Salisbury Homeless Upset Over Collection of Belongings
On Saturday night, Salisbury police officers were ordered to collect the items stored under a city bridge, something they mayor says they do a few times every year. Many of the items collected, and allegedly thrown away, were blankets donated by the church that hosted the men over Thanksgiving. There are accusations that police officers took the belongings and chucked them into a dumpster. As WBOC's Lisa Bryant reports, city leaders deny that.
On Saturday night, Salisbury police officers were ordered to collect the items stored under a city bridge, something they mayor says they do a few times every year. Many of the items collected, and allegedly thrown away, were blankets donated by the church that hosted the men over Thanksgiving. There are accusations that police officers took the belongings and chucked them into a dumpster. As WBOC's Lisa Bryant reports, city leaders deny that.
good job mr mayor! thats not a living room. it needs to be cleaned more often anyway!
It was the coldest night of the year. The Mayor was squirming in this interview and quite frankly I believe WBOC was being extremely KIND to the Mayor as they could have easily tore him a new one.
Considering how big of a wet pants liberal Jim is, he should be reaching out for grants to help the homeless and NOT grants to train newly released prisoners from ECI being dropped off in Salisbury when they get out. Most don't realize that these prisoners are already trained months before they get out.
The homeless are people just like all of us. They have fallen upon hard times. When I saw the interview last night, the Mayor never ONCE stated who those businesses were that had alegedly complained. Why, because I don't believe him. He also claimed they could come to the Police Department to pick up their belongings. Yeah Jim, like they can just hop in the car and come on over.
While I don't think it's a good thing to have the homeless openly residing on the streets of Downtown Salisbury, GIVE THEM AN OPTION! If there IS an option, tell us about it and we'll publish it.
They're homeless, how much more can our UNFRIENDLY local government be to these people. Its bad enough they're driving investors out of the City to start with.
I really don't have a problem with this.
If Jim Ireton doesn't want the homeless people in this area then he needs to get rid of Lore Chambers. The majority of these homeless people are outsiders that are encouraged to come to Salisbury because Lore Chambers throws out the welcome mat!! Most city's give the homeless people a one way ticket to make sure the homeless population is gone from their city. They have friends and family so they need to get a job.
I was walking along the waterfront in that area by the bridge and saw a used condom floating in the water. How was I supposed to explain that to my child? They are disgusting people that are not really down on their luck. Many chose to live like that.
I am not a fan of Ireton's at all, but I commend him for this.
Look how we have treated the least among us
There are many homeless shelters in Salisbury.
I say if the belongings arent bothering any body, then leave them be. Geez, people are always complaining about something!
None of the homeless shelter for the men are open yet, They were under a bridge darn some of you people have no compassion at all. As for the used condom Do you really think that a homeless person dropped it there. Everyone always wants to push the homeless somewhere else.
joe, you of all people should be commending ireton. after all, you ARE a stickler for city ordiances and codes that are designed to make our towns look good, right? if your clothes are strewn about your room, thats fine. if they are strewn about your lawn, thats another thing.
They need to be taken off the streets and institutionalized until they can live a normal life.
Anonymous said...
I say if the belongings arent bothering any body, then leave them be. Geez, people are always complaining about something!
11:34 AM
So what if these people crawl under your front porch or underneath a tree in your back yard and set up camp? They wouldn't be bothering anybody so you should just let them be. What do you think? Does it sound like a god deal to you? Tell us where you live and we'll make sure they find your place. Thanks for being considerate and not complaining!!
Just something to think about:
If you were out of the house and someone came into your home and took every possession you owned, how would you feel? And THEN, how would you feel if you were told the police sanctioned this theft of your belongings. I understand that some people are uncomfortable with the homeless. But I promise you, taking away the only gift they will be given all year is no way to treat those who are hurting. And in case you don't know, for most, being homeless is not their choice. And while you sit there judging, most are not on the streets because of drugs. And Condom Individual? At least people are having safe sex. Try to be kinder to those in need, okay?
I do not understand why it was done now. During the holidays, while it is getting cold.
Oh but then the directive came from "I do not care about anyone but myself Ireton"
Just goes to once again show what a true uncompassionate moron he is. The cops know most of these homeless guys, all they had to do was tell them to clean up or it would be thrown out and they would have taken their stuff and moved.
Sad, disgusting, pathetic image of our community.
to Anonymous 11:16am: I'm not sure how the used condom floating in the river pertains to homeless people in Salisbury? Are you suggesting they are the only ones dumping used condoms in the river?!
You stated "they have friends and family so they need to get a job." Seriously? Are you thinking before speaking?
What are the first few things on a job application? Name, address, phone number. If you are homeless guess what: YOU DON'T HAVE AN ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER! So how is a potential employer supposed to reach you for an interview if in fact they are interested after reviewing your partially blank application?
Throughout my childhood (which was not in Salisbury) my mother encouraged my sister and I to volunteer at the local shelter. It is amazing what you can learn from a homeless person. As Joe stated earlier, they are people just like the rest of us who have fallen on hard times. I ask all of you, what makes you so much better that you can't help them?
Taking from the WBOC report I am glad it was aired. There may have been complaints, bad for business etc. but this is not the right way to handle the matter. The best thing would have been to have found housing overnite for the homeless and there belongings, and calls to shelters and churches in the area to see what remedies could be worked out. Remember it could be anyone of us, things do happen they do not want to freeze on the streets
A lot of people today do not have extra money in savings accounts. If you lost your job, with no savings, you could be a few paychecks away from being homeless. Think about it. Yes, some homeless people choose to live like that, but many do not. As the old saying goes...."There but for the grace of God go I".....
These actions by the city have been going on for years. I agree Liarton needs to step up and tell the truth about their belongings being thrown away. I would not be impressed with them in my yard however they are human beings and need a place to lay their heads. Every time I go down there I have never seen the homeless from the street I don't believe the business community was complaining this is just a way for Jim and his stool pigeons to be mean when they don't need to be. All that had to done is wait there for the people to return and have them remove their belongings. Granted they would just come back but just make them move on again until they don't come back.
The shelters will not allow smoking, drinking, or drug use therefore a lot of "homeless" do NOT want to go to those shelters. So don't give me the sob story about the "shelters not being opened yet". Or does Salisbury want to be the "all american city" with the "best homeless shelters on Delmarva?" Can't have it both. Would you want to have a business, work at a business, or visit a business in an area that has loiterers, bums, vagrants, and "homeless people"? No. At least with the overhead bridge they were "out of sight".
11:07 Your response says it all Joe! Very well put, you covered it All!! EW
I worked at an agency that helped homeless people. I have a great deal of empathy and compassion for them but it is my opinion that 90% of these people have chosen this lifestyle.
A large percentage of homeless people have either substance abuse issues or serious mental illnesses (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, namely).
Unfortunately, due to the Americans with Disabilities Act, many of these people were released from mental hospitals and sought refuge on the street. Most likely what is needed is an overhaul of our mental health system in order to help these individuals.
"Just something to think about:
If you were out of the house and someone came into your home and took every possession you owned, how would you feel? And THEN, how would you feel if you were told the police sanctioned this theft of your belongings."
now lets think about your same idea, if my belonging were thrown on your lawn. i kept them there. should i arrest you for picking them up? or are you going to let me continue to keep my belongings in your front yard?
This is the most horrific act that he could do. Why did he not send someone to the Joseph House. They would have sent someone to talk to the homeless....help them to gather what they have. Try to get them somewhere. They have very little in life and now they have nothing. I believe he wants homeless and renters out of "his" city. NOT, Mr. Mayor. You do not own this city! We the people who work for this city, do not belong to you. We work for the taxpayers!!! They pay us, not you.
P.S. Mr. Mayor, I have helped some of the homeless and I am going to spend every minute I can to find him and he will know others..I will personally bring them to the police station to gather their belongings. Have a very very merry Christmas Mr. Mayor.
get cleste savage out there. she's created this situation. nothing wrong with helping. but you can't turn them baqck out with items that will be left all around the city, in the park.
good work mayor. that's 2 in a row. getting rid of louise smith off t.v. and now this! keep it up. now get the streets safer. but i'm sure louise smith will keep the crime going.
this the same way Jesus was treated by some! try to be kind people. there is more to consider than just today. and all our actions have consequences. that person is a son or daughter, wife, husband, mother or father, just like people in your family. more homeless people will be seen as more and more people are becoming homeless.
I've worked hard all my life. I'm currently employed with an organization for 22 years. With pay reductions, furloughs and lay off; anyone of us is one paycheck away from losing our job. With unemployment @ 9.6% and 1.2 million people have lost their unemployment entitlement, anyone could become homeless, including me. What this city have done is heartless. There are too many broken down home and property that is not being used that can be used as shelter for the homeless. But, this city has shown they care nothing for the mental health and the homeless. It's all about the Wannabes and Pretenders. The holidays are just around the corner and these people are suffering. If you became homeless, is this the way you want to be treated?
Salisbury is becoming a ghost town and now they are trying to remove the 'ghosts'.
I would think the drug dealers, gangs and other assorted criminals would be worse for business than people just trying to stay alive.
Why don't they focus on removing them and their belongings?
If the shelters aren't open, open them.
Bridges, vacant lots, empty buildings and parks aren't places to set up housekeeping.
By the way, those sleeping under the Division St bridge have been there for months.
agree with you Joe 11:07, well said
I truly feel sorry for these people, but the mayor treats everyone the same. That is why this town has such a unfriendly reputation.
Funny, I have more important things to worry about than where some unfortunate people have to sleep. It's all I can do to avoid being one of them. I sure do not expect anyone to help or have compassion around here if I should find myself 'under that bridge'.
and sooooo this is christmas and a happy new year, i hope it's a good one, without any tears.
wow that didn't last long. never know when any of us might have a problem like that one day.
let those without sin cast the first stone jimmy i should have voted for gary at least I would have known what i was voting for
The measure of a man can be taken on how he treats another man that can do him absolutely nothing for him...
This comes as no surprise to me - in light of all of the local business and factory closings.
These people have little or no options on where to live. The can't make a living around here because of all the regulations that thwart business expansion. This is exactly why I did not vote for any State legislative incumbent. I saw the Local Area Factory closing list published on SBYnews and I was astonished to see the shear magnitude of business displacements. Salisbury and Wicomico's economic conditions are catastrophic to say the least.
Joe - you have definately struck a chord with the public on this article. GREAT REPORTING!
This makes me sad on so many levels. For whatever their reason for being homeless, they are still humans. Just to pick up their stuff and toss it is shameful.
I too have walked under the bridge and my kids also noticed people's belongings there. I simply tell them the truth, that not everyone has a home to goto, and this is the best that "one" can do for themselves. Most of us better count our lucky stars that the paths we have chosen to go down did not lead us under the bridge so to speak. Do you think these people were little, wishing to be homeless when they grew up? Seriously people?
Someone must think by trashing their belongings, that the homeless will retreat and go elsewhere..where do you want them to go?
Joe, you have really touched a nerve today with all the news you have provided...between this and the Fredrickson does China news...I need a drink!
Anonymous said...
this the same way Jesus was treated by some! try to be kind people. there is more to consider than just today. and all our actions have consequences. that person is a son or daughter, wife, husband, mother or father, just like people in your family. more homeless people will be seen as more and more people are becoming homeless.
2:41 PM
Guess what...those people aren't Jesus!!
No matter what 8:05pm say,
They ARE children of GOD.
Thank you 6:11pm and 8:47pm- you have echoed my thoughts exactly. As did whomever posted the old saying, "But for the Grace of God go I..." And isn't there a scripture along the lines of whatever you do to the least among us you also do to God? Just some food for thought...
May God be with these individuals and those that reach out to them in an effort to help them.
And for those who keep bringing up shelters- the shelters here are often full- it's almost impossible to get a bed- and they are time limited. The services they need are difficult to access and often times not available.
There have been studies that the average American is just 2-3 paychecks away from this very situation.
There have been studies that the average American is just 2-3 paychecks away from this very situation.
9:31 PM
I think most people don't understand that. It can happen to anyone at anytime. Especially in this economic climate.
While it may be true that some brought it upon themselves by illegal actions and an unwillingness to better themselves, there are those who are homeless by no fault of their own.
People need to stop being so harsh with their judgments. For tomorrow they may be sitting right next to the ones they have condemned.
I enjoy reading these things especially when you can tell that they are coming from some individual that wouldnt raise a hand to help an individual that has gone through a rough time - unless you are directly affected by a homeless individual maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself - your tax dollars pay for jails - dirt bags who have done wrong and I dont hear you complaining about that - the homeless are effectively costing you nothing - this was wrong!! when criminals get treated better than the homeless we have some serious issues!! I have an idea - why dont we fence in an area put the criminals outside in the cold and put all of the homeless up in the jails, where it is warm with three meals a day, satellite, clean clothes, showers and a bed - maybe that is what our bs goverment should take a look at - not stealing blankets from the homeless - geez
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