of Wicomico Government. He is an employee of the citizens who elected him. Period! This position was not created to be a county employee but created to be a public servant of the people. No retirement should ever be given to anyone serving in that position or on the county council.
7:27am You hit the nail on the head. But you have to wonder who the Democrat plant is--I could name a few who it could be.
Do y'all really think that only Republicans are interested in the truth? If it is a Democrat plant, I vote that it's a daffydil! Go check out Joe's first paraprosdokian. Think it applies here. LOL
Working for the government is like any other job.Government employees work for the people through the government.Me being a government employee it is sad that it comes to being forced out of work due to mishandling of the people's money and trust.I see a trend of retires being hired to fill vacancies.We are furloughed,under payed and constantly in fear of wondering if we have jobs.I came to work to make a career out of my job. Not a job out of my career.I did not ask for anything. Everything I got I earned.Wicomico County is not in favor of long term employees.The voters thought they were getting a county exec that was going to save the county money and run a more steam line county gov.Mr Pollitt has no ideal as to what his department heads are doing. If he would tighten down on his department heads county gov would be cheaper to run.Department heads disregard the county rules and make their own which cost the county money in court. The one thing I know for a fact is . There is a lot of back scratching going on.
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