Keep these facts in mind when "donating".
As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep these facts in mind:
Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross... Salary for year ending 06/30/03 was $651,957 plus expenses. (That's $74.42 an hour For EVERY hour of EVERY day.)
Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (That's $42.80 an hour for EVERY Hour of EVERY day.)
UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE car where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (That's $1369.86 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day)
The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
No further comment necessary. Please share this with everyone you can think of, know or meet!
Which is one reason why I've always donated to the Salvation Army. More $$ goes to where it should, helping those that need it most.
Yep and that is why I stopped donating to the Red Cross and started donating to The Salvation Army years ago.
I think one thing that puts a lot of people off from donating to Salvation Army is that they get their lists of "needy families" from Dept. of Social Services which as we all know many of the people receiving assistance do not need it and do not do anything to improve their situations. Personally it ticks me off when I see the intentionally nonworking living better than those who work but are struggling to make it yet can't get help because they are trying to do it on their own.
I know several perfectly capable of working people that do not work and have everything handed to them: medical ins., food stamps, electric bill paid, water bill paid, free cell phones, Christmas taken care of, school supplies and clothing handed to them. It makes me ill that they do not even care that they are milking the system and preventing others that truly need it from receiving it.
12:01 Anon - How else would you suggest they figure out those who are in need? People don't go around telling everybody they know they're in need. I know this because of trying to put together a list of "needy" in Delmar so we could make sure the children had presents to open on Christmas. It's not an easy task!
I'd be interested in seeing the numbers on United Way. I'd bet if Joe published THOSE numbers - A LOT of people would wake up and see that their donations to United Way are not doing as much good as they think they are. Best to give directly to the charity instead of a 3rd party dispursement organization!
Thanks for putting this on Joe, I
have always supported the S. Army &
will continue to do so for all the
good they do for those less fortunate.
The other organizations salarys are
Disgusting!!!! EW
12:17 schools, churches, friends, coworkers, family members, your children. I have always given directly to the families and all of the above mentioned will/can assist in suggesting families that might need a helping hand.
Trust me, any parent that needs help will accept it if they love their children. As parents we have to sometimes admit times are hard and we cannot do it by ourselves no matter how hard we try.
Amen 12:01
12:01 PM
There are over a million perfectly capable of working people in this country.
There are not a million jobs in this country for them to work at.
So what is your solution?
If you have extra money then how about walking up to a poor person and giving it to them?
You might enjoy how that feels for a change - and make a new friend.
There are over 200 million people and the US is at about 10% unemployment. That comes to about 20 million people out of work.
If you actually believe unemployment is at 10% in the US you're crazy, (with all due respect).
10% may be close to the number of people STILL ON unemployment but the numbers are probably closer to 20%.
I believe the Baltimore area is at 16%. The national average numbers are nothing short of a lie.
4:02, you are trying to flip what I said. There are hundreds of thousands of people that are capable of working but make the choice NOT to work. There is a difference in those who want to work but cannot find a job and those who live off welfare and government assistance for 5, 10, 15 years with no intention or desire to support themselves. I'm sorry but being on aide programs for the duration of your childrens lives because you don't feel the need to support yourself and your family is not an option. I know of people that have literally been living off the system for 20+ yrs, no matter who you are that is not acceptable and it complicates those who deserve the helping hand from getting it when they need it.
The people that deserve help are the ones that have lost their jobs, have been supporting themselves and their families just fine until the economy took a dump. Those are the people that have earned the right to ask for and receive help. You actually helped to show my point, so thank you is in order. There are so many families that need someone to care right now but years on top of years of self sufficiency has led them to feel guilt even though the circumstances are beyond their control. I don't feel it is right that those hardworkers feel guilt or are turned away because funds have been exhausted by the ones that have never held a steady job and have no intentions of acquiring a job.
If a person choses the life of bum then they should not be catered to when they don't have something because they made that choice. We all have the ability to make choices in life and if a person decides work is not a priority then why should the taxpayers support those people? I have no problems with helping the millions of forced unemployed person but the ones that made the choice to never be employed yet sport around in their new cars, buying shrimp and steak on a EBT card then purchasing their blunts and beer with the TCA they receive as their kids live on hot dogs and oodles of noodles...yeah I have a serious issue with that.
Federal and state cuts let those people out of institute that some suggest they should go.
Some may just choose not to work however you can look at many of them and tell they ain't all there and need help. Professional help I mean.
6:57 PM
If you have proof of abuse and/or fraud, I would suggest you contact the appropriate agency and tell them.
I doubt you know the full circumstances of anyone you know much less 'hundreds of thousands'.
Merry Christmas.
7:45 you are absolutely without a doubt right, I do not know the full story of hundreds of thousands, but I do know when I am working 12-16 hrs a night I see people going in and out of stores, mostly convenience stores, between 11pm-4am stealing. (yes it is on camera and yes the employees of the stores know it is happening) Those same people with clothing reeking of burnt marijuana and enough alcohol emitting from them to make a persons eyes water do in fact purchase subs with those EBT cards and then rudely demand blunts and cigarettes, all the while checking their blackberry while ajusting their name brand clothing bragging about the club they just rolled out of.
You go ahead and live in that safe reality world where everyone is honest and upstanding. I will continue to work to provide for my family despite a permanent disability I suffered that leaves me in constant pain while being disrespected by the people that my taxes support. That is the reality of the world I live in. I hope you never have to face the reality that I see on a day to day basis because it would probably make you second guesss all that you have been led to believe.
You have a very merry Christmas as well; make sure you get to bed early so Santa doesn't pass you by ;)
9:03 PM
All that has nothing to do with what you have claimed.
By your own admission you work in a convenience store while being in pain from a disability serving people, judging from your words, are undeserving of benefits.
Using an EBT card does not even mean they are unemployed.
I hear what you're saying but we have strayed way off topic.
We have gone from unemployment benefits to food stamps.
Anyone can get food stamps for any number of reasons, if they qualify.
You come across as a hateful mean spirited person, maybe from being in constant pain. I can relate to that since I am also in pain every day.
Regardless, I hope things get better for you and you remain safe at your job.
Merry Christmas and good luck to you.
Read more carefully; that is not what was said. Neither here nor there though. The point is many people abuse the system in many ways which hinders those who have paid in and deserve help yet cannot receive the assistance due to so many that do abuse the system. We will simply have to agree to disagree because apparently we come from two different backgrounds that have developed the way we see the world. I do not feel sorry for me because I work very hard and not standing behind a cash register like you read into my words. As long as I can support my family I am content in knowing I do everything in my power to be an upstanding citizen that does help in many ways.
The original point I was making is a lot of people do not donate because of the method used to determine who is eligible. Donating to nationally recognized organizations is not the only option and some people decide to go a different route when helping. I do think the Salvation Army is a wonderful org. and if someone is going to donate they are probably one of the best because they are so conservative on spending/expenses.
I do appreciate a respectful debate and I also wish you a wonderful Christmas with those you love. Enjoy the season and have a safe 2011 as well.
one reason I don't give to these is there's NO ACCOUNTABILITY.
example. dial a # to give 10 bucks for relief in Haiti. they're still waiting.
It would seem the donations go toward paying the ceo salaries.
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