DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Num, Num, But Arsenic Makes My Cheeks So Rosie
OK there are arguments on both sides of this issue when it comes to arsenic in our chicken. However, I'm having a very hard time believing its anywhere near as bad as this group wants us to believe. Hey, I'm not saying I've never been wrong and I'm also not saying large companies like Perdue have never lied to anyone. Perdue claims they do not use arsenic in their feed and haven't done so in years. This group wants us to believe that "most" of the chicken sold in the grocery store has arsenic in it. That's just not true.
Now we have a group out there that adds, because of the arsenic, we're polluting the Bay. Heck, my horses taking a leak on the ground without a septic system are affecting the Bay. The last thing we need right now are more regulations on the Chicken Farmers/Industry. Unless there is severely strong evidence that people are not only dying from arsenic but are also turning up extremely sick from this claim, I say, bull crap!
Leave the Chicken Farmers/Industry alone. We watched interview after interview where both democrats and republicans stood firm on less regulations and no sooner are these elections over, a group comes out doing just the opposite. My guess is, this will fall flat on its face. It's a shame we gave it any attention at all.
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Freaks! Get a life!
Obama is a foreign muslim gets this board riled up nicely. Negative human health impacts due to arsenic in chicken feed is a stretch of the imagination? LOL
We all know the bay is being polluted from the western shore!
agree with you joe but don't forget all the cases in the past where it was "just one person" or "just a small group of loud mouths" that got their way.......
lol yeah 115; That's why the Shores cancer rates are so high. Face it, it's on the farmers/chicken industry. Why leave an industry alone that is polluting an entire peninsula. There is a reason the Eastern Shore has one of the highest cancer mortality rates in the country, and it's the haphazard lack of regulation in farming and chicken/animal production. While I don't know much about roxarsone(an arsenic based growth feed additive), it is widely used in the animal raising industries(some estimates at 70% of the industry use this product), apx 1 million kilograms of this compound was manufactured in the US in 2006. It's around. Don't kid yourself or mask over the dangers for profits.
Arsenic is a poison that builds up in the human body, so over a period of time, even very minute amounts can do serious, permanent damage, regardless of its source. But, I think growth hormones and antibiotics in the feed are MUCH bigger problems, as is grinding up animal parts and bones and then feeding THAT back to the animals. Perdue, like all corporations, is concerned mainly (and largely) with PROFITS. If some people die, well, people die all the time. No biggie. Its hard to feel their pain while vacationing at their beach house in Hawaii, overlooking the beautiful Pacific.
Nothing is ever said about the chemicals and fertilizer that run off of the golf courses and lush green lawns. That stuff doesen't polute. Its good for us.
Rock Doctor
5:40, hormones have been illegal to put in chicken feed for over 50 years. Antibiotics are used, as approved by the USDA. Remember the USDA? Those are the people that monitor these sorts of things and their effect on us. I appreciate the effort you put into your research (obviously not much) but sit out a couple plays. If you don't want to eat chicken, don't eat it. Not hurting mine or my family's feelings. Get your protein and nutrients from cows. Then go and have yourself a heart attack.
What we need around here is an independent processing plant so growers don't have to be under contract with one of the major companies. That way the farmers can feed the chickens feed without all the chemicals in it.
Great idea. Lets run all agriculture out of the country and have all of our food produced overseas with no regulation what so ever.
We need an agricultural economy where farmers are independent of the corporations. This way they can make their own choices about what they are going to grow and how they are going to grow it. If this was the case arsenic wouldn't be used.
Global domination starts here.If our farmers cannot do their job,then wehre do we get our chickens?Other countries?Awesome!
Lets import chickens from China loaded with melanine,lead,and other yummy chemicals like you find in imported toothpaste and toys from overseas.
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