Yesterday the Salisbury Police Department held a Press Conference referencing the two recent murders in the City of Salisbury.
What did I walk away with from this meeting, something the rest of the Main Stream Media didn't, responsibility.
OK become a criminal for just a moment. You break into a home, where's the first place you're going to go looking for a gun. No one is home and the first place you'll look is under the pillow or mattress in the master bedroom. Then you'll look in the night stand. If you didn't find it in any of those places you'd probably head to the closet.
Look, if the homeowner has a gun, they're probably going to place it in one of those locations. The criminals know that and quite frankly the guns used in these crimes were stolen.
Chief Barkley respects the 2nd Amendment and believes in your right to own a gun, as does Sheriff Lewis. However, PLEASE, start acting more responsible with your 2nd Amendment right and put your guns away. Is it an inconvenience to lock it back up in a safe before you leave home, sure it is. However, two young men were recently killed because these thugs broke into someone's home and went to these locations and quickly found these weapons.
For those of you who wondered if the 5 shots in each murder meant anything, no, they did not. Each victim was shot with a different gun. In the most recent murder, there are several additional suspects. The original thug had the handgun and pulled the trigger twice and it didn't fire. The second thug, (now in custody) took the gun from the first guy, walked back up to the victim and started firing it as it went off five times.
The victim was a target. He had two of his friends standing right beside him and they never once, (both gunmen) aimed the gun at the other two friends.
Folks, please be more responsible with your weapons and lock them up. You WILL save a life on the streets.
Why is it that when a criminal commits a crime, the first thing people do is chastise law abiding citizen for doing something wrong. The criminal committed the crime; bust his butt, not the person who is exercising his 2nd amendment right. Where a citizen hides his gun in his home should not be the issue in a murder case. We need to find a way to stop criminals from committing crimes.
Ron, they have captured the criminal who committed this murder and they have several others they have warrants on.
Far too many years have passed with previous leaders in Salisbury who failed to recognize and or allow the public to realize just how bad things are, crime wise.
The new cannot do it alone. if YOU can help by simply locking up your gunds it will help save lives. Granted, it's unfortunate things have changed for the worst on the Eastern Shore. No more leaving your doors and windows unlocked. No more leaving your keys in the car or your wallet.
Times have change and change is sometimes difficult to take. In time, (should you participate in locking up your guns) change will become the norm.
I keep mine under the dog's bed next to my bed. If I'm not home, you can be certain they will not be looking under his bed.....Ever seen a criminal with 120lbs of PO'd dog hanging off him? It's pretty funny.
Where we can keep our guns, another liberty going down the drain.
10:45; don't get your panties in a bunch! It's not a liberty down the drain; it's just common sense on keeping our loved ones safer. No big bad Obamaman is taking away your gun!
If I could carry it then the thugs couldn't get it.
if they allowed us to carry them in md then we wouldnt need to hide them, we would have them on with us
Look, it's no law-abiding citizen's fault these guys are dead. I think Joe took it a bit far.
BUT! The real message is, stop making things easy for criminals! I hate locking up at night, but if that means the criminal moves down to the next house or car because mine is a time-consuming pain to get into, that's what I do. Sometimes, the criminal does NOT keep looking for the next place because, unsuccessful in the first try, he gets cold feet.
If these crimes were committed with stolen guns, it's on the criminals' heads. But if it was my gun and I hadn't made it hard for them to steal it, I wouldn't feel good about it. If they had had to go through 8 houses before finding a gun to steal, maybe they would've given up before the 9th house.
Well here is the deal. Now that we are getting a new DA, maybe these guys will be locked away forever or better yet get the death penalty. I am not locking my gun up so that I can't get to it when I need it. Get real. If maryland wasn't such a Democrat sinkhole, we could have CCW laws here and some of these thugs would have to move on to greener pastures but for now they can rape and pilage the citizenry because they know we can't protect ourselves. We start shooting a couple of these bangers and they will think twice about and home invasion or other violent crime
Ron Thomas hit the nail squarely on the head. Put the blame where it belongs, not on the innocent.
Yes I agree with 4:01 . Tell the Thug "Oh wait hold it , I have to unlock my gun so I can kill you before you kill me "!! Get real !!
Where do you keep your guns?
Lawd, chile....if thugs are gonna steal my guns and then kill EACH OTHER, well, uh, uh,...they'll be a couple of handguns out on the nighstand tonight, boys....bad idea, I guess....
Bull crap! It's my home , it's my pillow , it's my mattress. The citizens have to be the ones to suffer again.
The root of the problem , criminals don't go to jail.
The police can't hurt the criminals , the lawyers protect the criminals , the judges kiss their hiney.
In my pocket!
Right to carry decreases crime rates look it up -- it works!!! Its proven!!!!
5:57 PM
EXACTLY! i'd like to take out a couple myself.
I just wish these thugs would actually serve the time they get sentenced.One of the suspects from last weekend is obviously a career criminal who was already behind bars and got released early.I like the earlier comment,I for one would love to see a criminal rushed to PRMC for stitches after breaking into a house with a fierce dog BUT the way the system is the homeowner would be sued for dogbite.
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