- If you are running behind – LIE!
- If you get caught – Claim it was “JUST AN HONEST MISTAKE”
- If you get caught on that on – BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE!

As we noted on Wednesday, Todd’s campaign was caught sending out four different mailings claiming that certain people were supporting his re-election bid. Problem was that some of those folk hadn’t given their permission. Some weren’t even supporting Todd!
What was Todd’s response? He has his wife send a letter to the editor in to the Worcester County Times where she claims full responsibility for “AN HONEST MISTAKE”. That would be OK, except that any person of moderate intelligence who also has the facts available to them can only conclude that this wasn’t an honest mistake and that Todd has to take the blame.
I have never met either Todd or his wife Anita. They may well be two of the nicest folk that ever drew a breath. If we were talking about ONE mailing, I would be more than willing to accept Mrs. Todd’s mea culpa. Here’s the problem – THERE WERE FOUR MAILINGS! That’s right – FOUR. We have to conclude that Todd (or he and his wife) did this deliberately. But wait! There’s more.
Joel Todd’s wife didn’t give an interview to the Ocean Pines Independent where she stated that OPA Director Ray Unger ENDORSED her husband. No, Joel Todd managed to do that all on his own. Ironically, a letter from Unger stating his support for Todd’s opponent appears in the Worcester County Times just above Mrs. Todd’s.
It has also been reported that Todd was told by Berlin Police Chief Arnold Downing AND the Worcester County Board of Elections that Downing’s photo or endorsement could NOT be used because of Downing’s position as a Chief Election Judge. Now Downing has been removed as an election judge. I doubt that this bothers Todd too much. He needs “law enforcement support”. It doesn’t matter whether he has to lie about it, or cause harm to Chief Downing. The important thing is that Joel Todd gets re-elected. This isn’t about truth, or justice, or just doing the right and honorable thing. This is about winning an election.
Do the good folk of Worcester County really deserve a State’s Attorney whose mantra isn’t “The Rule of Law”, but rather, “The Ends Justify the Means”?
from Delmarva Dealings
Neither Joel Todd nor his wife can be trusted. Joel Todd hired the reporter with whom he was having an affair - and to whom he leaked much information over the years - to work for his office. He created the job specifically for her. Then dumped his wife and married that woman - Anita Ferguson, former Daily Times reporter. Can we really trust someone like that?
LOL!!! The State's Attorney in Worcester County is concerned about the Rule Of Law??? Too funny!! Perhaps he should speak to the police and judges in Ocean City....I'm pretty sure THEY need some training in that area...in fact, I'm POSITIVE they do. Rule of Law is a concept he should NOT be running on....
Hmm...don't remember Beau throwing Ann under the bus when the whole issue came out with Guylas. She is his campaign treasurer and he could have easily blamed her for it. I think we all know who the true gentleman in this race is. Just ask any former female employees of Joel's.
9:52 and 6:08 you both are exactly right. Created a postition for his affair right in the State's Attorney's Office and has run more than one woman out of his office due to his advances he made on them. State's Attorney or Sleeze Attorney.
This story isn't over yet. Joel hasn't blamed George W Bush.
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