Short and sweet (bittersweet?), those are the facts. Since Jim Ireton’s move into the Mayor’s office we have seen one debacle after another regarding the leadership of the Salisbury Police Department:
- Ireton lacked the courage to tackle an insubordinate and unpopular police chief.
- Ireton appointed a replacement (after allowing the former chief to extort the taxpayers) and repeatedly claimed that he “had the job for as long as he wants it.”
- After his own appointed interim chief applied for the permanent position, Ireton put forward TWO different individuals to the City Council. Not one was the man who “had the job for as long as he wants it.”
- After finally getting a permanent chief approved by council, Ireton now has argued that he didn’t really appoint the new chief.
While I wish her all the best, she obviously didn't do her homework on the crazy politics that is Salisbury. Good Luck as you are going to need it.
one word - DEMOCRAT -
Jim Ireton is a Democrat, lets break it down, loser, lier, worthless..
So sad, but so true. One thing could be worst, He could be teacher for your child.
Ivan Barclay - For Mayor of Salisbury... He has my vote, come on people here is a man you can trust and what Salisbury needs.
Thanks well written and explained
Well written G.A., but something lies underneath. I hope someone does some digging to find out why Barkley was passed over. Enquiring minds want to know.
loser,liar worthless comes in all politicians The new chief will have al the support she needs from the Mayor as long as she does what he says.
Living in Ocean City? Maybe she has heard about Salisbury's crime rate?
This will be awesome to watch!
All politicians aren't liars. Well, maybe if you separate politicians from those elected. Not all who are elected are politicians.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen would have confirmed Barkley had they had the chance. I don't buy this "commission didn't move him forward" stuff either. It was the mayor's call.
But since Barkley wasn't moved forward, this city needs to stop its sniping and give this woman an honest chance.
Cohen's quote in the paper today was great showing confidence in Barkley and in the new chief. If Ivan Barkley can show leadership in backing the new police chief, everyone else can too!
I wish our new police chief good luck. We certainly welcome you and your family here. Chief Barkley will be a valuable asset to you. As a taxpayer, we certainly hope that we have the opportunity to meet with you to discuss our crime problems and concerns here in Salisbury. I would recommend a meet and greet with you, your department heads, Sheriff Mike Lewis as well as the Maryland State Police. I don't want to see Mayor Ireton or any of the council involved with this. I don't want them to have the opportunity to cut the meeting short so that our concerns have not been addressed. In the past, we have tried to address issues at Council Meetings only to have the meeting cut short and our concerns were not heard. This has gotten us no where. So please if you would please consider this, the citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County would greatly appreciate the opportunity to get to know you. Thanks, Beth
Anonymous said...
one word - DEMOCRAT -
Jim Ireton is a Democrat, lets break it down, loser, lier, worthless..
10:41 AM
And this woman comes from a town that is strictly ran by...you guessed it...Democrats!
Mount Vernon, NY
Elected Officials
Position Name Term Ends
Mayor Clinton Young, Jr (D)
Comptroller Maureen Walker (D)
City Councilperson Roberta L. Apuzzo (D)
City Councilperson Steven Horton (D)
City Councilperson Diane Munro-Morris (D)
City Councilperson Karen Watts (D)
City Council President J. Yuhanna Edwards (D)
This is from the "Mount Vernon Inquirer" website --
On Friday, May 23, Mayor Clinton I. Young, Jr., promoted Captain Barbara Duncan to the position of Chief of the Mount Vernon Police Department during a special ceremony on the steps of City Hall. Mayor Young was joined by New York State Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson; Mount Vernon City Council President Loretta Hottinger; Council members Yuhanna Edwards and Steven Horton; Police Commissioner David Chong, members of the Mount Vernon Police Benevolent Association and more than 60 friends and colleagues.
Captain Duncan first became a police officer in Mount Vernon in January, 1989. She rose through the ranks being promoted to Sergeant in 1994, Lieutenant in 2003, and Captain in 2006. During her time on the force, she enjoyed assignments as a Patrol Supervisor, Personnel Officer, Commanding Officer of the Training Unit, Executive Officer of the Support Services Division, and Commanding Officer of the Special Operations Division.
“This is a historic day for the Mount Vernon Police Department and the city as a whole,” said Mayor Young. “This was the most difficult decision that I have had to make thus far as Mayor. Each of the candidates for Chief of Police were qualified and dedicated to serving the Mount Vernon community. I believe that Chief Duncan’s professionalism, knowledge and experience will make us all very proud to live in Mount Vernon.”
Of the ten largest cities in the State of New York, Duncan will be the only woman to serve in the capacity of Chief of Police for an entire city.
Commissioner David E. Chong said, “Captain Duncan is a dedicated focused individual and I support the Mayor’s decision on her selection as Chief of Police. The Department continues moving forward in its efforts to provide the community with the best service possible, and Chief Duncan is the perfect fit to ensure this is done.”
Chief Duncan graduated from Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry and Pace University Law School. In 2002, she attended and graduated from the F.B.I. National Academy’s 210th Session with an additional “Leadership Challenge” endorsement. She is a certified scuba diver and New York State Police Instructor. She also holds a private pilot license.
“It was my dream to become Chief of Police for the City of Mount Vernon. I look forward to working with Mayor Young, Commissioner Chong, the Police Benevolent Association, the community, as well as my fellow officers to protect and strengthen our communities,” stated Chief Duncan.
Chief Duncan resides in Yonkers with husband, retired Mount Vernon Captain Richard Duncan and six children.
That looks like a pretty full house. My guess is she'll make out fine. The people w/in the department and the community will treat her fine, as long as she does the same.
And she has family here to help with getting to know her way around.
Sounds like the Old Chief from Princess Anne to me, Diver, Pilot and candle stick maker. Does she know where Davis Street is? Does she know who she can trust?
Hint, its not the Mayor....
2:17 PM,
Who cares about her family around here. I am sick and tired of hearing about her "family" around here. She is an outsider that doesn't deserve the job. What about the families of Ivan Barkley and the potential fire chief candidates from the fire department. Those families got screwed over by Jim Ireton and all 5, yes ALL FIVE, of the city council members.
Here is something that you should really comment on Joe. Think about it!
From a previous DT article.
"The city will continue its search for a police chief since the council did not approve the appointment of Lt. Ernest Leatherbury of the Maryland State Police, who was recommended by Ireton at Monday night's meeting.
"We're back to square one (in our search)," Ireton said. "I recommended a qualified candidate, and the council rejected that candidate."
"Council members would not comment on the appointment of a police chief, citing personnel matters; however, according to Councilman Gary Comegys, only three members voted, as he left early and Councilwoman Shanie Shields recused herself."
So why do you suppose Comegys didn't vote for or against Earnie Leatherbury? He sneaks out on a vote for Ernie Leatherbury, but he was there to vote for the fire chief and now the new police chief. Do you think it is because Ernie is the president of the Democrat Central Committee? Do you think it is because the president of the Democrat Central Committee could cause problems for Comegys future political career? I think so.
Way to go Bubba, running away from your job as an elected city council member. Nothing like hiding on this one. Typical dirty politics of the Democrats!
Yeah screw her family!!! Damn outsider. You make a compelling arguement.
1:39 Chief Duncan is used to working for idiots (Democrats) she will feel at home in Salisbury no progress will be made
Yeah screw everone!! Let me know when you run for mayor or council so I can vote for you because you make such compelling arguements.
Anonymous said...
Yeah screw everone!! Let me know when you run for mayor or council so I can vote for you because you make such compelling arguements.
4:05 PM
Because you can't spell and your grammar is so poor you shouldn't be allowed to vote!
The city used to have a restriction saying that the chief will live in the city.
Maybe we will see some change on the streets!! I hope she cleans salisbury up. WE NEED IT!!!
Anonymous said...
Maybe we will see some change on the streets!! I hope she cleans salisbury up. WE NEED IT!!!
12:47 AM
Don't hold your breath!!
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