DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A Comment Worthy Of A Post
Big fan of your site and was sorry to hear about losing your father in law. This isn't the correct post for this but want to fill you in on a big story. City Council candidate Laura Mitchell is living in subsidized housing in moss hill. My sons ex gf long story knows Laura as she has lived there quite a long while. Her husband the black gentleman is a professor and makes good money but yet Laura is still living in subsidized housing as he moved into her apartment so they could keep her cheap rent. This is something I feel the public should know about and nobody has more readers than you. Keep up the great work I'm sorry I can't sign my name for fear of retribution but this is real stuff.
Editors Notes: Laura Mitchell lives in Brookridge, NOT Moss Hill. This is NOT Section 8 Housing.
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anon 8:10 This is the Place to go!Laura Mitchell Please Respond.
This how it happens. The female gets the subsidized rent and the bf moves in without telling the landlord or section 8. When section 8 approves a subsidy they are very strict about who lives in the unit. They especially get mad when a male is caught living there. I've gone through this and they cut off the subsidy until the guy moved out and signed a waiver saying he doesn't live there anymore. It's called cheating the system and if Mitchell is doing this she should excuse herself from the city council election.
I brought this up several weeks ago and I was shot down..told it was the "wrong Laura Mitchell" but I know as do several others that it is infact the correct Laura Mitchell, the one runing for City Council. And like I said in my previous post is .. Just what I want running Salisbury, someone who can't pay their bills so they have to live in subsidized housing. My husband isn't a professor and I stay home..and yet we can afford to pay our mortgage and bills. Something is seriously wrong with this picture!!!!!!!!!!!
Look her name up on Judiciary case search. Her son lives there also.
Joe PLEASE bring more light to this! We can't have people like this making decisions for our city. Moss hill is owned by rinnier ...someone should call and confirm if possible
Bye,bye sweetheart,ha,ha,ha.
And we wonder...why is it so hard to find decent folks to step up and run for office any more? Because they will be subjected to unsubstantiated attacks.
Albero - did you call Laura Mitchell for a comment or a response before you posted this? The post doesn't say so - we must assume no.
You know full well it doesn't matter if this is true or not...the insinuation will be what is left is most people's minds.
It's the height of irresponsibility, simply put.
The professor (of what? lying, cheating, stealing, fraud, misrepresentation?) should be charged with some crime (there's GOTTA be SOME crime here) and then SHE should be charged, too. I'm willing to bet that a LARGE portion of subsidized housing is just like this--- rife with fraud. Does she also have an Independence Card, too, 'cause I'll also bet the professor likes good steak.
will you contact Laura and have her respond to this? If this is true, this is the dumbest thing a person running for office can do. Doesn't she realize, (if it is true), that if she wins, she will have to defend this at every "turn". Dumb, Dumb, Dumb. Welcome to politics Mrs. You haven't seen anything yet.
Anon 9:o6 AM, why don't you call?
If this is all true, I'd say it should be the end of the professor's job.
But we all know it won't be.
If this is true, is it not welfare fraud?
Whose responsibility would it be to file charges.. Matt Maciarello?
Well put Joe. Aside from the legal implications that this may pose, there are moral implications as well. This county is infested with people who will try to get over on the system wherever they can. This culture of people hav no place in office. People in office should be a part of making decisions to stop abuse of this sort, not be a part of it.
When something false is said about you don't you defend yourself? Especially if your running of office? I'm sure she knows what's being said...not first time this has came up. Its more than likely true.
I'd guess she will have something to say shortly.
Right now, she's probably still trying to get her breath..
Joe brookridge is subsidized don't believe the bs.
hey editor....it doesn't have to be public housing to receive a section 8 voucher...a voucher can be used anywhere!!!!!!!!!
Let me quess, he teaches ethics.
She lives in Moss Hill along with the rest of the family. Most of the family works for that company and live there rent free. This women is crazy!
10:40 is correct. We had a $500,000+ home in Fair Oaks Va in which a lady was renting who got renters assistance. She had to make up the difference in the rent. Ocean Pines is also full of renters who receive renters assistance.
Brookridge is not subsidized and yes she very much lives in Moss Hill which is.
The truth shall set you free.
just what I would expect from an Ireton flunky
You just wait, if she's elected Jimbo will say jump and she will say how high
she is gaming the system Joe you should not believe her bs
Look I live over near Laura and I can tell you 100% fact she would not qualify to live here if she applied with her husband and her together. We have an income limit for people that states a maximum amount they can earn to live here and if she were applying now they would laugh her out of the parking lot. Joe I'm telling you she is gaming the system
Anonymous said...
Joe PLEASE bring more light to this! We can't have people like this making decisions for our city. Moss hill is owned by rinnier ...someone should call and confirm if possible
9:06 AM
You are wrong!! Moss Hill is owned by Dale Dashiell of Rental Management/Milford Twilley. He is one of the biggest slum lords in Salisbury and he capitalizes off off subsidized housing raping the tax payers who funds the government. Joe, she lives in MOSS HILL Apartments and this is a fact!! Yours source is wrong.
Check out her web page. She is ashamed to put her address on there for contact information. She obviously has something to hide!!
Contact Me
I want to be your voice on the City Council. To do that effectively, I need to hear from you, the people who live in and around Salisbury, because what happens here impacts all of our lives
Friends of Laura Mitchell
PO Box 5282
Salisbury, MD 21802-5282
Telephone: (410) 422-2694
Fax: (443) 736-8181
Are people who are on some kind of public assistance forbidden from running for office? Are their views/opinions any less important than those who may be more fortunate?
Anonymous said...
just what I would expect from an Ireton flunky
You just wait, if she's elected Jimbo will say jump and she will say how high
1:56 PM
Who do you think got her to run for City Council! Jimbo worked just as hard to get his candidates and SAPOA worked to get Dixon and Dryden. Unfortunately for Ireton Laura Mitchell lives in SAPOA's subsidized housing and she may pledge her allegiance to them. Laura Mitchell lives in Moss Hill apartments and not Brookridge.
Ms. Mitchell does live in Moss Hill Townhouse's. However, it is owned by Rental Management Inc. Whether she is getting help to pay her rent I can't say..However, I do know that she is related to a employee that does work for this local Rental company..
Laura Mitchell lives in Subsidized housing at Moss Hill apartments and that is a fact. She is unemployed and qualified for it, but she failed to mention that she got married.
Anonymous said...
Are people who are on some kind of public assistance forbidden from running for office? Are their views/opinions any less important than those who may be more fortunate?
3:09 PM
No, not at all, but they should at least be honest and not milking the government for a hand out. Get a job and buy a home like most normal people.
3:09 PM
Judging by these posts, someone on public assistance aren't even human. They act like a pack of dogs. Disgusting.
3:09...no one is saying that. She is cheating the system...a crook shouldn't be allowed to run for office. I personally dont want welfare recipients making decisions on my city's finances but I don't believe that is the problem most have with Mitchell. Most don't like her because she is abusing the subsidized housing program. Her lack of good character is the main issue here.
Joe why are you smearing Laura Mitchell's name before finding out if anonymous is stating the truth? As I recall you did this same thing to her in January. The thing that I dislike the most on your part is you did not have an Editor's Note or pictures posted to this "anonymous tip" earlier. Apparently you fight dirty - "lets get the anonymous public to make all the sleazy remarks - but I can't be blamed because I have now added an ED, Note".
“ It takes a BIG person to run for Office these days. The Blogs and the Press can take a roll on those not ready to deal with today’s media. Salisbury News, (me personally) will not be attacking candidates or individuals any longer. We will simply provide opinions and facts but no more attacks, that’s over.” Remember posting this remark. In my opinion, if you allow comments under anonymous than you are just as guilty as if you made the remark yourself. Make it a rule to get the facts and than post the story.
It very well could be on your head if this lady loses the election.
anonymous 4:42, Laura Mitchell has every right to defend her position on this matter. I find it absolutely amazing that she has not called me referencing this mater. Remember, she has every right to pick up the phone and call me as well. Not doing so, (IMHO) tells me someone might actually be onto something here.
The political arena is never a pleasant one and Laura needs to face these matters head on. IF she loses this election it will be because she did not defend her position. I'll sleep just fine at night, don't you worry.
4:42 PM
This is Laura, her husband, her treasurer or her campaign manager. Get a grip...you know Laura is milking the system and she needs to come clean with it.
Laura Mitchell needs to get a job and pay her bills.
By the way Jim Ireton, bad choice on asking her to run for city council.
Joe, Laura does live in the subsidized housing and no it isnt Brooke ridge , it is actually Moss Hill she lives in the same building as a friend of mine. She lives there getting subsidized rent because her mother works for Rental Management and from what i gather from everyone the whole family practically lives in those apts, really sad too.. there is a waiting line and people who really need these apts cant get in..
I would like to say I live in Moss Hill and I know for a fact that Linda lives there with her husband, who is a professor. Her sister (Sharon Barto) who is the manager for rental management allows her to stay. This is a family how only looks out for them selfs. Oh and Sharon Barto is the mother of Tony Overton, Im sure some of you have read about him. I would say Sharon has at least 4 of her family members stay there.
with all the attention this is getting, if it is true, why hasn't section 8 agency investigated and denied her benefits?
Or maybe they have investigated and found nothing wrong? Or maybe this isn't even her?
If you guys would jump on crime like you do other people, things could get better.
Whether this is true or not, the tone of the anonymous postings accusing her of it show a very vindictive attitude.
Making the public aware of this situation (again, IF it is true) can certainly be done without getting so 'down and dirty'.
The posts make me wonder just as much about the person(s) making them.
Rental Management/Moss Hill knows she is married. She has lived in moss hill for yrs. Most her family lives in Moss Hill and run the moss hill town houses along with rental management on rt 13. She lives there rent free. She uses the system every chance she gets and so does her son. This women is a wacko.
only a percentage of Moss Hill residents receive subsidized housing- and, I've filled out an employer form- each year- once you are approved you are approved for life- it amazes me how much this people make and my taxes help pay their rent- this is sad but true
I will support anyone that gets rid of that new fire chief. He is just as bad or worse than Bill Gordy with spending money. I am tired of seeing him at work sessions and council meeting asking the task payers to spend more money on that fire department.
I'm just wondering how everyone knows every little iota of someone else's life?
Sounds like they have way too much time on their hands. And I'm sure what they don't know, they make up.
Been a long time since I have seen such back biting gossip. Hope it's even longer til I see it again.
This gal was in our neighborhood handing out information to vote for Laura Mitchell in April. I had never heard of her until today and after reading this information on the blog, don't think she would be one that I would consider voting for.
Tony Overton no longer lives in Moss Hill or Brookridge and I'm not really sure why that matters. Just because you live in subsidized housing, doesn't mean you pay pennies on the dollar. The rent is based on income (obviously). There is a sliding scale. No one here knows how much she pays. You could live next door and pay $400 less than she does. Section 8 doesn't necessarily mean one is less intelligent, less driven, less passionate about their community. Nor does it mean she does not pay her bills. Frankly, I'd rather have someone working for me that knows the struggles everyday people are dealing with. I feel she would be just as good as those who own vacation homes and boats, if not better.
2:34, what don't you get. Nobody is on here being critical because she may or may not be in subsidized houseng. That wouldn't even enter into my decision on who to vote for. What people are saying on here, is that there seems to be, at face value, a manipulation of the system, where you have here obviously well paid husband, as well as her son and who knows who else living with her under her application of low income. IF that is true, that is called cheating, and getting over. The 3 of them should be able to subsidize their own housing. Again, if this is true. If it is, Joe is right. She needs to immediately pull her name out of the running. If this is true, it is no different than stealing or perjury.
Hey 2:34, I own a boat AND a "vacation home". I started working when I was 14, sometimes at 2 jobs. I lived within my means including a reasonable sized home and saved like crazy.
I get sick and tired of people like you who think there's something wrong with people like me because we WORKED for what we got! I'm not rich either. Just obviously harder working and smarter with my money than you.
I am trying to find a number to call for a local branch of HUD or housing that can may be to answer some questions about this. I will call, but can't find a number. The internet just keeps taking me in circles. I also want to know if you can FOI information on who is receiving rental vouchers, and let them know that they should look into this situation.
I wonder why Laura Mitchell hasn't contacted Joe to post a reply.
If this wasn't true, I'd think she would have been on the phone to him immediately.
I think it's safe to assume it's true at this point.
joe you should move this back to the top
If her family is in management at Moss Hill did they have anything to do with the nasty letter about Ireton and Campbell circulated prior to the last election. If so, is she another Louise?
Joe you should definately move this topic back to the top!! Laura Mitchell is worried about you getting this info out... i know first hand.. she has been talking about your post!! too bad Laura go get a job or you and your husband or boyfriend need to move out of subsidized housing!! the state of Maryland pays that subsidy and when they go breathing down rental managements neck.. you better get worried.... fraud is fraud!!
I think it's safe to assume it's true at this point.
9:59 AM
You know what happens when you ASSume don't ya?
Anonymous said...
If her family is in management at Moss Hill did they have anything to do with the nasty letter about Ireton and Campbell circulated prior to the last election. If so, is she another Louise?
12:48 PM
Yes... Dale Dashiell from Rental Management also known as Milford Twilley Rentals paid his employees to work hard on circulating those flyers and is doing so now as we speak!
our town is just screwed period
Ireton is a complete failure, crime is out of control, the city can't even get a bus entrance to our new school at Bennett.. I could go on and on and on
she does in fact live in the section 8 section of moss hill townhouses.i know this because in her neighbor i would put her address on here but i think that would be against some law.
anonymous 8:03, come on now, quit acting like a jerk.
Have you ever heard of a phone book! It is NOT against the law to publish ANY ONE'S address.
I just did a little checking around on the internet and I found their address.
Laura and Miguel Mitchell
1309 Middleneck Drive
Apartment J
Salisbury, Maryland 21804
Shanie lives in subsidized housing, If i'm not mistaken, Hebreux St Fleur (Hebrew Insulation owner) cut her a huge break when she lost her last house.
Laura Mitchell is unemployed and that is typical of liberal democrats to mooch off tax paying citizens.
Contacting HUD will do nothing. The entire system is riddled with fraud. And posting personal info online really depends on your intent. Yeah posting someones address online may he legal but if your intent was discovered to be malicious then you could have an issue. In other words maybe harassment charges. Besides posting someones address is just weird. In other note...sounds like Mitchell may have some questions to answer. Oh course, the voter pool in Salisbury isn't know for electing good politicians.
NO ONE pays more than 400$ per month in rent in Moss Hill, that includes Utilities. and yes, if you are family of those who run Moss Hill, they have always let them people in (end apartments too).
Moss Hill is GREAT for single mom's of multiple children who really need a break. but for people who work at well paying Utility Companies and with husbands who work, WHY? cause the system is corrupt. I say we get back to the day when people paid their own way, and the people help those in need. but we cant because we the people are overtaxed and penalized. not by brits but by "our own" (when they really are not in most cases). where do we go?
Anonymous said...
Contacting HUD will do nothing. The entire system is riddled with fraud. And posting personal info online really depends on your intent. Yeah posting someones address online may he legal but if your intent was discovered to be malicious then you could have an issue. In other words maybe harassment charges. Besides posting someones address is just weird. In other note...sounds like Mitchell may have some questions to answer. Oh course, the voter pool in Salisbury isn't know for electing good politicians.
9:59 PM
You are an idiot!! She is a "public figure now guess what..she is fair game.
9:59 PM her address is all over the internet, however she tried her best to hide the fact that she and her husband was slopping at the public trough.
I commented earlier about why it mattered that Ms. Mitchell lives in subssedized housing. I certainly undertand why anyone would be upset if she was "working the system". My point is, how do you know she is? As I said before, just because she lives in Moss Hill, does not necessarily mean she pays $25/mo rent. She could, should and probably does pay much more than that.
I don't know how old her son is, but if he's still in college, then he is may still be considered a dependant and I'm not sure they would count his income.
Oh, and 8:50, I wouldn't hold anything against a person who does own luxuries, nor would I look down my nose at someone who doesn't. Obviously you have money because you work for it, but I don't think that gives you or anyone else a right to be a snob.
11:27, Someone just said on here that nobody in Moss Hill pays more than 400 per month. Including utilities. I would take that deal ANYDAY. Her son, on his facebook page, has his employement as self employed, something to do with computers, and is married. (is his wife living there now, with their child? Are they getting tax breaks as well, double dipping on them?) I don't make much money, and sometimes wonder how I will pay a bill that is going to come. I have worked hard since before I could legally work. I don't buy fancy things. Now, how is it fair for me to be subsidizing a house full of people that I am sure, make far more money than I do? That is cheating. If she doesn't explain herself, I will make it my point to not only be sure I don't vote for her, but to discourage anyone else from doing so.
In the years that I have followed Salisbury News, this has to be the record for the most ignorant comments ever! And to the anomymous writer please tell me what does it matter that the professor is black? Red-Neck stero-type!
anonymous 8:00, You should see the tons of comments we flat out rejected on this Post.
Joe, I can only imagine and thanks for what you do!
Anonymous said...
In the years that I have followed Salisbury News, this has to be the record for the most ignorant comments ever! And to the anomymous writer please tell me what does it matter that the professor is black? Red-Neck stero-type!
8:00 AM
You are obviously one of the few followers of Laura Mitchell.
Lucy you got some plainin to do.
I used to live in Moss Hill myself then i bought a house and am now paying a mortgage and raising two children by myself. Last year a was working my second job so i could try and keep up with my bills when the man that lives with his girlfriend that used to be my neighbor came in the store bragging about how much money hes making in his tree service business. This woman was living there before i moved in with her son. Another rule of moss hill is you have to occupy all bedrooms.The son moved out why i was still living there,so now they live in a 3 bedroom apartment with no one occupying the other 2 bedrooms. They have been there for at least 9 years that i know of. I know for a fact that alot of Sharon Bartos family lives there. Both her sons , her sister,her niece.I think there should be a time limit to how long you can live there. You should have to be revaluated every couple of years. I didn't take advantage of the help i was given but alot of others do. Welfare should not be your way of life.
Stating the obvious doesn't make you a "red-neck stero-type", whatever that means. Someone simply mentioned he was black when describing someone...look at the picture, is he not black? Stop trying to make someone out to be a bigot because they simply described her husband as the black gentleman in the photo. There are two men in the photo so why not describe her husband as the black gentleman? If she was surrounded by all blacks and her husband was a white man..how would you describe her husband?
9:56...you hit it dead on. Welfare should be a safety net not a way of life.
Why is it Mrs. Mitchell’s place to prove this story wrong. Does she actually read SBYNews? Certainly not defending herself does not make it true. The person making the claim should provide the proof.
From which of the following statements (that I copied and pasted from the comments) should Mrs. Mitchell defend herself. The comments definitely contradict each other.
: Laura Mitchell lives in Brookridge, NOT Moss Hill.
This is NOT Section 8 Housing.
Joe brookridge is subsidized don't believe the bs.
She lives in Moss Hill along with the rest of the family
She lives there rent free.
she does in fact live in the section 8 section of moss hill townhouses.i know this because in her neighbor
Moss hill is owned by rinnier
You are wrong!! Moss Hill is owned by Dale Dashiell of Rental Management/Milford Twilley.
did you call Laura Mitchell for a comment or a response before you posted this?
I find it absolutely amazing that she has not called me referencing this mater.
Laura Mitchell is worried about you getting this info out... i know first hand..
She lives there getting subsidized rent because her MOTHER works for Rental Management
I do know that she is RELATED to a employee that does work for this local Rental company..
Most of the FAMILY works for that company and live there rent free.
Her SISTER (Sharon Barto) who is the manager for rental management allows her to stay
Oh and Sharon Barto is the mother of Tony Overton,
Tony Overton no longer lives in Moss Hill or Brookridge and I'm not really sure why that matters
At one time my father and a cousin lived at Moss Hill in two separate apartments – in the same building. One was subsidized and one was not. It, at that time, was not general knowledge who was, and who was not, subsidized. I cannot state for a fact that it is still the case, as I do not know. This whole deal against Mrs. Mitchell sounds like a smear campaign and perhaps racial. Will you be treating Mr Ford the same way?
Of the four people in that photo, not one one looks handicapped or disabled....one (according to the story) is a professor (and THAT salary ain't nothing to laugh at)....my point, also made by an earlier poster, --- is it a lifetime benefit (public/subsidized housing)? How long can you claim you can't find a job, but have time (and money) to run for public office? And, secondly, how can someone (if the story is true) cheat and lie and steal and then ask the public to "trust" them to be honest and forthright as an elected official? I STILL think someone should be charged with a crime...
10:27...ahhh...the "racist" charge....Is it because she is white and living in subsidized housing? You mad about that?
lmclain said...
Of the four people in that photo, not one one looks handicapped or disabled....one (according to the story) is a professor (and THAT salary ain't nothing to laugh at)....my point, also made by an earlier poster, --- is it a lifetime benefit (public/subsidized housing)? How long can you claim you can't find a job, but have time (and money) to run for public office? And, secondly, how can someone (if the story is true) cheat and lie and steal and then ask the public to "trust" them to be honest and forthright as an elected official? I STILL think someone should be charged with a crime...
Do you know any facts about this situation at all, or are you just saying you think she deserves to be charged with a crime since you read it on the internet so it has to be true? Be sure you are not living in a glass house if you are going to throw rocks.
Editors Notes: Laura Mitchell lives in Brookridge, NOT Moss Hill. This is NOT Section 8 Housing.
And as we can see here all of you private eyes who were calling for punishment, this woman is minding her own business living within the law and is being accused of about 50 of the current 79 comments of being a crimnal and unfit to run Salisbury. Well I am sorry that the folks there now are doing such a great job why not let them just stay in office ? how about we stop being so bush league and maybe find a fact or two before we decide she is breaking the law and is an unfit criminal.....
Anonymous said...
Editors Notes: Laura Mitchell lives in Brookridge, NOT Moss Hill. This is NOT Section 8 Housing.
And as we can see here all of you private eyes who were calling for punishment, this woman is minding her own business living within the law and is being accused of about 50 of the current 79 comments of being a crimnal and unfit to run Salisbury. Well I am sorry that the folks there now are doing such a great job why not let them just stay in office ? how about we stop being so bush league and maybe find a fact or two before we decide she is breaking the law and is an unfit criminal.....
2:12 PM
For you information the "Editor's note" was based on information he was told. Doesn't necessarily mean it was factual. The fact of the matter is Laura Mitchell lives in Moss Hill apartments and the address is listed. She is also receiving subsidized housing and that is why she has been hiding her address with a P.O. Box and she also refuses to come clean.
Joe, this information is very valuable to your readers as obvious by the number of comments. Could you please keep it at the top again. Thanks.
Bring this back to the top....I don't think it's up for debate where she lives. It's available on the case search. Also, why does it matter who owns the property? Doesn't change fact that she lives there. Also its a fact that she recieves rent subsidies. No way to know how much, unless someone one opened their mouth, but regardless she is enrolled in the program. She also doesn't live there alone. For one it's on case search and also because people living in moss hill have stated it. I don't believe there is any need for Mitchell to defend herself..it's pretty clear what's going on. And believe me, she may not read sbynews but she definitely knows about the allegations being posted on here.
Well, 7:13pm... she knows about the allegations, thats good because we arent keeping them a secret. However that apt, is rented to her based on her income.. and she doesnt work.. however, her husband does and his income exceeds the requirements for her to be living in subsidized housing. Also, anyone else who resides in the house the receives income has to be accounted for as well... just interesting how her whole family resides in subsidized housing that her mother works for the company that rents these apts... sounds like fraud to me... also rest assured that HUD will be contacted and rental management will have lots of answers to provide... and even make some corrections to some wrongs, like letting people live in subsidized houses that shouldnt be there...
I think assuming rental management knew how many people live in that unit is a stretch. They don't do random inspections for head counts. They may know now but to say they are also cheating the system may be a little much at this moment. Only answer they will have to answer is whose on the lease agreement. HUD will do their own investigation and inspection of the unit to determine what's going on. FYI...nearly everyone cheats HUD in this town. Take it from a rental property owner, system needs an extensive overhaul of it's employees and practices. It seems like everyone gets HUD in this town.
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