Putting an exclamation point on an unpredictable primary season, tea party-backed candidate Christine O'Donnell beat moderate and longtime front-runner Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware's GOP Senate primary Tuesday.
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Thank you for the DE senate seat O'Donnell!
Love, Dems
Thanks to this dumb broad we Repub's thank kiss out long time DE senate seat goodbye.
this is exactly the kind of party division we DONT need this november.
So lets see if things get better?
At least Mike Castle would have won DE this November.
this chick is going to hand the state over to any moderate Dem' that run against her.
Rove is right.
this likely cost the gop the senate. and palin any chance of republican support for a pres. run.
In a general election her baggage is going to front and center she will look like a fool.
How DARE you call her a "broad" you stupid good old boys may not like it- but us women are coming to shake things up!
Even if she blows the race in Nov for DE, its a win for feminists everywhere. not like that quitter Palin.
i hope all of you eat your shorts if she wins. she is better than castle, period. you vote for the best person for the job. she is better than coons as well.
its the retarded politics that will ruin this if anything. the republicans have been quoted, "we will not come to her aid if she wins." wtf is that? so if im hearing correctly, republicans (which i am one) are sore losers? republican are going to cut their noses off to spite their face? theyd rather see a democrat in there than a republican that doesnt want to spend? can you say "crap! we dont have this one in our back pocket! what are we gonig to do?!"
lose big, that is exactly what.
In advance, thank you for the senate seat in DE.
This woman has more skeletons in her closet than Beetlejuice. Just wait until the boyfriends....and girlfriends jump on CNN. Trust me, she can party.
9:45 indicated that this "likely cost the gop the senate. and palin any chance of republican support for a pres. run." That's the quote. I would say that if the Republican party denies support to O'Donnell during the general election, they are as much the problem as the Dems. The people have spoken! Now get behind the voice of the people and push it forward if we want to save this country. The Republican Party has ridden the coat tails of the tea party movement and then tried to high jack it to forward the party movement to take over the house and senate. They now want to ignore the voice of the people while complaining that the Dems are the ones ignoring the voice of the people. As a Republican I am appalled by the blatant hypocricy being displayed by my party. If you want to claim you are for the people then act like it. Get with the people. We cannot allow the liberal Democrats to continue taking this nation down the path of destruction. But we conservatives cannot do this by towing a party line - even when we know the party line goes against "we the people".
We don't want Republicans or Democrats in the House or Senate anymore. We want CONSERVATIVES. The Republicans have claimed to be the conservatives in our country - well ACT like it. Get back to the basics and re-instate the constitution as the law of the land. Two party politics was NOT intended in the Constitution and wasn't truly established until 1820 by Van Buren.
Republicans - don't piss and moan because your choices for candidates weren't chosen by conservative voters. Join them and get this country back on track. Conservatives indeed - pfff! Nothing but establishment hacks! Kick-em to the curb!
10:01 you are exactly right. I wrote the comment that called theestablishment party hacks. It hasn't been posted yet but I know Joe will post it. You are rights....this ois our race to lose. If we lose this we are nothing but idiots and we will prove to the world that party line politics is NOT what we need to carry the voice of the people forward. People get off of your high horses. We want to give our nation back to the people and we can't even get our parties to listen to the voice of the people. Call your party leaders and make them listen.
Castle lost because Delawarians are tired of him.
Castle lost because he ran a VERY negative campaign and while he made O'Donnell look bad, he made himself look worse.
Castle lost because of his ads where he was talking about "spending is out of control".
Well, where was Castle when Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq? Right there with Bush. Where was Castle when Bush wanted to put in place the tax cuts for the rich?
You got it, right there with Bush.
Those are the reasons, plus more why he lost.
Good bye Castle! While you were VERY good for Delaware years ago, you've lost touch of your state.
I remember when they said Reagan could never win either!
God Bless Christine!!
We need more people like her!!
Looks like we have a few losers, ROTFLMAO!
The People have spoken!!
10:19 Thats just the way I like them, crazy...
10:36 Reagan would not be conservative enough today.
The sad commentary is that you have a moderate beaten by a fringe extremist. No one wants anyone who will actually work across the aisle like Castle. It's just more demonizing of the opponent, and that is tearing this country apart. God help us all if this ill-equipped candidate should actually get elected to the Senate.
Work across the aisle and Castle in the same sentence? Really?
He was one of the guys saying NO to EVERYHING!
That's not working across the aisle!
He forgot how to work with people and get things done when he went to Washington.
Well now he'll be back in Delaware and maybe he can do more good for the state again instead of having to deal with all the other Washingtonians!
For some, being in Washington goes to their head and they forget WHO they are there to represent.
I think that most of the anti-O'Donnell yakers think that those of us that intend to support her and other hopefully real conservatives are not fooled by who she really is. We know she's Not paid her bills, we know she hasn't worked in forever. Partier? Staight/Gay? who cares! Her message is conservativism, plain and simple. Accountability in government, and now if she gets a job, maybe she'll address her debts, but the likes of Mike Castle and Joe Biden, now Chris Coons who in the past got my votes are done. it's over, I won't and don't believe a word they say. they're professional actors, magicians, fakers we call politicians. And I for one am done. as a registered Democrate, my intent in November is simple, any and all toggles for tea partiers, good or bad, Im gonna try 'em. After all, how much more can average working class Americans lose? Our current economy and the state of our nation rests squarely on the shoulders of those NOW in office, and their more recent predecessors. It won't happen of course, but I love the thought of a clean sweep. Entrenched garbage out, new blood in. I'm gonna give them a try.
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