DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, October 21, 2010
You Have Got To Love The New Policies From The New Fire Chief In Salisbury
Day after day we are seeing the FLEET of vehicles popping in to Inside Out Care Care in Salisbury to get detailed. Considering the City Council and Mayor continue to FUND Paramedics the Fire Department never seems to hire, year after year there is additional money in their budget for Lord knows what.
You have to wonder, does the new Chief have OCD? Is there a Parade going on somewhere I don't know about? Oh sure, you could argue that these overpaid Firefighters are paying for these services on their own but do YOU really believe that.
Now I know some will come back and say, why were you so nice last week and now you're attacking the SFD again. I'm not attacking anyone. This was sent in to Salisbury News by a concerned taxpayer. The SFD has every right to come back here and defend their position. I also happen to know that one of their vehicles is back in the repair shop TODAY on Northwood Drive. That citizen wondered if it was the same one that was in there a few months ago for a complete new motor.
If YOU the taxpayer are in fact paying for this, well, it's a smack in your face. Are we to expect an outside company to come in next to wash and wax the Fire Trucks? See said in the past, we don't have a banquet hall in the new Fire Station because we're not cooks and waiters. Well, your not car detailers either. Is that your next excuse?
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Real firefighters wash their own cars. Don't waste the dime trying to call the sfd and ask why this is going on. They'll just lie.
Come on SFD, take a little initiative and clean your own vehicles.
joe just to let you know, the career staff waxes every piece of equipment twice a year, including the crown vics. Each shift is assigned a list of equipment to wax. The equipment is also washed inhouse. I am unsure why he cars are there.
too bad we don't know which car this is--who drives it?
The leaders deserve to have their cars detailed. They are heroes afterall. They save us when we need them most. Paying to have a clean car is the least we can do.
The day before the new chief was announced Bragg had 1st battalion detail the "chiefs" car. It wasnt good enough for the new chief so now they are going outside the department.
Dont blame the new chief for these actions. Blame the admin Capt, acting DC, and acting chief. Capt. Nuts started this crap a few months ago when he took Hopeless' car there. Nuts was trying to suck up to Hopeless and thought it would be grand to take his car there when he was away on vacation. The Acting DC took his car there the other day to the tune of $175. Meanwhile the people get furloughed and OT gets cut. Fiscal Responsibility??? There is none, look at how many leaders of the SFD have filed for bankruptcy.
Simpson, good luck! You will need it and the citizens will be blown away with the corruption that you will uncover that exists in that place.
If they can detail a Fire Truck why can"t they detail a car? Audit them and cut all expenses that are not directly related to services they provide, ie, response to fire and EMS calls and local quarterly in-service training only. Then Tax Payers will have an honest and real budget to fund.
I have a take home police vehicle and paid 100+ for a detailed buff wax. I wash the police car more than my personal vehicles.
I am very mindfull that our taxes pay for this vehicle so i want to treat it with the upmost respect.
We shouldn't have to foot the bill for their lazy butts to pay for a car wash. If they want to do that, they should pay for it out of their own pockets!
Westside Fire dept. does very similar things with the vehicles.
They take all their vehicles to Wades repair service and never attempt to get other bids. They use the vehicles for joy riding almost every day. Most of the guys are on unemployment so I guess it's all right. They ain't got nothin else to do.
Just like yesterday when the new big fire truck responded to a car striking a tree on Beaglin Park Drive. The truck could have turned on Glen Ave. to go back to the station but instead continued straight toward Rt. 50. What a waste of gas & mileage on a new "toy".
We use to always wash the chief's car every day when I worked there. I dont get it, why would the go anywhere else.
How else can the brown noising captains get brownie points? Mike ( Log Truck ) LOL!
So what? what's it cost to get a car detailed? 20 bucks? 30? 40? for all you know the person who rides the car could of paid it out of his own pocket
Joe I am so glad you posted this with pictures and all. I made a comment about this a week or two ago but I didn't have any pictures. I can't for the life of me understand why the leadership in this city continue to allow this to go on. I guess I made a big mistake when I crossed party lines and voted for Jim Ireton over Bob Caldwell. I am sick and tired of the tax and spend Democrats in office. I certainly hope everyone cleans house on November second with the next election and in the Spring with the city election. This is stealing from the tax payers.
I work in Ocean City, and we have to DETAIL, not just clean our Chiefs rig, all of them! Personally I think it sucks, they should have to do it. We are not "car detailers", however our Chief disagrees. He has a fit whenever ANY work gets farmed out, we have to do everything. Try testing over 15,000 feet of hose. Whatever, he;s the Chief.
I love how you say firemen in the sfd are overpaid but truth be hold they are the lowest paid in the state. It's a disgrace how low the men and women get paid in that department. You are asking these men and women to place their lives in danger to save your family and personal belongings. To repay them you give them a sub par salary and benefits. Most of them have to work 2 jobs to survive. You don't call your neighbor when you are having a heart attack. You call the trained men and women of the sfd. In every other place in this state the people support the firemen and pay them a reasonable salary because they know any day they may die in the line of duty. The people of Salisbury complain and cry and shoe no support. It's no wonder why they quit and gp somewhere else. It's no wonder why these great people are disgruntled. You people are a joke and have no idea what kind of good service you have. Maybe you'll find out when your house is on fire and the sfd comes to put it out... Even yours mr albero.
I am going to tell you right now -- you picked the wrong guy to be the fire chief. The last group yielded a person with the intelligence and fortitude to do the RIGHT job -- not this guy you have now.
Are there cadets at SFD? I'm just curious. If there are, then why can't they do some of the detail work? In these tough economic times, we all need to tighten our belts and spend our monies more wisely. You complain about your pay, yet your department continues to waste money. I don't want to hear any more about your salaries. As far as I am concerned you brought your crappy salaries onto yourselves. You have been out of control with money for a long time. Just think what the salaries could be if you hadn't wasted so much on an over priced fire department as well as all the brand new extremely expensive toys you had to have in it.
1:09 p.m.
Spiteful much? Why would they attempt to get other bids? Wades gives them good price and service and it's right down the road. And I can't think of anyone besides the cadets and a few ladies that don't have a regular job.
The poor guys in oc are becoming nothing more then the chiefs slaves. Up until he took over the vol fire company had prisoners come in to wax there trucks and chiefs car and had the paid staff go pick them up and watch them. Most fire dept take care of there own stuff thats what company pride is about.
So what? what's it cost to get a car detailed? 20 bucks? 30? 40? for all you know the person who rides the car could of paid it out of his own pocket
What rock have you been hiding under. The last time I had my vehicle detailed was 10 years ago and it was over 75 dollars then.
4:55 "Chiefs Slaves", true words from someone that thinks they should not have to work. Lets see, all this talk about SFD and being underpaid, why don't you come clean with how many OCFD employees make over $100,000. I recall that in the paper, and it was over 1/2 the department. AND, you work the same 24/72, where you only "work" 4-5 hours a day. You "poor guys in OC" make me sick. If I was the Chief, you would know what a "slave" really is.
Anonymous said...
I am going to tell you right now -- you picked the wrong guy to be the fire chief. The last group yielded a person with the intelligence and fortitude to do the RIGHT job -- not this guy you have now.
3:15 PM
You are exactly right with your comments and the firefighters and the city will soon realize the mistake they made.
wait until the real stories come about this guy Jimgirl has hired to be Far Chief. Let the investigtion begin. I'll be back, gotta get some popcorn and a soda pop so I can sit back and watch!
I work in Ocean City, and we have to DETAIL, not just clean our Chiefs rig, all of them! Personally I think it sucks, they should have to do it. We are not "car detailers", however our Chief disagrees. He has a fit whenever ANY work gets farmed out, we have to do everything. Try testing over 15,000 feet of hose. Whatever, he;s the Chief.
OMG you poor child having to do some work. Since when does the employee make their own job requierments? Keeping all the units clean and testing fire hose is your job. You should be happy to have a job that pays good money that offers idle time between emergencies. I guess you have a paramedic patch on your shoulder and must stay sterile right? It a fire came in you would be the first one running into get dirty. What is wrong with people these days!!!!!
SFD Retired Fart said...
wait until the real stories come about this guy Jimgirl has hired to be Far Chief. Let the investigtion begin. I'll be back, gotta get some popcorn and a soda pop so I can sit back and watch!
6:33 PM
That's not fair. Please give us a little clue!!
This is just another example of the Gordy FD and the Admin Nut Job wasting taxpayer dollars. The are fireme on duty that could have done the detailing, but money bags Gordy had it done outside. He's lining himself up to kiss butt on the new Chief that arrives today. Hope the council makes him reimburse the city for his lazy and wasteful actions.
Just an update on the Salisbury Fire Department. The new guy Jimmy Boy has hired as his fire chief is one clueless individual with no, absolutely no, experience running a fire department. This guy has no idea what it is like to be a career firefighter coming up through the ranks. He came here and snowballed his way into a position he clearly knows nothing about. The worst thing about him is he has already climbed in bed with Rick Hoppes and Bill Gordy. He is working full steam ahead to make sure the Mayor and Council accepts the fire boat. To the tax payers of this city and county hold on to your wallets!
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