DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Should A Good States Attorney Behave Like This?
Seth Mitchell has proven, (without any question whatsoever) he is not a fair and honorable man. Yesterday, Seth Mitchell went to this Rt. 50 business location and installed a large sign right in front of Matt Maciarello's. We had just published an article HERE recently showing Seth was getting desperate in his sign placement.
Back on September 2nd I stated the following: "Now, in my honest opinion, Seth did a horrible job last night. You know what Folks. Seth reminds me of that kid always complaining he didn't get his way. Those perky lips, like a pout, shoulda, coulda, woulda. Stomping his feet as Daddy gets out of his Rolls Royce saying, now Seth, you shouldn't have done that, GO TO YOUR ROOM! Pucker, pucker, stomp, stomp! Not my idea of the next States Attorney. My guess (if Seth were to win) is that 75% of the Staff in the States Attorneys Office would search for new jobs immediately. That's a scary thought Folks, especially with crime being so high in Wicomico County. Better keep that in mind when you go to the polls."
After speaking to some very respectable people this morning we all agreed, Seth Mitchell is a desperate man who acts like a spoiled child. GA Harrison recently posted an article, If Seth Mitchell Knocks On Your Door … in which he mentions Seth going after little old ladies who already have Matt Maciarello signs in their yard. Is this really how a professional States Attorney should behave?
Being the States Attorney isn't just about prosecuting cases, it's about managing your staff and being a leader. Bullying citizens and business owners is NOT the way to prove you're the man for the job. I personally believe Seth is so desperate that he will go out, (as proven over and over again) and place one of his campaign signs literally 3 feet in front of his opponent. Again, who's endorsing Seth Mitchell, NO ONE! A good man once defended me when he was asked, why do you associate yourself with Joe Albero. His reply was, I judge a man by the company he keeps. Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Rick Pollitt, Stevie Prettyman, Sandy Fitzgerald, John Cannon, Andy Harris, Jeannie Hadaway, the list goes on and on. Who does Seth Mitchell keep company with?
In closing, I went inside this restaurant, (in which I enjoy more so than any other Mexican restaurant in town) and spoke directly with the Owner. He was completely unaware that Seth had just placed this sign directly in front of Matt's. He politely came outside with me and walked around the corner to see what I was complaining about. He was shocked and instantly grabbed one side of the sign while I grabbed the other and together we REMOVED Seth's sign and placed it to the side. By the way Seth, you're welcome to install it again, just not in front of Matt's sign.
Folks, if you know of ANY other location in which Seth Mitchell has done this to Matt Maciarello, please contact me at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com and I will head out there immediately to take more pictures and discuss it with the property owner. I want to thank La Tolteca for removing this sign as the owner simply wants to remain neutral but understands how unfair this move was on Seth's behalf.
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Thank you for sharing this. I have seen just about enough of Mr. Mitchell's bad behavior and we will cast our vote for Matt. I'm also going to stop in to this restaurant this evening with my family for making the proper decision to remove his sign.
To all of those people that keep reporting sign placement "issues" its very immature and becoming very annoying. Maybe next election politcians shouldnt be allowed to place any sign...that way we wont have to hear people complain about them.
Seth covered up Davis Ruark's signs outside of a number of the polling locations on the day of the primary election also. Seth demanded that one of Davis's Assistants remove a Davis Ruark sign from a yard and tried to intimidate a young man and threaten a lady. Congratulations Democrats! You have successfully nominated a total loser. Davis is ten times the man that Seth is. Until this election I was a Democrat. I am no longer. Good Luck Matt. We are counting on you now.
Well , I have to mention that Obama made it to the whitehouse as an illegal citizen , his votes that were captured by the panthers and on and on. So I guess this is small stuff compared to obama setting the example the get votes.
anonymous 10:41, are you Seth? Just asking.
If 10:41 isn't Seth, maybe it's Johnathan Taylor, who is fat enough to be on BOTH sides of the state line!
Mitchell is a scumbag.
10:41's comments are sickening and I say that as someone who is NOT a "follower." There are thing Joe Albero does that I absolutely hate and somethings that I think are good.
I will take issue with your name-dropping of politicians as people who "keep company" with you though, Albero.
Politicians should treat everybody the same. I think those you named are great too but I think that's because they do treat everybody equal.
As for Mitchell and his signs, sometimes the only way to place a sign is inconvenient for the one that got there first. But I will say from your photos that is not the case and I think that kind of tactic is low-class.
See, I can be fair.
Matt was told about Seth putting his sign in front and told his committee to leave it in place. It speaks volumes about the character of W. Seth Mitchell. Matt could care less where Seth puts his signs.
11:03 please -- you are way too kind - lol. Joe would never publish what he really is. I am warning Wicomico County as strongly as I can on a blogsite that if Stet wins, Wicomico County will go downhill so fast it will cause the ruination of us all.
Kind of like here in Worcester County only we caught the desperate State's Attorney team stealing signs from the current State's Attorny on film. Sad....just sad.
Seth has never sent anyone to jail , nol process is his name. You are fighting a losing battle , of course you are used to that.
Seth is a bum through and through. He knows he doesn't stand a chance.
Matt is going to win no matter how many signs go up in front of him. I have two in my yard and if he would like to place more in my yard then please by all means do so. He has the backing of Mike Lewis and that says it all.
do you know for a fact that seth put that sign there, for all "we" know, you may have put it there to CREATE an issue
As a citizen, I expect public servants, ESPECIALLY in executive branch, to follow the letter of the law, set an example, and be honest and fair. If you are going to be dealing out "justice" you better be cleaner than clean and your integrity MUST be unquestionable. Or find another job. Underhanded actions, legal though they may be (such as placing your election sign so as to block your opponents material), is underhanded, also possibly "cheating", and certainly NOT fair.
lmclain- Couldn't have said it any better. He is very dirty, creepy and unethical.. I wish he'd come to my door he would get a piece of my mind and maybe stop all his "cheating antic's" This guy must be stopped and Wicomico County you must get out there and Vote MATT MACIARELLO he is the one to serve you right. He's clean Stet is a slimy monster
Seth is a TOOL!!!!
Is it Stet himself placing these signs or his main supporter Robinson and his band of losers? I was wondering why Robinson took all the advertising off his vehicles so as not to be identified.
thank you Seth,you've made my mind up against you.
Dan Powell did the same thing to Kristy Hickman in Somerset County. She also left her sign up and placed another further down the road. Guess each county has its own scumbag.
When this election is over, not only will Wicomico County have a great new States Attorney, but Seth will have to move after exposing who he really is to the whole County, not just the legal community. Say Goodnight Seth
he has the backing of lewis and that says it all wake up my vote is for seth just because of that
all the signs amount to trash
it just goes to show politicians think the voting populace are as stupid as cattle
and really do the bad drivers around here really need one more distraction
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