DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, February 28, 2011
You wanna talk about ironic! On Friday, Auctioneer Doug Marshall stood in front of a small crowd of people in the attempt to sell an estate sale home right next door to Councilwoman Debbie Campbell. While there may have been some 25 people there, only 3 of them were actual potential buyers and ALL of them are SAPOA Members.
And who ended up as the winning bidder, that would be the President of SAPOA and her Husband. So you might say, the Adams Family could be moving in next door?
Here's the worst part Folks. The home SOLD for $80,000.00! If there's ever a Post in which comments should fly, this is the one.
Will the Adams Family flip the home, move in or rent it? One thing is for sure, buying any home in the City of Salisbury is a Lose/Lose situation any more. The taxes on this home are over $1,600.00 per year, more than twice the mortgage payment per month. Add water and sewer and your getting close to triple.
If the Adams are spiteful, they'll rent it. If they're smart they'll flip it. If they're crazy they'll move in. No matter how you look at it, they got a great buy. God Bless America.
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Are you kidding they are going to turn it into a bording house just like all of thier other properties.....
Again, the lies start. It's illegal to covert it to a boarding house. Please know your facts before posting.
I do know what I am talking about I got one right beside me....AND yes... just like it zone the same BLAH BLAH BLAH....Thirty five cars in and out all night all kinds of rift raft....guess who ownes it ADAMS RENTALS
So maybe ....just maybe YOU should know what your talking about.. But the ADAMS SLUM RENTALS should note ....there is a brisk foul air coming there way oh so soon !!!! REMEMER KEVIN AND KRIS what comes around goes around!
I surely hope so for our sake!
Hey there Kris and Kevin! You will be watched and monitored VERY closely. After all Camden is a historic avenue and you knew about it when you bought this house. No excuses!
What a deal! $400 per month for mortgage, and $150 per month for taxes. In exchange for their $550, they'll rent it out for $1200-$1600.
You have no clue..."zoning blah blah" great arguement!!! If it's illegal why is it still a rental?
Threats...i love it Joe!!! Anonymous comments and this is what you get!!!!!
I want proof that "All" their properties are "boarding houses" then I will be wrong...till then my orginal comment stands!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know anything about the Adams but sounds like they got a good deal on the house. Looks like a pretty house. Everyone had the legal option to bid on the house. Don't run people into the ground before they have done anything wrong. This was open for anyone to bid.
It's Not in the Camden Historic Zone....wow!!!!!!!!!!
Just how do you "convert" a residence into a "boarding house" Really?
Is there a law against renting a dwelling to 12 differnt people?
REALLY, Yes it is. I was there and Doug Marshall was very careful to express what it means to be in a historic district.
Way to go Kevin and Kris... I am all for it... You are true business people and know a deal when you see it. For the rest nay sayers... Get a life and move on!!!!!!!!
You need to go to the City website and look it up. That part of Camden Ave is Not!!! Camden Historic District is marked by purple dashes and that area is not included....
And if I'm wrong well I'm wrong!!! It's ok to admit it!!!!
YEs there is an "Ordinance" 4-2 whick makes it Illegal to rent to more than two unrelated unless the property was grandfathered and even then its illegal to rent to more than 4 unrealted...if you need the ordinance number i will supply that as well!!!
Ordinance 1961 deals with unrelated tenants and other things...
No you don't have to produce the ordinance number Really. I was just wondering and you seem to know the answer.
Has anyone thought about WHY we have so many rentals in Salisbury? Could it be because there is actually a NEED for them? There is a reason these people are renting whether it be because they can't afford to save money and buy a house, they don't have good credit, their house went into foreclosure, the list goes on! Where are these people supposed to live? Are you going to force them into the streets because YOU don't like renters? All renters are not bad. We also have 3 colleges within 20 miles and the students may be pesky but they are a huge asset to the community financially. If all the landlords were to put all their rentals on the market Salisbury's market would be flooded with vacant homes and they'd never sell them all. Salisbury needs businesses to move into the area and STAY. THAT should be the topic everyone gets so heated about. Salisbury needs JOBS so that these people can support their famalies without stealing or dealing drugs. Salisbury needs to stop pointing the blame at the other side and WORK TOGETHER and get things accomplished!
Single family section 8 will work just fine.
You can have an ordinance but it is no good if it isnt enforced. i called zoning folks about 1 of Adams rentals and the zoning guy said the judge wont back him if he were to bring it to court. So what I'am saying is the Adams rent to college kids and they pack in the houses like sardines and have 0 regard for their neighbors. i have had to call police on a few of their properties. i bet they wouldnt want the mess going on beside the home they live in.
She pass a lead test did she? How bout asbestos?
3:11 and packing more people into rentals is going to bring jobs to Salisbury?
Let's face it. The Adams are going to make adjustments to the property in accordance with historic/permit laws since her husband is a contractor. I am sure that everything will be done by the book and documented. Kris Adams is one intelligent lady and knew all of this before going into the auction. After all it is a pretty home that needs alot of work/updating etc to be a nice home at some point in the future. I am sure they will rent the home after all requisite filing and inspections have been done. NO ONE is buying right now, everyone wants to rent. I don't care where the property is, Salisbury or Delmar.
If I were Kris Adams, I would fine the largest family I could and offer it to them at a very affordable price. Debbie shouldn't have a problem with this because they are all related (4-2 compliance) and fits into the City's vision for affordable housing, especially since Pemberton Manor is going under and the City refused to purchase it. But that's me. Best wishes to the Adams on a great deal and in the future.
512- come on now. The people that chose to live with 6 people in a 3 bedroom house or whatever, do it because they may not be able to afford to live on their own. I know that it is a normal thing to do in many other cultures. We, as Americans, may be the only culture to need great big houses and each person in there own room as a standard. Just because you can afford your own house by yourself doesn't mean that everyone can. If they chose to live in such a way, who are you to say they cant?
Possibly if there were more jobs, better paying jobs at that, in Salisbury then people would OWN more homes and not choose to 'live like sardines'. Jobs = money which a lot of people lack both in this economy.
The issues in Salisbury are so much bigger then renters. I just wish people would stop blaming everything on the them and start looking around. Salisbury has scared away many BIG corporations over the past 20 years. When they went, so did the jobs. Perdue is getting the heck out of dodge as fast as they can too! Keep on focusing on the rental situation and there won't be anything left in salisbury but restaurants, hospital, and colleges. Oh wait... we're almost to that point. WHOOPIE!
5:33 why this spite?
I have a big home near this same location. I have rented out boarding rooms and they all share the bathrooms & kitchen. I have worked out a nice deal with AA whereby they furnish the tenants - and I collect the rent. I have never had more than 7 persons sharing this home and am content with just renting to 4 or 5. On occasion - I have lent out rooms to battered wives through the local battered wives foundation.
REALLY said...
You have no clue..."zoning blah blah" great arguement!!! If it's illegal why is it still a rental?
Threats...i love it Joe!!! Anonymous comments and this is what you get!!!!!
I want proof that "All" their properties are "boarding houses" then I will be wrong...till then my orginal comment stands!!!!!!!!!!
2:16 PM
Uh Really? You are bitching about anonymous comments? If I remember "Really" is code name for Anonymous.
Something tells me you are connected to Krys Adams and SAPOA!!
REALLY said...
Again, the lies start. It's illegal to covert it to a boarding house. Please know your facts before posting.
11:57 AM
Yes it is "illegal" to convert this home to a boarding house, but you slum lords seem to know how to get away with it. Your theory is it's easier to ask for forgiveness then it is for permission!
I live within a block of this house. I am quite sure that it is in the historic district, which ends at S. Blvd. The house cannot be turned into a boarding house. It was a private home and will remain so. While it can be rented, it would almost have to be rented to a single family. I don't think that there would be any untoward activities taking place at the house, since it is next to Debbie and Bill Campbell; in fact, the two houses share a driveway. The Campbells will have their eyes on the house to be sure that it is code-compliant.
Sapoa - 1
Salisbury - Zilch, Zero, Nada....
House was open to the public for bidding. Whats the big deal? If someone wanted to control who their neighbors were then they should have bought it. And unless the home was already a rooming house then it cannot be converted to a rooming house. And why does it matter what someone makes on their investments? Sounds like a 5 yearold complaining that her bother got more than her for Christmas...take it from someone who USED to own rentals....its only starts to pay off after years of hard work, financial risk, and tons of stress. The numbers look great on paper but when you start factoring in collections, turnover costs, and city fess you start to realize that its very tight. With high risk comes high reward. You want to be a landlord?? First step is to leverage your personal home and assets in order to buy them....then good luck with collecting your rents and keeping City off your ass for grass in your sidewalk. If you make it 20 years and manage to get them paid off then you will start relaxing. People who don't like landlords don't have a clue what it takes to make it work...
3:13 is not far off the mark...if the house is up to code and has 3-4 bedrooms, they can fetch about $1000 a month from HUD by renting to a large Section 8 family.Unfortunately the lovely old home may be wrecked but that's the cost of business.
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