DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Barbara Duncan Is Your New Police Chief Starting November 15, 2010
Mayor Ireton introduce Barbara Duncan as the new Police Chief of the Salisbury Police Department in a formal press conference today.
Mrs. Duncan was present with her Family and pretty much every department head within the City of Salisbury was also present. Only Councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen attended this momentous occasion.
Mrs. Duncan was the Police Chief in Mt. Vernon, New York and resided in Yonkers, New York. I'm sure a formal press release will soon follow to provide everyone with her formal background, (which is quite impressive).
Acting Chief Barkley assured the citizens of Salisbury, "I'm not leaving you, I'm not going anywhere." He congratulated the new Police Chief and looks forward to working with her. Mrs. Duncan had very nice things to say about Ivan and Mayor Ireton stated the vacancy had remained open for long enough.
One thing I can also inform you of, and it's official. Mayor Ireton NEVER intended to place Ivan Barkley in the running for Chief of Police. That's a fact, Folks.
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She Looks Like Obama, not impressed at all in those photos and barely wanted to shake Ivan's hand....
I say again
You know I thought Tilghman was bad... Ireton you are a complete idiot, and you will be accountable for your stupidity.
Lets see, we hire and idiot from Baltimore because they have a handle on crime there, yeah... Where is he at, only handle he had was how to take the city.
NOW we hire someone from New York, yep they have a handle on crime there. I bet she has it all figured out.
MAYOR IRETON - you need to GO!
I so agree. I worked with Ivan and could not have worked woth a better person. This is very heart breaking day for the City Police Department. Why can't a person locally who comes up through the ranks not be good enough to make it to the top???? Ivan I wish you the best....
Salisbury News did it again. Your the first one to publish anything from this meeting. I thought you were too busy today.
I changed my plans to get to this meeting. I should add, Davis Ruark was present along with the MSP and the WCSO.
I wanted Ivan to get police chief. That's all we need is more outsiders who have no clue about Salisbury.
She won't last long.
Just one of the girls, right Jim.
EXCELLENT reporting Joe!
It's a shame Ivan was never considered by Ireton! He was considered and wanted by nearly everyone on the force. I agree she doesn't look too happy, could it be because she knows what she signed up for? Could it be the lack of council support?
Either way, I am confident a Woman can do the job and I am confident a New Yorker could do the job! (being a woman from New York I can admit I am quite partial). I just hope this woman from New York is up for this job! She has her hands full and with VERY limited resources.
She has to be given a chance if you want to see a change. Welcoming her with your whining about the Mayor's mistakes is no way to make a good impression on her! I read her background on Mt Vernon police departments web page this morning and the things she is given credit for are awesome and with the funds could and should be utilized here in salisbury!
She Looks Like Obama 2:30... you have no credibility with such a stupid remark.
I don't care for Ireton as a person or a mayor... but WHY does is sexual orientation have to come in to play here!? Your disgusting!
Another city resident/employee getting screwed over by Jim Ireton and the clowns on the city council. Shame on you people. The only good news is there will be an election in the Spring and hopefully we will see some new faces.
We got rid of one loser from baltimore , I hope this is not another.
"He was considered and wanted by nearly everyone on the force."
which is probably why jim didnt want him. cant have someone (anyone) doing their jobs well araound here, remember?
Jim Ireton why don't you just go away!!
Your 'local boys' can't get anything done so why would you still keep going that route? You are too quick to condemn without seeing any results. Most of you deserve what you get.
She could at least smile a little.
This is very heart breaking day for the Salisbury City Police Department. Why can't a person locally who comes up through the ranks not be good enough to make it to the top??
Why can't the city work together to make Salisbury a better place.. noone is working together to make salisbury a better city..
not saying she can't be a great police chief and everything work out for the best.. moral seemed so much higher since ivan took over.. hope the best for Ivan..
That's right Jimmy Boy bring in another outsider. That's what is wrong with Salisbury now all these come here's trying to run the show get real and get our local people back in control before it's too late. Oh it may already be too late!
Ivan is a class act and loves Salisbury. It is unfortunate that a willful Mayor (haven't we seen enough of those) wouldn't advance Ivan's name for a council vote, even though residents, officers and the business community all had high confidence and satisfaction with the job he had done under very difficult circumstances. How many times did the Mayor say that the job was Ivan's as long as he wanted it. Having vented all of this, I want to say that I welcome the new chief. This situation isn't of her making. It was the Mayor's and could, unfortunately, set her up to fail. She does appear to be a very strong officer with great leadership skills from teh NY web site. I know Ivan well enough to bet that she will have his support. He loves Salisbury and the department and wants to see it succeed. We have a new chief. Let's work with her and see if we can fight crime together and make Salisbury a better place.
This is the ultimate slap in the face. No wonder our public servants morale is so low. This is what you get for years of dedication and sacrifice. This city is a joke and the Mayor is the head clown.
A Public works director,Police and Fire Chief from outside and no clue about Salisbury. Maybe we should hire us a Mayor from the outside to complete the circle of outsiders and come heres.
Just why wasn't this announcement important enough for ALL city council members to be there? Do tell us why Gary, Shanie and Louise.
It really is a shame that this is the direction the mayor and council chose to take. I thought it was supposed to be about fighting crime, trying to move towards a better city, and rehabilitating Salisbury. Bringing in outsiders just goes to show that not even Ireton believes the bull that he has been preaching the last year and lacks total confidence that this city and its council are capable of doing anything that they say. Mr Barkley the citizens are sorry for the complete incompetence of our so called mayor...
Mayor your an idiot and I hope ur days of foolish decisions is shortened w the next election. Your decision Just told 92 officers that no matter how good They are they'll never rise to the top. Morale WAS high...you just eliminated that
The "come here" comments are getting old! It's funny, you all complain, but there would be nothing here if it weren't for the "come heres". I am a "come here" I have ony lived here 6 years, and I have to say there are not very many locals to be found. They are few and far between! I can't speak for all of the "come heres" but I am an outstanding citizen, I don't break the law, I bust my butt each and everyday, I have wonderful children who do not break the law. Quit grouping all the "come heres" as if the locals are not at all a part of the problem! Those comments alone don't speak well for your case!
Especially if it ends up being a come here who cleans this city up! You won't want her to leave then would you!
Ireton is pissed he couldn't get approval for his man Leatherbury and because most of SPD supported Ivan, he hires yet another outsider with a background in Internal Affairs. Go figure!
Look, I have no doubt the three slobs on council would have screwed over Barkley. But we'll never know officially because Ireton didn't even try. He submitted his buddy Leatherbury.
Ireton is a spineless wimp.
All that said, let's give the woman a chance. If she said nice things about Ivan Barkley, then she is off to the right start. Sounds like she is treating Barkley better than the spineless wimp did.
Maybe she didn't smile because this is a serious job. Webster smiled all the time.
Ireton shafted Barkley. He shafted his officers.
Had he put Barkley's name forward, I believe Campbell and Cohen would have stood by Ivan. The three baffoons on council would be known for their votes.
To the new police chief, welcome and I'll support you as a citizen. To Barkley, thanks for sticking with us, even though that lousy mayor didn't stick by you.
I don't care where the person is from! She doesn't deserve the ridicule she is receiving here! Save your ire for Ireton!! He is the bad guy here! I hope she can clean up some of the trash that has ruined the city streets! I know she will have a tough row to hoe with a gutles Mayor and a council that can't decide how to wipe its own nose. Maybe we need to get away form the old ways and try the new for a change. The crime is only getting worse and the budget smaller. Good luck to the new Chief!!!
Anon 3:43 PM,
Screw Jim Ireton and the city council. I have had it with them. I am sick and tired of working hard on campaigns to get these idiots elected and all they do is turn their backs on us and the residents. I am sick and tired of Jim Ireton and the city council spending our money on outsiders. When is it going to end. These newly appointed police and fire chiefs do not deserve to be leaders in our city.
Just asking but did Chief Barkley even apply for the position? Or has anyone looked at the Job Requirement to see if Chief Barkley had the requirements to be considered for a perminent position. HR departments are sticklers for having the required background for the position. I know more than one person that has been let go due to HR audits that show they did not meet the minimum requirements regardless of if they were doing an incredible job or not.
“It was my dream to become Chief of Police for the City of Mount Vernon. I look forward to working with Mayor Young, Commissioner Chong, the Police Benevolent Association, the community, as well as my fellow officers to protect and strengthen our communities,” stated Chief Duncan.
So if it was her dream to become Chief of Police for the City of Mount Vernon then why is she leaving after a short period of time??
4:44 - probably politics. Welcome to the most screwed up place in the Maryland.
Maybe to be near her family? Her family lives on the eastern shore. everything isn't a conspiracy.
Please explain what Ivan has done to slow crime since he has been acting chief. Crime is the direct result of the economy and jobs. Until the economy turns crime will always be a problem, regardless if Duncan, Barkley or I am Chief of Police. We are fighting crime with the wrong weapons.
"Chief Barkley" complaints:
He deserves credit for having class and "moving over" as was expected of him when the temporary appointment was made.
4:34, I too worked on a number of campaigns: Jim Ireton, Louise Smith, Tim Spies, Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell.
Tim did not get in and if he had, life would be different, even with a simple majority on council
People screaming about the council need to get specific: Louise Smith LIED to get in, Gary Comegys is Barrie Tilghman and Shanie Shields is beholden to the slumlords.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen have kept their promises and voted in line with what they said they would do. They can only vote on department heads the mayor submits.
Ireton is a big big big disappointment. He smiled and winked that he would clean house and all he did was pay Webster to go away after Debbie Campbell was trashed by the paper over the whole mess, Wilber is still there, Pick, Oland and Chambers are still there, and the ones who left did their damage and moved on.
After being "Louised" by Smith and Ireton, I will never help on another campaign except Campbell, Cohen or Spies. I to a point I don't trust absolutely anybody any more in this city except those three because they have proven they have integrity.
This will be the last election I stay for in this city if we don't see a change.
Did Mr Barkley even want the job?
I hope everyone will give Mrs Duncan a chance and stop all the comments about Mr. Barkley was "done wrong". Actually he looks very happy in the pictures.
Chief of Police Mrs. Duncan was Captain and....which included the administration of Internal Affairs....
Oh great, another one from Internal Affairs just like Alan Webster!!
You all are hilarious. You all complained about the 'good ole boys' network with the BOE because everyone here takes care of their own. Same is true about SPD.
Like a lot say, if you do what you always do, you get what you always get.
It is about time we get some fresh ideas. No offense to Mr. Barkley but he really didn't do much to change the state of crime while he was interim chief. Things actually got worse!
The scumbags committing these crimes do not want a job. How can you work
9-5, when you don't get up until noon!
Barkley did apply.
The new chief has family in the area. Good reason to move back if you ask me.
4:34, you said: Screw Jim Ireton and the city council. I have had it with them. I am sick and tired of working hard on campaigns to get these idiots elected and all they do is turn their backs on us and the residents.
If you worked on Ireton's campaign, I'm gueesing you worked on Campbell's and Cohen's, maybe Smith's.
No question Ireton and Smith turned their backs on us. Waht's your beef with Campbell and Cohen? They had no choice but to vote for outsiders because the mayor didn't put forward insiders. We supposed to have acting chiefs the rest of our lives?
He can't get rid of some low lifes in the GOB thanks to Smith.
If there are so many of you that hate Ireton and the City Council members - move! Maybe YOU can get jobs as 'come here's' in another city.
I welcome these new folks. Whatever their reasons for coming here I'd like to think they came here because they have the heart and the guts to want to improve this city.
So many of you think Ireton did what he did because he likes this person and dislikes that person, etc. These folks are here because Salisbury needs to change. No one dislikes the runners-up. They did a fine job in their ACTING positions. Salisbury just needs change. These new chiefs deserve our respect as citizens and especially respect from their peers and staff.
And no one said you shouldn't rise to be the best in your ranks. If this is all it takes for the officers and firemen to lose their passion for why they became service men and women, then shame on them.
Put your uniforms on. Stand tall. And back up your city officials. The 25,000+ people here need you to act like adults.
7:02 PM I am with you 100% on that one. I couldn't have said it better.
Anonymous said...
Waht's your beef with Campbell and Cohen?
7:58 PM
Who mentioned anything about Campbell and Cohen?? BTW learn how to spell before you start writing comments and speculating.
All you whiners need to shutup. You wouldn't be happy unless Coulbourne Dykes rose from the dead and resumed his position (actually, that would make me happy too). Are you happy with the crime clearing rate in Salisbury? Let the esteemed, seemingly very well qualified woman take her position and lets see what happens. As one who had a gun pointed at his head in a routine traffic stop, I welcome the fact that she reportedly "restructured and enhanced the department's firearms training program by transitioning from static line firing to reality-based training" at her old job. Can't be implemented too soon here.
Let me start off by saying Ivan would have made an awesome Chief. The fact is we road dogs have to see past the politics and keep fighting crimnals. Strive for untiy among all road officers from all the county departments.
The war on crime has many aspects. I have been fighting crime for over twenty years. I have never sat a desk in twenty plus years. I do not know the anguish of completing a multi-million dollar budget. I have never sat and asked for cars and man power and been told no. I do not know what it is to submitt data to the U.C.R. or Feds for grants.
The fact is over 80% of the staff is out there fighting crime on a street level. It has taken many years for me to stop judging those who make the wheels roll. The ones that push all the needed paper work and deal with all the political bullshit.
We are a team no matter what aspect of this job you do. If you wear a badge then you are part of that team. We have to be a chain with no weak links or we will fail. There is no room for divide and conquer. No room for what color unifrom does he or she wear. No room for cowards.
If Mrs. Duncan is half of the leader it appears she can be you will be fine. The fact that she is not from Salisbury means nothing. A murderer in New York is the same as a murderer we have here. A crimnal knows no jurisdiction. We should be the same way. If you are at the end of a thugs gun do you really care what sex or what uniform that back up is wearing. I know I dont.
Times have changed and we have to change with it. Showing Mrs. Duncan disrepect before she even dawns a S.P.D. badge is cowardly and narrow minded. A true crime fighter will do just that. They will continue to fight crime. I do not give a crap as to who sits at the computer crunching numbers. I do care about who will back me up. Who will turn up the heat on these thugs that run "our" streets. The people of this county need all of us to work by the sweat of thy brow. We need to show no quarter to crimnals. Those that slow down or blue flu because you do not like the boss are a weak and probably should not have the honor to serve and protect. If you are that person do all the road dogs a favor get inside and push paper or better yet just get out period.
The fact is that the Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff's office could get a new boss every four years. The sad truth is rarely if ever, does that boss come from within. Is it right. At times I guess it has to be. Again I salute you at S.P.D. for showing one of your own such support it is rare in the police world. Just look no further then our sister counties and all the internal strife over who will be their next Sheriff. Friends have become enenmies and back stabbing has become the norm. Remeber when pursing dragons you dont become one.
Joe great job glad to see you back on the local beat.
May God Bless us all.
Have a Delmarvalous Day !
The Wicomican
7:20 said it perfect.... when its business as usual in salisbury its the "good ole' boys" ruining everything and looking out for eachother, when an outsider is brought in its "those darn come heres don't know anything about salisbury"... i think these folks will complain when the sun rises tomorrow just because it did
7:36 seriously? a lot of people work productive jobs and benefit society without being 9-5'ers
isnt that last picture sexual harrassment? your not allowed to hug sub-ordinates! then again, im obviously no lawyer.
Well said 12:32 am...from one of your sisters in uniform....
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