In the past week I have seen John Robinson and his company vehicle putting up signs for Seth Mitchell. Soon after he was seen at the Wicomico Neighborhood Congress supporting Seth with his buddies.
I personally had a wonderful conversation last night with Seth, a very like able man. Capable, I don't believe he can "better" the States Attorney's Office but a very like able man.
Robinson tied to Mitchell. He just lost my vote.
Seth is spreading all kinds of rumors about his opponents. If that's the only way the man can win we are in deep trouble.
Robinson=Tilghman=Dunn=Comegys=Cathcart. That says enough for me.
Birds of a feather . . .
John tries to stay below the radar because of his criminal history. Big mistake for Seth.
Who tat; Larry Moe and Curly the 3 STOOGES;;;;; Ha Ha
Be careful Seth,If you get elected,John Robinson will be an unwelcome presence in your office.He will be like that pile of dog turds that you stepped in.You can scrape it of your shoe,but the stink still remains.
Robinson is supporting Seth Mitchell because he can't get anywhere with his lawsuits against you Joe as long as Davis is still there.
Robinson doesn't need a States Attorney to sue me.
Hey Andy ,This is Barney,what color shorts are you wearing, Andy said;brown Barney ok I will call Goob and let him know. see ya at the meeting.
I STILL cant believe people actually care about local politics on the eastern shore... a place who's entire voting body is less than most margin of errors haha
11:13 - Congratulations on being alive for your 106th annual election!! Perhaps you could follow up your hilarious social commentary with a 3 stooges comparison like your other geriatric friend. Way to keep the insults current fella's ...
Broke Broke and Foreclosure.
Robinson is Delusional
If He is He is in deep TROUBLE.
Gay Guys.
JR is Delusional. I saw him in Walmart talking to some blond. I listened in and he told her he does it. But only on days he not on the road at his other store. Explains a lot.
His other store is a lie.
I can prove JR is 'Delusional'. He told us and then did a post to prove it. The very first post has his initials and name in the post.
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