The City of Salisbury stands at a crossroads in her rich and storied history. There are tough choices that lie ahead and they need to be made now. Continually putting off issues has brought us to this point, where gangs are controlling our streets, businesses refuse to come to Salisbury and personality issues hang over us like a dark cloud.
On one hand we can continue down the path we have been steadily going for years. Economic stagnation, rising crime rates, gang problems and an assault on property rights which is fueled by name calling, personal vendettas and an outright refusal of elected officials willing to address the issues that this city faces. We have alienated the business community, neighborhoods and our law enforcement community. Leadership and responsibility have been sucked up into the black hole of gridlock, making our government ineffective on major issues.
On the other hand we have a choice of electing leaders who are willing to put aside personal differences and egos to help move our city forward. We need leaders to reach out to our disenfranchised neighborhoods, embrace our business community and encourage everyone to join together and resist the gang violence and crime that is destroying our city.
I believe a three pronged approach to reducing crime is needed from a City standpoint. Strengthening economic opportunity, providing law enforcement with the tools they need to succeed and challenging our faith based community to step up and support our civic organizations in reaching out to those who need and are crying for help. All of these are intertwined and cannot fully succeed without the other.
The economic situation we face is dire and we need to make changes now. We need to create an environment that is conducive to business and it begins with a welcoming attitude. We need to approach our business community with an attitude of – what can we do for you? One way I believe we can help businesses, is by creating a streamlined process into one office for purposes of doing business in the city. This will reduce confusion and set clear expectations and fix a process that currently drives business away.
There are many more issues that we face and I believe they should be approached with common sense, integrity and a servant’s heart. Public servants are just that, servants. Not Lords or masters, they are here to serve the citizens, taxpayers and all who enter into our boundaries for peaceful purposes.
We have much work to do and I believe it is our duty to pass on this great city better than we received her. We are obligated to make her stronger, safer and more beautiful for the generations to come after us. Leaving her deep in debt, rundown from violence and with less opportunity is not only wrong but I believe immoral.
Join me as we work to restore dignity and pride in Salisbury. We must return civility to our debates and respect to the council chamber. That is where we must begin, that is where I intend to begin.
Muir Boda
Candidate for Salisbury City Council
"On the other hand we have a choice of electing leaders who are willing to put aside personal differences and egos to help move our city forward."
First let me thank you for stepping up to the plate and throwing your name out their.
Second, please tell me where you got the qualifications to call yourself a leader? Correct me if I am wrong, but don't you work at WalMart? I can't see you gaining valuable experience to serve the city of Salisbury by stocking shelves at the local WalMart!
This is not a bust on you personally, but you put an announcement out there with false claims. You are just a typical resident of Salisbury with a mediocre job and mediocre experience. Please come clean and tell us you are no different than the average citizen in Salisbury and not a "leader". You will get more respect from us.
Muir, I have a few questions to ask you.
1. Where are YOU going to come up with the funding to properly support the Police Department?
2. You're in management and employted with WalMart. This is a company in which has DESTROYED the small businesses you claim YOU want to see come here to Salisbury. You seem to point fingers at the Council. While one finger may be pointed at them, three more are pointing at you/WalMart.
3. Be a man and give us names. WHICH Council Members, "an assault on property rights which is fueled by name calling, personal vendettas and an outright refusal of elected officials willing to address the issues that this city faces. Leadership and responsibility have been sucked up into the black hole of gridlock, making our government ineffective on major issues."
Muir, it has been VERY clear over the years that you are tied with the hateful Jonathan Taylor and have even been a contributor to his hateful Blog. Therefore you have participated in hatred towards numerous women and personal attacks against them, including my Wife. Jonathan called my Grandson a bastard child, my Wife a whore and has even stated she masterbates with shower heads. You know there's a lot worse, I'm just not going to publish it here. Jonathan is your close friend and quite frankly he's a scumbag who will do anything to be Joe Albero, including growing facial hair.
So please, do tell everyone why they should pass their vote to you. You have been close with Barrie Tilghman, Chief Webster, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith and others.
If you want to run for office, (like you did the last time) you will face these challenges and we expect answers.
it's easy to write things with "sound bites" and feel good words but quite frankly I go by a man's past and the people he hangs with. You may be out of the gate early but quite frankly you'll probably lose once again because NO ONE wants to go back to the way things were and or have been.
In fact, many will probably say you're the next louise Smith.
I'll await your reply.
anonymous 2:45, he's a leader because he hangs with Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys and the likes of such. They told him he's a leader, therefore he is. NOT
Joe, 2:48 PM, LMAO
Boda? Isn't this the same critter that aligned himself with Bubba Comagees and the Slumlords when he lost the last election??
Speaking of Salisbury I am listening the scanner and the Salisbury Fire Department is at a garage fire on Brick Kiln Road. I hear Bill Gordy on the radio calling the shots. Can someone tell me why Jim Ireton and the 5 council members just hired a new fire chief and there are several paid chiefs on duty during the day and Gordy is still running the fire department? Jim Ireton you lied to us. This isn't the kind of help on the way you promised!! It is going to be an interesting election.
"We must return civility to our debates and respect to the council chamber."
That statement speaks volumes. You claim to bring civility to the council chambers but yet you are already attacking the only civil members of the city council, Campbell and Cohen. Why do I say that? Because I was around the last election when you constantly atacked them!
Hopefully you won't have a chance in hell again fauccto get elected!
Yes...Muir Boda could be the next Louise Smith. He ran 2 years ago and we saw who his political mentors were...Cathcart, Comegys, Smith...
Since then I have been watching to see if he took stands as a citizen on tough issues...nope. So, he's just another put up job in my mind. If you want more of Louise Smith and the likes of the Mike Dunn "Dream Team" who gave away millions in developer reimbursements and the likes, well there you go. Not me. He's pleasant enough, but so was Louise Smith.
I did not vote for him the first time and I will not vote for him this time. He has too many ties to the 3 on the Council as it is. If this is supposed to be Louise's replacement watch out.
Oh what a joke and a bad one at that. Nope, did not vote for him them and will not vote for him in the future - would just be more of the same (Smith, Comegys, Shields) and we have had enough of them to last a lifetime.
Well I voted for him 2 yrs. ago and will vote for him again.
A lot of huff and puff but no content and what HE would actually do to help solve these issues.
If he has all the answers he should speak up at council meetings and give some on the council a clue.
If he's holding back the answers to all the problems, then he is part of the problem.
644, you are an idiot who isn't reading the script.
since we know this guy is a loser we also know the salisbury career fire fighters local will support him. they have a bad habit of backing the real winners, louweasel, ireton, and most likely comegeys if he ran again.
Anonymous said...
If he has all the answers he should speak up at council meetings and give some on the council a clue.
6:46 PM
If he had all the answers he would be more gainfully employed than a peon stock boy and Wal Mart!!
Mr. Muir is a hypocrite as well. He posts on his Facebook and Maryland Liberterian websites about being against TSA searchs but on Black Friday weekend at his Walmart they wouldn,t let you leave the store without looking thru you bags and checking your slip. This was being done at 7 at night and without security alarms going off.
Anonymous said...
Well I voted for him 2 yrs. ago and will vote for him again.
6:44 PM
Jonathan is that you!!
8:53 tsa isnt the same as walmart. Well DUH
I'm always amazed at how you armchair politicos are quick to jump on someone you don't like. How about you risk your time and good name and run? Too afraid? Just like our "esteemed" bloggers, ya'll is a bunch of whimpy dogs.
Anonymous said...
since we know this guy is a loser we also know the salisbury career fire fighters local will support him. they have a bad habit of backing the real winners, louweasel, ireton, and most likely comegeys if he ran again.
8:02 PM
That is to funny. I heard the paid guys said they wished the voted for bubba because they got scared. Bunch of losers!!
anonymous 10:50, IF you're talking about me, I do not hate Muir, not at all. I disagree with him on many issues but we simply agree to disagree. I have personally caled him out and hopefully he comes back with answers.
As for my running for office, I can do far more with this Blog than I would ever claim could possibly be done as ONE person on any Council.
Let me also be bold enough to say this. IF I ever ran for Office I'd win hands down, no question about it. There may come a time where I actually consider it. Keep an eye on where my main residence is in time. If it's in the City, well, you'll know where I'm headed. If it's in the County, again, you'll know where I'm headed and it won't be on the Council.
one thing you can count on with me however is I would not run on sound bites or feel good slogans. I'd tell you exactly where I was headed and if you don't like it, don't vote for me. Time will tell but know this for a fact, I'm afraid of no one.
Whimps would fold when Mayor Tilghman, Chief Webster or the Warden filed lawsuits against me. Like a man, I stood up to every one of them.
On your residency note! I just took note John Robinson just moved back into the city limits! I saw on his Facebook he is planning on running against his Pal Jim Ireton fro Mayor in two years.
Just a thought for you!
After what we saw in the November election, anyone who would associate their name with liberalism? Can't be too smart to start with.
I'm sure the voters will not be forgetting anything come April.
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